Essay on Winston Churchill and Focus Question

Submitted By kelanhandley
Words: 751
Pages: 4


The strengths and weaknesses in conducting the investigation and reasons why.
During the course of my research the most important thing that I thought I did was going to the library, without the library books I would have no variety, all my sources would be simply from the internet. One of my strengths I believe was the presenting of my work, I put a lot of work into the presentation and I believe it shows in my final copy. I did on the other hand get distracted while researching, after 20 minutes I would find myself playing play station or on Facebook. I also had sporting and family functions that I had to attend which took up a good amount of the day, so time management was very important.
I believe I found good written evidence and primary sources for focus question 1 that were found from reliable sources both from the internet and books. I had trouble in finding pictorial evidence that linked to the background of the Campaign from books. Overall I believe the evidence I found for the first focus question was relevant to the topic and had good explanations.
For focus question 2 I found it extremely hard to find secondary evidence while I had no trouble in finding primary sources. I found numerous pictorial and written evidence from books which was good but at times annoying, as I wanted to put more pieces into my research from the same book.
In my opinion I found the last of the focus questions to be the most difficult. I couldn’t find many written or pictorial evidence from the time of the Gallipoli Campaign, 1915. I did on the other hand find an excellent piece of a newspaper article from 1915 that I thought was my best of information from my whole investigation. I had to spend the most time on this question as it took quite a while to gather all the needed material.

Your views about the relevance of evidence you gathered and also whether it was sufficient to answer effectively your focusing questions.
I believe that the Fq2 was the easiest to complete and has the most relevant evidence. Fq2 had many sources to choose from compared to the last focus question which took the most time to complete.
I am certain that all my 7 pieces of evidence for focus question 1 are completely relevant to the background of the campaign. I consider my information to be of a high standard that answers the focus question and gives insight into the background of the Gallipoli Campaign. I think that my evidence piece A1 – the British War Council extract was my best piece for Fq1 as it showed how Winston Churchill and Lord Kitchener were involved in the making of the Gallipoli Campaign.
I reckon that people who know nothing about the Gallipoli Campaign could read my evidence for focus question 2 and have a clear understanding of what the