wrote down my class times, when i am on my phone, when i work, driving to places, etc. after, i calculated the times and change them to percentages to see what takes up most of my time.i did get to find out about a few things about myself that i never really thought of. I even found out about something interesting. But I did not like the results on what i spend my time on at all. As a result, i had made a few discoveries that have surprised me and things that i should change in order for me to
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She told me life isn’t always about doing what’s best for you, but sacrificing for others. You should never depend on anyone to keep you on your feet; you’re strong enough to stand up on your own. It was from her that I learned happiness comes in all sorts of forms, sometimes being happy consists of giving up your own. Through the duration of my parents’ marriage I witnessed so much hurt, mentally and physically. From thrashing choices of words directed towards my Mom, physical contact no child
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My house does not signify one thing about me, instead it signifies many. I decided to split my paper in half to be able to show myself inside and out. On the outside i started to create my house by first deciding what it was going to be made out of. I decided concrete would be best, because physically and mentally i am a very strong person. I try to be tough for myself because i know the tougher i am in life the less ill be taken advantage of. As for the large window, the shape had to be unique because i view myself as a very unusual person
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that I decided to take was the “Buddha” assessment. During this assessment I was able to get a better understanding of the way I accept and/or feel about myself as an individual. My score for this was rated above average with a total of 32; the average rating for this score falls at 25. With these results the study showed that of course I accept myself more than the average person. Which completely true, even though I am not perfect and do have flaws, I understand that no one individual on this
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assignment to the class, many questions and thoughts came across to me. Will this help me in the future? Why are we doing this? Will I learn from this? Like any student, I thought that this assignment wasn’t going to be helpful because I already knew myself. Of course, I was wrong. As I began to work on this assignment, I realized that this assignment did fulfill its purposes by facilitating my understanding of Psychology and the examined activities related to my success. I gained insight when I compared
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I completely tried to give attention to my behaviors that I develop when I was negative, critical, and / or judgmental. I realized that I could be very judgmental to my housemates about their behaviors when we are discussing the house issues. Because of being only girl in the house, we have difference of opinion about some different subjects such as the cleaning of the house or shopping. Because our priority is different to each other’s in the house. As a result, I have decided to be more positive
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November 19, 2012 Period 6 AVID Mandala The five symbols in my mandala represent me. Each symbol represents the most important things in my life. These five objects are other visual appealings of myself. The rainbow represents friendship. Friendship is hope, friendship to me is very important because friendship is like a rainbow. Each color of the rainbow represents each one of my friend’s hope, respect, and honesty. My friends are like my family
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questions in our minds are called a Self Reflection. (1) “Selfreflection enables us to know about ourselves, control our actions, and present ourselves more effectively to others.” Now, the questions are in my mind and I am doing the selfreflection. All the self refection do is to assesses my strengths and weaknesses, contemplates how to reach their goals, and has a wonder how they come across to others. I also learned about myself more through a reflected appraisal process which that I observed and imagined what others think of me
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Fiara Causo English 8B 06/6/11 GRAD PROJECT Thesis: TBS helped me find myself as a person and get more confident in myself and who I am. In Costa Rica not only did I get to see how strong I could be but also it helped me be more bonded to everyone. I got to know my classmates like I’ve never knew before, It was extremely interesting for me to see their different personalities and sides. During the hike we all had our problems and difficulties but in the end with everyone’s help we all made it
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I seemed to have an experience that I was just thrown into the wolves’ den and had to fend for myself during the second week at Fegs. I was notified on the fourth day that I would be running the group for the first time. Even though there is curriculum for each group, some of them are not sufficient enough to use it for more than two weeks. On my first day of running the group, I could not access the FEGS curriculum as my username and password wasn’t set up and ready so I used the materials that
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and really depressed all the time. I knew this is now how I was going to let myself live and I knew it would be hard to get myself together, but I saw a moment when I could actually learn to live as an adult without relying on mom and dad’s help and It would be myself that I had to depend on for everything and not them. I lived there for about a 2 weeks and found me a good job and eventually found a better job and then about a year to a year after I moved there I was in my own apartment, my vehicle
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identification to be for several different reason. In my paper I will be discussing fours different things to support the reason why I choose the political identity I am. First I will talk about my point of view between the democrats, republicans and independent parties. Next, I will state the partie I would consider myself and why the other parties I didn’t choose didn’t appeal to me. When describing the democrats and republican parties I have learned they both parties have major differences when
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The Secret Of My Reflection Throughout my childhood I was very insecure about my appearance.Only recently have I been able to look at myself in a positive way. In the middle of my sophomore year my family went on the paleo diet. Also known as the “caveman” diet. You aren't supposed to eat any processed foods or meat , including sugar and flour. This was a real struggle for me. When I was young eating was my favorite activity. I wasn’t the skinniest child, I snacked whenever
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Develop habbits Being a student at NOVA community college truly taught me to push myself in many different ways I never was possible. College life helped me to overcome some of my biggest fears and helped to teach me some of the most important lessons. It helped me to learn more about myself and grow as a person along the way. As stressful as it may seem at times, I know that it is important towards accomplishing my goals and dreams. Growing up in a dysfunctional household, there was little
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thinking. |Stages of Critical Thinking |How to Move to the Next Stage |Obstacles to Moving to the Next Stage | |EXAMPLE: |Examine my thinking to identify problems |Deceiving myself about the effectiveness of| | |that affect my thinking. |my thinking | |The Unreflective Thinker |
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collection. After completing this course, I have found myself looking at stats in a whole different light. Before I would read articles in the paper or magazines, look at commercials, read product labels or listen to sports announcers talk about stats and was easily manipulated because I never really paid much attention to the numbers. Now I find myself doing the same thing but this time I find myself trying to figure out how these numbers or stats came about. Just as an example, I live in a small town that
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Chapter 11 Reflection Paper In this chapter I learned about emotional intelligence and how well I can cope with the demands and pressures I’m faced with everyday. I learned that I’m too hard on myself and I never give myself enough credit. My expatiations are extremely high and if I don’t reach those expatiations I get upset with myself. If I do extremely well on a test, but I make one silly mistake and get a question wrong, I will beat myself up over that silly mistake. I also learned that its not
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Be able to explain what IB does and why you like it. Talk about how you do different things everyday, work on different stages of different deals. Talk about how IB fits both short-term goals and long-term goals by giving you the skills to work in any other finance field.Talk abt DCF. Calculate Net cash flow. Divide it by 1+APV/WACC raised to the number of years down the road. In the last year of valuation, add NCF and TV and divide it. TV is CF in that year multiplied by 1+g divided by WACC/APV
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in my life. I basically failed almost all of my classes my freshman and sophomore year and had no strive or confidence in myself. The reasons I failed so terribly I think is because i wasn’t aware of how important high school was and how credits worked. I just thought it would be a breeze and I would be fine barely passing. I feel like if someone would have informed me about how important everything was I would have gotten all of my stuff together way earlier and faster. I’ve attended three high
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Introduction – I'm going to focus on comparing and contrasting gender and self-esteem and touch upon how sexuality affects self-esteem as well. My views of self-esteem center on how I feel about myself, especially concerning body image. In the gay community, there are many labels one falls under based on their stature and body type. I fall under the label of being a “bear” which means I have a larger frame, have a beard and am more on masculine side. Even with my label, being part of this sub-group
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Accepting Myself Image Women get advertised for their body, face, hair etc. As if we’re suppose to be flawless. If we didn’t have hair dye, face and body implants and weight loss advertisement, all women would learn to love their self image. To reflect on my self image I started with a 6 foot butcher paper, asked someone to draw my outline, and then reviewed my body. The characteristics that I don’t like about myself are my hair, eyesight, body shape and my stretch marks. My hair is not
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| Learning Project 1, Part 4-6 | | | LP1, Part 4: What are others' experiences of me when I am my best? Phase 1: Creating the Reflected Best-Self Portrait When I am at best, I help people. I motivate myself and feel motivated when I get to help others. Whether it’s a stranger, colleague, friends, or family, I feel my passion in assisting those in need. As long as it’s within my capability and moral belief that what people ask for help is ethical and legal, I give them my attention
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distracted and curious but more concerned about what my school life was about to become. I assumed it was too early to discriminate considering it was my first day but I seriously struggled to help my self. Mr Bowerman, the headmaster and also an encouraging one at that looked like the sort of guy who would line all of his different socks up everyday and decide on which pair to wear. I encounted the sloth like head master for the first time as he babbled on about the education the school had to offer
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goals for myself whether it is long term or short term. I like a challenge in life; I don’t like things so easy. Two of my main goals I have for myself are both lifelong ambitions that I plan to accomplish. You may ask, “So what are those goals you plan to accomplish”? Well one of them is becoming a Physician Assistant which is more of a career goal, and the other one is working out which is more of a physical appearance goal. My approach for achieving these goals that I have set for myself, both the
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time. It made me feel good about myself and some days when running the mile in the heat it didn’t stop me from running I pushed myself harder. Also, I noticed I started to become more active I started playing outdoors more with my brothers and after a week I noticed I started to lose some pounds and my personal goal was to feel good about my body and weight and I finally am. PE’s running and daily stretching helped me with my flexibility and with my confidence about myself. Yoga Day/ Weight Room
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free environment full of trust and friendship, the members of the Breakfast Club develop as well. This development is the reason why I see myself mirrored in a different student from scene to scene. There are instances in the beginning scenes of the film that I tend to associate myself with Brian The Brain and Bender The Criminal. Brian is a nervous wreck about having detention for the first time in his life. His nervousness and anxiety is unmistakably demonstrated through his body language and his
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My senior year was a complete disaster. I never took anything serious and always waited till the last minute to do everything. All throughout my senior year teachers told me I needed to push myself step by step although, my stubborn self never listened. I can remember time kept going by and I noticed myself procrastinating, making the same poor choices I had been making in all of my first semester. My teachers talked to me towards the end of the semester and told me I needed to work harder if I wanted to pass
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2014 English-Period 6 Poem based off of painting Beautiful. I got to write myself beautiful now. I got to treat this girl every once and a while now, and I have no clue where to start. I haven’t spoken words in first person since I `have learned to hide behind the bruises of others, but I figured it out because I have to write myself beautiful now. I know too many ways to use my words to save everyone except myself. This body breaks itself into holes. All that is broken; fuck the healing process
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Critical thinking essay.” I was concern if I should be realistic or lie to this assignment .There were moments were I felt very confuse on how to answer each question I’ve been asked to this assignment. There were so many things going through my mind about this critical essay. Assessment of Element #2-Assumpitions The part one of this assignment, which was the observation summary .At first, I really didn’t put effort towards my observation. I really slight off in task and rushed it caused it was the
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ENG4UMrs. Nortes I have thought about it on many occasions and I have finally come to a realization, a life without dance for me wouldn't be a life at all. It has provided me with the ability to escape reality, it has given me so many valuable skills, and the ability to be confident enough to express myself. I have been dancing since I could walk, and it has evolved into an indispensable passion. There is just something about dance that allows me to lose myself within the movement. It is a feeling
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