For this assignment, I will discuss the two tests I chose to take. The first test I took was Cross Cultural Quiz 1, which was testing my cultural awareness. The test presented me with cultural scenarios to see how I was with cultural differences in behaviours. This quiz had a business focus and looked at some common possible situations people come across. The second test I took was Cross Cultural Quiz 2. This quiz tested on cultural differences, etiquette, customs and language in a timed test. My scores were not very good, which surprised me because I felt like I was aware of most cultural differences. My scores were not close to passing, and my discussion of this assignment will analyse what strengths and weaknesses I realized I had after taking these quizzes. Lastly, I will discuss a plan of steps to build on my strengths and improve the areas I had most challenges.
My strengths in the area of inter-cultural awareness are XXXXXXXXXXX. My weaknesses are XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. My plan for improving on my strengths and overcoming my challenges are XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. The Cultural Weaknesses do not exist, just challenges and solutions: Try to tailor your responses to your specific job or task. You should always turn your weakness into a positive attribute. The trick is to talk about your weaknesses so that they can also appear to be a strength. Focus on your strengths, but have an answer regarding a challenge you have met and overcome. Think of any trait or skill you have that pertains to the job you are applying for. Think of instances when you have shown a lot of skill in that area. It is important to answer the question without making it look like you have a weakness that might prevent you from getting hired. At the same time, you don't want to mention a weakness that isn't really a weakness but confidently answer the question by telling how you want to improve yourself by constantly learning from your own self-analysis. Create an honest list of what you think are your strengths or weaknesses and then select a few of them you can remember. Practice your responses so that they sound natural and you are prepared for the question. Don't come up with statements such as I am a perfectionist or I have no weaknesses. Keep your answers career-related and precise. So, don't try to portray yourself as Mr/Miss perfect, as we all have some flaws. Just be careful, and state your weak point by adding that you are working towards overcoming it. The best way to answer would be to choose something that can be turned around to look like a strength. The key is to turn the weakness - a negative character trait - into something positive. Examples: "One of my weaknesses is that I do not quit until I get the job done. I want to make sure that everything I do is my best and in the right order". "My computer skills were lacking a little, but I got trained and got my skills up-to-date." Or, you can say that your written communication skills are not amazing, but you are currently (or planning to register) for a course in creative writing, or business communication, or professional writing, etc...Weaknesses that can also be strengths: Tell about your weaknesses that are also strengths. I am a hard-worker and sometimes I work too hard. I am a perfectionist and want everything to be done right the first time. I'm too helpful. A good helper towards those who need it. Tend to go to any limits while helping someone in trouble. I do not care for paperwork, so you try to get it all done by 10AM so I can go on to other things. Strengths: Your communication skills- you communicate well with others: "One of my biggest strengths is my communication skills. I work very well with all kinds of people, and understand that everyone has different perspectives about