Out of an ideal 40, I scored:
Spiritual Health—38; Social Health—37; Personal Health Promotion/Disease Prevention—37; Intellectual Health—36; Emotional Health—34; Environmental Health—31; Personal Health—30
According to these scores, my overall “health awareness” is about half and half. While there are four categories in which I scored 35 or above—the ideal range—t here are three areas in which I need to improve. I was not surprised to see Spiritual Health in the number one slot; however, I did not expect to see Personal Health at the bottom. I realize I do not eat, sleep, and exercise properly or regularly, but taking this assessment made it visibly apparent how much I am neglecting my physical body. Because I am generally happy with my body size and weight, I do not focus as much time or attention in these areas. When I do exercise, I focus on strength training. I need to develop a consistent regime of exercise with a balance of cardio, strength, and stretching. I also need to practice better time management, so I can get a healthy seven hours of sleep each night. Allotting more time for my physical (personal) health will increase my energy, as well as my mental alertness. In turn, this will affect the other dimensions of my health in a positive way.
Seeing my Emotional Health outside the ideal range was another shocker. I like to think my Emotional Health would be closer to the top, but my scores reveal otherwise. The biggest stumbling block for me in this area is my inability to adjust and adapt or consistently handle negative situations in a positive way. I am a positive person by nature, but I struggle emotionally when I think others perceive me negatively—if even in one instance. It bothers me. While I need to be mindful of the persona I project, I should not allow what others think about me to weigh heavily regarding my emotional well-being. Taking this assessment helped me see the