Essay about Learning How to Read and Write

Words: 1241
Pages: 5

Being the second youngest in my family out of five children, you would think that reading would be easy for me growing up. But learning how to read was a challenge. It was something that I never thought I would be able to do without a lot of help from my father.

Being brought up with my father, a single parent we had our ups and downs. My father was a very hard working man. He tried his hardest to take of five children. Besides having a job that required him to work long hours he made sure we had everything we needed. Being single and not having any help from anyone, he never had any time to help us with homework or reading.

Before going to kindergarten I went to a preschool that was just across the street from where I lived. I

It was difficult at first. I couldn’t figure out why I didn’t understand what I was reading. I got frustrated and mad at myself for not knowing the reason why I couldn’t understand. By this time I wanted to give up and just stop reading, but then I started thinking. I had come this far doing my best in trying to read why give up. I understood when my sister read a book to me and understood when I read a book to my brother. It was then when I realized that, reading out loud and hearing myself was the best way I understood a book.

I then read the book out loud to myself. I read the first page and the second and so on. When I got to the end of chapter one, I thought wow I understood what I just read. I was so proud of myself for finding out what was best for me to understand. It is a book that I would never forget the title of it. The book is called The trouble with Buster. It was a book that I fell in love with and read at least once a week.

I went through all of my elementary years enjoying ever book that I read. Then came intermediate when everything had to be done by reading. I enjoyed English for the most part, then the day came when I needed to write and essay about a book that I liked or read. I was happy because I loved reading and it was going to be easy. I was scared about writing part, but I did it and got a B on my paper. I was proud of myself for doing my best. As I went through intermediate and then high school I still liked reading. By