Strengths My most obvious strength is a college education . Graduating from a college in Germany , I have acquired basic skills and expertise that help me position myself to recruiters . Since it was a reputable institution I can say that I have gained solid knowledge that prepared me for a job that requires independent thinking and analytic skills I am now pursuing a second degree in England University , which is also one of my strengths . This fact demonstrates that I am serious about learning
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A Critical Analysis of My Strengths and Weaknesses in the skills of Assertiveness Assertiveness enables us to act in our own best interests, to stand up for ourselves without undue anxiety, to exercise personal rights without denying the rights of others, and to express our feelings honestly and comfortably (Alberti & Emmons, 2008). Within interpersonal communication, the skill of assertion is absolutely vital; it is a skill we are constantly utilising either consciously or unconsciously
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It takes time to know your strengths and weaknesses and going through tough times we are testing ourselves and we see better our strong and weak sides. Passion, commitment, self-management would be my strengths. I am very passion about what I am doing if I like what I do. I am an optimistic person and when something goes not as I planned I know that everything what happens happened for a reason. My weakness is that I am taking a lot of things close to my heart, I am too sensitive and I am
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testing my cultural awareness. The test presented me with cultural scenarios to see how I was with cultural differences in behaviours. This quiz had a business focus and looked at some common possible situations people come across. The second test I took was Cross Cultural Quiz 2. This quiz tested on cultural differences, etiquette, customs and language in a timed test. My scores were not very good, which surprised me because I felt like I was aware of most cultural differences. My scores were
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What are your primary strengths? What aspects of yourself would you like to improve? What do you hope to learn during the Executive MBA Program that will help you refine your strengths and minimize your weaknesses? How many job interviews have I been part of where my strengths and weaknesses were inquired? - Every one of them and yet, I am astounded that my answers are different each time. I actually think it is rather exciting that my weaknesses don’t remain the same for a long time – I hunt for
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writing sample. Assignment: What do you believe are your personal strengths and weaknesses? Everyone has set strengths and weaknesses which most of the time determine the way we tackle and embark life Strengths are a mixture of talent and demeanor that someone is born with and they grow over an extensive duration of time. Too many people confuse this with skills which you can learn and improve with time. As for weaknesses, these are aspects of ourselves that challenge us to find solutions.
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Activities Understanding the results of my Competencies activity can help me with my strengths and weaknesses. This will allow me to focus on things that I should improve on and things I can assist others with. According to my results, my strengths are: strategizing, being innovative, and goal oriented. Knowing this, I can serve my team by formulating goals, creating more efficient ways of obtaining those goals, and completing those goals. Recognizing that I have weaknesses in organizing, I can put more of
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10-5-14 My Personal Development Paper - Outline and Theme Statement -Theme Statement: In this report, I am going to focusing on what my strengths are and where my weaknesses from my past, also how to use my strengths now in the present, then I will work into in the future, and how to develop my weaknesses to be my strengths as well. -Introduction: Knowing yourself and what you can do, can help you recognize and overcome your weaknesses. The personal development plan for me is a chance to know my self
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Personal Strengths and weaknesses Writing about my personal strengths is a challenging task that requires me to focus on the strong points that make up my character. While, however; speaking on my weaknesses, tend not to be such a problematical task. Trying not to speak in such a modest way about oneself, yet present an encouraging outlook on my strengths, require me to examine what skills makeup the positive force that drives my everyday being. However, to attack my weaknesses, is to challenge
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efficiently executed. The result should be an effective practise to reach my goal. This is done by the inclusion of an Action Plan, which will assist in reaching my goal and narrow my focus and drive to achieve that goal. To enable me to create an Action Plan, I first need to list particulars of thing needed to do to accomplish my goal. This is done by
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University Trends and Issues in Health Care NRS-440V June Helbig July 18, 2013 Combining Nursing Leadership with Advocacy According to Dictionary.com, a strength is the quality or state of being strong, a mental power, force, or vigor; a weakness is the lack of strength, an inadequate quality. We all have and carry our own strengths and weaknesses of qualities. As I’ve learned in class this week, every nurse can be a leader. It was difficult to see the leader in myself until I took the Nurse Manager
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When evaluating my work in the class along with strengths and weaknesses; I have found ways that help me to improve those weak points. Breaking it down into a few categorized assignments is the best way to evaluate my work. Starting with my homework which is always turned in on time with a grade of four out of five, or better. I do extremely well on the quiz’s, with returning grades of A’s or B’s. My strengths over the course of the class would be the multiple ways to combine simple sentences, for
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ASSIGNMENT QUESTION: Describe the competencies required by you as a manager. Analyse your own Strengths and Weaknesses against these competencies and devise a personal development plan to ensure your own effectiveness in a managerial role. TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION CHAPTER ONE..................................................COMPETENCIES OF A MANAGER CHAPTER TWO.............................................SWOT ANALYSIS CHATER THREE.............................PERSONAL DEVELPOMENT PLAN
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Strengths and Weaknesses Assignments Strengths: I believe that my physical and mental strength, stamina, and speed are my greatest strengths. I think that when presented the opportunity I can finish well and I am a decent header of the ball. I sometimes find myself in good positions up top but sometimes get nervous and fluff the ball away. I believe that my first touch is improving but there is certainly more work needed to improve it. I believe that I’m a good tackler and I can man mark well. I
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Goals Essay Writing isn’t my favorite thing to do, but I don’t hate it. It all strongly depends on the topic I have to write about. I get motivated when I’m able to write about something that really strikes my interest. When it comes to a personal essay that has to pin point a moment in my life, I cannot do it. That is one of my biggest weaknesses when it comes to writing papers. I get stuck and have no idea how to lay it out and tell you the story how it should be told. The paper gets scattered
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Susan Cameron Personal Ethical Statement The Ethical Lens Inventory was thought to be a waste of time and a pointless homework assignment. Now after completing, my view on this assignment has juristically changed due to the fact I was able to learn new things about myself, and have a better understanding on how to overcome obstacles. My preferred ethical lens is Collaboration. Collaboration is essential throughout life whether you are in school, sports, or work a typical job. In any situation
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AZ 85283 (612)735-7735 Mrs. Linda Sweet SMCC 7050 24th St . Phoenix , AZ 85042 Aug 28, 2008 Dear Mrs. Sweet, My name is Abdi Mohamoud, and I’m a class of 2008 graduate at Marcos de Niza . I’m also new to Arizona , only been here a year. My purpose in writing this letter is to tell you about my strength and weaknesses as a writer. After reading this letter you will find out of what I’m capable of and also in what areas in writing I need help in. I can see myself
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In a distance-learning environment, I will use the study techniques recommended for my personality type and strongest intelligences because the techniques given to me seem to match me straight on. I enjoy the organization of the online classroom and having different areas to find different materials and the required documents. I take the time to read the text and break it down and organize it according to my needs. I always use a planner to schedule what tasks are due when because I am also juggling
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2 Research Findings 3 Delivery of Debate, Strengths and Weaknesses 4 Feedback Evaluation and Myself Reflection 5 Conclusion
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Sydney last month, I tried my best to adapt myself to the completely new living surroundings. Enjoying the fantastic weather, delicious food and friendly relationship among people, I face some problems such as the high frequency using of transportation, which pushes me to take into account whether need to purchase a car to facilitate my daily life. To make a correct decision, I want to apply the SWOT tool to analyse this case. Initially, I list the strengths, weaknesses from the internal aspects
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negatives of my sampling and research methods which I had chosen to decide whether there is a market for an Internet Café in Tilehurst and how they impacted my decision. Sampling • Methods chosen When I decided my research methods I had to sample my research, I chose Cluster and quota sampling. I used these sampling methods on my research methods which were surveys and internet. Below I will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of sampling, the research methods and the consequences on my research
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Strength resembles power, maturity, dominance, and growth; which are factors that I believe relates to me. On the other hand, weak is defined as lacking the power to perform physically demanding tests; lacking physical strength and energy. I am perfectly imperfect which means I possess strengths and weaknesses. Three of my most significant strengths are confidence, independence, and my strength. I would consider myself as being confident simply because I know with the help of God anything is possible
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genuinely relate it to my team. We are all different individuals that come from different backgrounds but at the same time I feel our individual commitment to this group will make us succeed. We all bring unique qualities which helps balance us out. However, I believe we all have strengths and weaknesses. My strengths are creativity, open-minded, and determination. I am a creative individual which loves to design and create new things. I am always working on projects and my biggest reward is the
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Results Summary Strengths Weaknesses How Satisfied Am I with My Job? 76 middle range Satisfied and does good work. Could improve both in quality of work and motivation Am I Engaged? 18 (Not a Student) Needs to devote more time to work and self-improvement Not interested in school How Are You Feeling Right Now? 38 OK- Good OK What’s My Affect Intensity? 30 Self-controlled with emotional display. Showing negative emotions towards co-workers or customers may require improvement. What’s My Emotional Intelligence
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know such as opening hours, address or contact phone numbers. However there are still some issues about the website that can be proposed to transformation. Evaluation I will now evaluate 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of this website. First of all, I will start to talk about their 2 strengths. For strength 1: I can see the home- page of “Fusion54 Bar & Bistro” is presented clearly and attractively with the images of their delicious dishes. Also the intro-descriptions and restaurants details are
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Step2: Doing an external analysis, opportunities and threats. positive trends in the external enviroment negative trends in the internal enviroment Step3: Doing an internal analysis, strenghts and weaknesses Strengths: activities the organization does well or any unique resource Weaknesses: activities the organization does not do well or resourcs it needs but does not posses Step4: Formulating strategies Require strategies at the corporate, business, and functional levels of the organization
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This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me my rifle is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless. I must fire my rifle true. I must shoot straighter than the enemy who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will. My rifle and I know that what counts in war is not the rounds we fire, the noise of our burst, or the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We
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Program Transformed: In July 2005, I returned to America from my Fulbright year in Germany with a contract to teach at Montgomery Bell Academy (MBA). I was exhilarated to have the opportunity to work at such an esteemed school with a long tradition of excellence in educating young men. Since my freshman year in college, I had desired to teach German – to inspire within others a passion for the language and culture of my ancestry. My original assignment included teaching one beginning German class
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unaware weaknesses- based feedback fails to improve employee performance, and frequently provided it on employees’ weaknesses (Aguinis, Gottfredson & Joo 2012, p.110). The article are written by Aguinis, Gottfredson and Joo, “Delivering effective performance feedback: The strengths- based approach”, gives nine research- based recommendations on how to deliver effective performance feedback to employee, and proved that strengths- based approach to performance feedback is superior to the weaknesses- based
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to do next to prevent mistakes. What is my dominant learning style and has it changed since I took the test in year 1 – My dominant learning style is activist although I was parts of other ones too. The learning style I was most close to after was reflector. As I am mostly an activist I like to learn by doing. And to work things out at the time and as they go along. I like to have a go and tend to act first then consider my actions. I like to fill my days with activity and learn best when I am
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