Use this form to record details of activities (tick as appropriate)
1 Observed by your assessor
2 Seen by expert witness
3 Seen by witness
4 Self reflective account
Links to
Date of Activity
Performance evidence
Learning Outcome
Assessment Criteria
Performance evidence
Describe the duties and responsibilities of your own role.
To carry out assessments, monitor outcomes, record, plan and communicate effectively within the team and to professionals and outside agencies.
To ensure the young persons
Voice is heard and acted upon.
They are at the heart of the process and understand it.
Enabling them to be part of his/hers community.
To be fully aware of risk factors without denying opportunities.
Emotional, physical, psychological needs are met
As a keyworker I am responsibly for
Planning and facilitating weekly key worker sessions, recording and following up on actions.
Complete monthly case management report.
Ensure behaviour support plan is up to date as it is an ongoing document.
Ensure individual risk assessment is up to date as it is an ongoing document.
Review weekly recording sheets and keep everything up to date with housekeeping on files, ensuring all information is correct and recording is good quality
Review targets in care plan within the 3 periods of the outcomes tracker.
Complete learning logs with the young person
To have an overview of the young person bedroom and it is tidy and safe to an appropriate standard.
To carry our reviews of medication that everything is recorded properly in their medication file and MAR sheet.
To arrange appointments with outside agencies.
To work conjunction with parent/social worker in a professional relationship.
To help keep contact with family and friends
To attend reviews, LAC, ANNUAL where possible
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Performance evidence record (continued)
Links to
Date of Activity
Performance evidence
Learning Outcome
Assessment Criteria
Performance evidence
Explain expectations about own work role as expressed in relevant standards.
I need to be very professional with the outside agencies I meet and meeting that I attend within my role as a key worker. I need to communicate effectively at all levels using confidentiality and using Barnardo’s policies and procedures, basis and values and equality and diversity. With all the young people I work with. Following their IRA, BSP and relevant paper work.
Explain the importance of reflective practice in continuously improving the quality of the service provided.
Within my key working roll I am always reflecting how could I have managed a situation differently and if I did would I have got the same outcome. I think that you need to reflect incidents either with work colleagues, or in team meetings. I have my supervisions which I can speak out about things. Training will give me a tool to help identify and improve the service and level of care I give following policies and procedures at all times.
Describe how own values and beliefs systems and experiences may affect working practice.
I need to work to the Barnardo’s values and beliefs and not to let my own opinions influence a situation or have an impact in a negative way. For example if I was a Jehovah Witness I would not believe in celebrating Christmas and Birthdays, however in my role I must source both Birthday and Christmas presents for the young person. I would do this professionally and within Barnardo’s policies and procedures. I would bring it up at my supervision and discuss it going forward for the future positively. I personally have high detail & standards and sometimes think everybody should have the same attention to detail. I am