1) 6 management functions
Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Controlling, Directing, Decision Making.
To discover decision making is the most important is surprising because it is often overlooked and seen as an obvious option and not something that takes so much focus. As a healthcare manager each decision is critical and can mean life or death. It is also critical when considering patient privacy and service of the utmost quality.
2) Matrix Model
The matrix model demonstrates how a small practice should attain high performance levels. "The matrix model recognizes that a strict functional structure may limit the organization's flexibility to carry out the work, and that the expertise of other disciplines is needed on a continuous basis." (Buchbinder & Shanks, 2012)
3) A manager must first mange herself
“A manager must first be able to manage herself by managing her time, information, space and materials and by having a positive attitude and high motivation; and keeping a current understanding of management techniques and substantive issues of health care management” (Buchbinder & Shanks, 2012). To me this is the definition that should also apply to a dietician. Learning about health care management will help me to come up with goals and objectives while understanding their importance in the world of healthcare.
4) Succession Planning
“First, mentoring programs for junior management that senior management participate in have been advocated as a good way to prepare future healthcare leaders (Buchbinder & Shanks, p 12).
This is great because it instills purpose in junior management and builds relationships within the organization. To have the best leaders guide the junior management group creates an environment built upon a strong foundation of teamwork. Then the junior management can have someone to look up to.
Ch. 2 Leadership
1) Authentic Leadership
“people will want to naturally associate with someone who is following their internal compass of true purpose.”
If you ever wonder what drives people to work, the answer is probably something much deeper than you think. Each person has an internal compass of true purpose, so close to who they are, what they represent and the core of what drives an individual. I am always curious of how I can motivate others, but rarely do I ask what it is that motivates them. A true purpose is far deeper than a motivational tool, and it can also help to get to know a person. I think it is important for anyone to think about when working with people.
2) Servant Leadership
This “applies to top administration’s ability to lead, acknowledging that a health care leader is largely motivated by a desire to serve others.” In leadership providing a service to others is number one. As the key ingredient to a manager is to have skilled emotional intelligence (EI), this is where a person in a position of leadership thrives. There is nothing I like more than a person who says “I do this job simply because I enjoy it.” A person needs to be passionate about serving others in order to be a great manager.
“True leaders inspire commitment from dedicated people.” (Buchbinder & Shanks, p 19) Maybe the most important skill for a leader is to inspire.
3) The American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE).
ACHE school shows that the new belief is that leadership can be taught. It is interesting and good to know that there are opportunities out there to further your education if you desire a promotion to a position in leadership. This shows that positions are no longer being given to people simply because they are the next option and it takes work to get to the top.
4) Emotional Intelligence
The leadership principles from the text book about the importance of Emotional Intelligence (EI) will relate to my career because it emphasizes that I must have the
well as the responsbilities of external auditors. 1. The principal docimentation, processes and records in the sales and return system Sales system The Sales Department 1. Receiving the order from the customer: Prepare the receipt of order and record all the information about the order including the goods and the customer into the database. 2. Preparation of the order: Check the payment method. If it is the credit sale, go to the credit check step, otherwise generate the sale order. Two copies…
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