Letter To Myself On My Graduation Essay

Words: 325
Pages: 2

Peace Okere 6447 N- Winchester ave. Chicago ,ill .60626 2/24/2015
Wow!!!, finally I made it. It still looks quite unbelievable that I am preparing for Nclex . Even though it feels like my brain is fried already, it is finally a dream come true for me.
This has changed me in terms of knowledge, skills and also personally. I have acquired a lot of knowledge through reading, researches, learning how the body functions and the mechanism behind the body functions. I have also learned a lot of skills during clinicals, presentations and very importantly communication skills.
Personally, it has also changed my perception about nurses and health care workers in general. I have also been able to know the challenges nurses go through professionally .It has also taken me a lot of thoughts and decisions to arrive to this point especially coming from a country where nurses are the least valued people , to a country where they are actually very valued , and also changing my perceptions from what it was to what it is right now has remained a big turn in my life. As I prepare to take NCLEX