Need to build a better vocabulary? Our 15 vocabulary wordlists will boost your vocabulary to the level of a highly educated reader.
The lists are suitable for high school students and older learners. Lists 1-10 are probably sufficient for a student taking SAT, for example. The full set of 1500 words is ideal for GRE, MAT and higher level tests.
Word Focus is our systematic approach to advanced vocabulary building. Find out more about Word Focus.
You can print out the word lists for your own use. You can also pass the lists on to your friends and relatives. You can use the lists in different ways:
You are free to print out copies of these lists for classroom use.
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You are free to use the unedited lists in innovative ways but you must always acknowledge majortests.com.
For example, you could use the word lists as worksheets
You can also assign sentence completion mini tests from www.majortests.com/sat for homework. You can also consider assigning the antonym or analogy tests from www.majortests.com/gre for students who have reached a suitable level.
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