James Dean once said, “Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today” I find this quote to ring very true for me as I wake up every morning to begin my day. The time each person has on earth is limited, and by how much no one knows. For this reason I make a personal choice to live my life to the fullest every day while still continuing to look forward to the days to come. Looking forward gives me the chance to dream and make goals for the future. I believe it is more beneficial to live life to the fullest than to live life meaningless and without purpose. I believe it is healthier to love your life and to love yourself so you can succeed in life.
I find this quote very interesting because when I was younger, in elementary school I was always felt different from the rest. I would always get teased and picked on, about the way I dressed, my skin color and even just the way I talk. I always had negative thoughts towards myself which made me be very insecure, and very sensitive. Teachers, Guidance Counselors, and Family were there for me during those tough times, but when you are a kid you want to be accepted by your peers. Every day I did not think positive about anything, I was depressed. While in those dark times I would always dream of how I might be like in the future. I would dream about having the greatest friends and having nice relationships with them. In first grade, my dream came to reality. Her name was Diana Larios, because of her I was becoming more outgoing and I’m thinking positive about everyday life and my self-esteem rose up considerably high. In high school now we have been able to keep this friendship going and it is very strong and we have became inseparable. And I will always remember her coming up to me that one day of school and asking me “Would you like to be friends?”
As of today, I find myself more willing and able to find and make friends easily. I am no longer insecure about myself neither self conscious. I am more confident in myself with the talents I possess. The way I view the world is very different than the way
Laws of life Have you ever had one of those moments where something traumatizing happened to you and it made you learn a very valuable lesson that you would never forget. Well I had one of those moments about three years ago at a community pool, on a nice sunny summer afternoon. I was at my friend Eden’s house playing Xbox when his Mom asked if we wanted to go to the pool, and as I’m sure any pair of twelve year old friends would say we said yes. As we arrived at the pool we got out…
December 13,2001, this day for some people, maybe it was just an ordinary day. But for me, it was the most remarkable day in my life: It was the day that, I, a twelve years old Chinese girl, who become an American resident. Remember when our plane landed on the SFO, my mind was fill with so many question marks: What should I do when I meet the new people, can I be able to get along with all those new faces, yet there was many other obstacles that I had never imagined about. Two day after we settled…
Life Law # 1 The first thing that I have learned is to realize that as much as one tries and ignores a troubling situation to avoid a confrontation, it never really is the solution. No one likes to be in an argument or a confrontation. But to control the situation and not letting it gets to the point where one has to get into a nasty argument or a fight, would help resolve the issue in a healthy way. Most of the arguments take place due to lack of communication or frustration caused by the problem…
different there. The neighborhood children were quite often violent and unnecessarily hurtful. This period in my life, I realized how truly unpredictable and cold the world can be. Despite the negative environment, this was my new home, and I was adjusting well. My mother and father were being civil, as far as visitation rights, and life seemed perfect. Then, once I had finally resettled my life, my father showed up out of the…
It says what you should do and what should do and what you should not do. eviticus 19 raises many questions and answers many other questions. I asked my mom if L this text raised any questions and she said “the difficulty in trying to obey God’s laws everyday life.” She said an example would be tattooing and piercing. It seems like the social norm for women today to get their ears pierced and for some men to get tattoos. The fact of the matter is that in verse 28, “You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead…
Family and household 10. Using material from item 2b and elsewhere, assess sociological views of the impact of government policies and laws on family life. In this question we will be discussing the different sociological views of the impact of government policies and laws on family life. The government is the mechanism by which they put the policy into place. As England have a democratic system there is a choice of distinctive political parties we vote in and they represent a range of opinions…
Examine the ways in which laws and social policies affect family life Social policy refers to the plans and actions of government agencies such as the health and social services, the welfare benefits system, schools and other public bodies. Some sociologists argue that social policies have caused more diversity in families. In the 1930’s, the Nazi government kept women out of work and at home so they could take care of housework and childcare as well as sterilizing 375,000 disabled people to prevent…
Examine the ways in which state policies/ laws may affect family life? There are many laws that have been introduced but I am going to pick out 5 different laws and right about what it is and why it affects different kinds of families. The five laws that I have chosen are: Reproductive technology- IVF, Contraception, Marriage, Divorce and Divorce Reform Act and Paternity Leave. The first law that I chose is reproductive technology- IVF. IVF is basically women who can’t have a baby. IVF costs a…
Corliss Law Group 4 Cases on how life settlements have bounced back We’ve repeatedly said that the life settlement market has improved substantially this year. But the best way to illustrate that is to share the details of some recent cases with you. 1. $3 million Survivorship UL, wife deceased, male age 90: The policy was originally bought for estate taxes, which due to the American Taxpayer Relief Act (ATRA) of 2012, were no longer a problem for this client. We shopped the policy last year…
Three Strikes Law 1 Running head: THREE STRIKES LAW The Three Strikes Law September 24, 2013 CJ526: Unit 2 Three Strikes Law 2 Three Strikes Law The Three Strikes Law has been a subject of much debate since its introduction as a regulation in 1993. The Three Strikes law was enacted in 1994 and is widely recognized as the harshest sentencing law in the United States. “The State of Texas was the first State to enact such a law in 1974.”…