Strength Quest Reflection
Anyella Nieto
Professor Leonard
1. Strength is the ability to consistently provide near-perfect performance in a specific activity. From this I learned more about myself and related a lot of things to my everyday life. I feel like I can use these Strengths to symbolize the art of becoming a psychologist. I can relate to a chameleon for knowing how to adapt to different environments quickly.
2. Talents are naturally recurring patterns of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be productively applied. Talents need to be time spent, practice, developing your skills, and building your knowledge base that combine to create your strengths.
3. My five strongest strengths are: Adaptability, Empathy, Restorative, Intellection, and Connectedness. Most of my strengths are relationship ones and I feel like I am a very big people person. I can adapt quickly to any type of environment; I care about others feelings and put myself in their shoes; I try to help people resolve their problems; I think very hard on what to do; and finally everything happens for a reason.
4. The skill that made a huge impact on my life was Restorative. I really believe I am this way and the part that stood out the most to me was “I love to bring things back to life... and restore something to its true glory.” The last three words of the whole paragraph “you saved it.” Made me realize that I have changed many peoples’ lives in a positive aspect just by attempting to help and make sure things are going well for them.
5. Now that I
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