Communication Theories Paper

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Pages: 5

Communication theories paper
Amanda Haring
Com 310

Communication is defined as a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs or behavior. Communication helps us understand one another. ("Communication", 2011).
Communication is broken down into theories. Three examples of these theories would be the social penetration theory, cognitive dissonance theory and the uncertainty reduction theory.

The social penetration theory was created by professor Altman and Dalmas Taylor. This was their attempt to describe relationship closeness. They suggested that relationship closeness occurs only through a gradual process of self disclosure. Self disclosure is when people

I had lost myself in the relationship because of the rewards I saw in the end.
Another example of the cognitive dissonance theory would be my night out with coworkers. I worked at a local childcare when I was 17 years old. I was very reserved and kept to myself. The women that I worked with were all dancing, being loud, and having fun. They kept asking my all night to get up and dance with them and I refused. I thought to myself, “If I get up and dance, maybe they will think I’m outgoing and I can be more social with them at work. They asked me again, and I said yes. I was so nervous to be in front of everyone dancing but in the end it was worth it. I was invited to more functions with co-workers and I did something I never thought I would do. I now like to dance and just let loose and have fun. It changed my personality for the better. I was very reserved and afraid to be myself before this night. I am now comfortable with who I am and not afraid to let everyone see me.

The uncertainty reduction theory has a goal of understanding how people act with one another to reduce uncertainties when they first interact. I have done this a few times myself. When I first met my husband’s mother, I tried to do everything in my power to impress her. She would ask me questions and I would respond to what I felt she wanted to hear. She asked me who I was voting for president. I told her I liked Hilary Clinton, when she didn’t