Market Analysis
Market potential
Size of the market:
About two billion dollars in sale makes the company Mars with the product Snickers.
Market growth:
Altough the global economic crisis, the candy industrie has a constant growth.
Market structure
Types of customer:
Chocolate lover
Distribution Channels:
Selecta etc.
Migros, Coop, Denner etc.
Is rising continiously, because oft he price of cacao.
Depends of the country and region. In southern countries, the bars have more sugar.
Qualitative market datas:
Needs oft he customers
Large variation (different flavours)
Buying motives
Energy supplier
For Dessert
Politisch und rechtliche Umwelt:
Umstrittener Einsatz von Nanotechnologie, damit bei der Schokolade keinen grauer Überzug entsteht und somit länger haltbar bleibt
Richtlinien und Normen im Bereich Lebensmittelgesetz
Naturschutzgesetze (Anbau von Kakao, Pflanzenöl)
Der Preiswettbewerb
Höhere Preise für Schokolade
Abhängigkeit von Geldgebern (Mars ist ein Familienbetrieb)
Marktführer bei Schokoriegel
Übernahme von weiteren Riegel-Herstellern
Zusammenschliessung anderer Riegel-Hersteller
Die Menschen wollen sich gesund ernähren
Viele Junge identifizieren sich mit „coolen“ Produkten
Die Menschen haben andere Interessen
Übergewichtige Menschen (Kinder)
Keine Zeit für ausgiebiges Essen (Menü)
Neue Möglichkeiten von Marketing
Neue Möglichkeiten für Längere Haltbarkeit
Entschlüsselung des Kakao-Genoms
Lieferanten der Rohstoffe
Umweltschonende Herstellung (Verpackung, Rohstoffe)
Evtl. Knappheit an Rohstoff Kakao Werbung bei Kindern unter 12 untersagt Höhere Preise gab es vor allem für Schokolade
Eingefügt aus <> Entschlüsselung des Kakao-Genoms Eingefügt aus <> VRINE-Analysis
VRINE-Analyse Mars
As there's no data for an in-depth analysis of the MARS company, we'll try to outline the companys strength by means of the VRINE-analysis which then will help in constructing the SWOT-table. Following the VRINE-model, specific resources of a company are analysed according to the following points: Valuable, Rare, Inimitable, Non-substitutable and Exploitable.
The obvious strength of the Company sure is its dominance (huge market share) in snack sales as well as pet-food.
Valuable: yes, the huge and well-known portfolio enables the company to cover a broad range of needs as well as share resources (mainly in production) between its subsidiarys. It's easy to launch new products in a short period of time as there is so much knowledge and technology available.
Rare: there are several companys like Mars which are big in the food business, but none that is specalized in snacks as Mars is. And there is no company with as many popular snacks. So, this has to be considered rare.
Inimitable: This position can only be achived by huge amounts of investments, for several years. The popularity of Mars grew over one hundred years by now and doesn't seem to end, it is built on tradition to a certain degree. So its almost impossible for a new product to diminish this popularity in a short time.
Non-substitutable: if some company was to introduce a new, hip candybar that tasted better than Mars, Twix, MilkyWay altogether, there would be trouble for MARS. Which could be solved by buying the newcomer.
Exploitable: Mars can exploit its position and it does. After the buyout of the world's largest chewing gum producer, Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company, it