Advertise on provides practice tests and information for high school, college and graduate tests. has a no-nonsense approach to test prep and gives students access to a large number of practice tests and questions written by test prep professionals.

Audience Snapshot

Our audience includes students preparing to take a high school, college or graduate level test such as the SAT, GRE or GMAT. Our audience also includes parents and teachers of the younger students.

Traffic Statistics

  • Over 2,450,000 page impressions a month
  • Over 160,000 unique visitors a month
  • Largely US based audience with over 60% of all visits being from the US
  • Visitor loyalty: average visitor spends over 10 minutes on the site, over 45% of visitors return to the site, over 35% visit us 3 times or more

Advertising opportunities

Direct advertising

Advertising directly with us gives you access to our whole inventory and advanced targeting options.

We currently accept ads in the following formats:

  • Wide skyscraper (160x600) + Leaderboard (728x90)
  • Image (jpg, gif, animated gif)
  • Rich Media (flash)

Our ad serving technology allows you to:

  • Target visitors from specific countries
  • Frequency capping to limit the number of times your ad is shown to the same person
  • Target any page on the website
  • Custom targeting parameters (e.g. test results page when a student scores less than 75%)

The minimum order for the direct advertising option is US$ 1,000. For smaller orders, consider using Google Adwords (see the "Do it yourself" option alongside).

To discuss your specific advertising requirements, or to place an order, please contact us.

Do it yourself

If you prefer, you can advertise on yourself using Google AdWords.

Google AdWords allows you to run text ads in addition to image and rich media formats.

This method allows you to pay per click (CPC) or per impression (CPM).

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