A teacher is an individual who plays the most vital role in the development of any being. The future of any student depends on the qualities and dedication of a teacher. It is the teacher who creates an interest in students to develop and progress and achieve what ever aims they set for themselves. The most important qualities of a teacher are as follows: 1.A good teacher tries continuously. Teachers respect students who try hard even if they do not succeed; similarly students should respect
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Kagzanov1 Gryphon Growing up as a student we learn from our teacher. Typically a student wants a good and fun outgoing teacher. What makes a teacher a good teacher to students? In a short story called “Gryphon” by Charles Baxter, We can see how a substitute teacher Ms. Ferenczi shows evident details on what it means to be a good teacher. We as students know best what makes a good teacher good. We want someone who won't give us a basic 500 year old routine, spice it up with something different
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2015 COOPERATING TEACHER Mrs. Jessica King GRADE 1st GROUP SIZE 17 SPECIFIC LESSON “If I was President”, Characteristics of a good President CURRICULUM AREA Literacy Central Focus: Students will be making inferences from the text to further their understandings about the characteristics of a good leader/president. Learning Objective: By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to comprehend a reading passage (story) as well as make inferences and write
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Our students don’t always learn what we want them to learn, but they always learn something. Other than the curriculum, they may learn how to get the teacher mad, or how to avoid responsibility, either way, learning takes place. (Ben Johnson, 2011). To solve these problems, and the problems that the teacher made in this video, we must be a humanistic model teacher, build the good relationship with all the students, make clearly rules, create an effective learning environment, and setting the emotional
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Teacher: hello Mrs Brown, Melisa please sit down Mrs Brown: Thank you and call me Lynette Teacher: so what do you think of the school Lynette: what Melisa says it sounds pretty good. Melisa: mum Teacher: so lets look at you achievements in school, it looks pretty good but it seems like you are slipping maths with a satisfactory in you behaviour what happened? Melisa: yeah I'm not that bad its just most of my friends are there but I still do my work Teacher: maybe try to respect you teacher I know
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appropriately • Using the correct Language • Communicating well with teachers and pupils • I respect the teachers and pupils Suitable clothing is important when working in a child care environment because you need to look professional and you need to wear the appropriate thing during different situation. On a normal day i would wear black trouser, a polo top, cardigan and black shoes. This can make you look professional but it is also suitable for messy activities. When I’m working
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6823587Question 1 I would make sure the environment is safe so that no one is hurt by checking if there are any leaks or any broken furniture like curtain rails if there is I would use a different classroom or remove the furniture. I would also check the temperature of the room. Secondly I would talk loud and clear so that all the children can hear me for any instructions that I would like to set, this would minimise any bad behaviour problems and make the children safe. I would also make sure the children
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assessment in order to create a child-centered learning community that cultivates lifelong learners with strong leadership skills and Islamic character. Best Practices in Child-Centered Learning By Syeda Maimoona Ali & Valencia Ashley Introduction “Dude, what would happen if you put a group of third, fourth, and fifth grade students together in one classroom, gave them a weekly work plan, told them to get to work, and then sat down in a comfortable chair to sip your morning coffee and grade a few papers
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to acquire good grades and get placed into a good college/university. However, we and Odysseus will fundamentally reach to the goals we aspire to complete. When I was in the middle of concluding my last year of middle school, my teachers would say stuff like, “In the high school it’s going to be very challenging,” or “The high school has hard graders when it comes to quizzes and essays.” Nevertheless, I would reply back in my head like “I can get good grades there,” and “If I get good grades here
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Communication and Positive Relationships Module 1 Activities Q1.1 Why is it important that you are able to communicate effectively with people in your job role? Good communication is very important when working with children, young people, their families and carers. By being able to communicate effectively I am making sure that I am understood and understanding too.
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expectations of what students can achieve. Chelo Moreno Rubio (2010) revealed that effective teachers- professional and personal skills. The selective research finding that become an effective teacher is not an easy work for this profession and personal skill should be good. An effective teacher is not an easy task. In fact, It is a complex process. It is not only concerned with success in short-term, but also with appropriate values and success of long term achievement. Effective teachers need to have
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List 303 There has been a lot of research and government initiatives to create good schools in recent times. The former Labour government’s academy “concept” and the current coalition’s government’s proposal for free schools are examples of such initiatives. The question is what are the key features of a good school and what will make their implementation widespread? There are various views on what make a good school. For example, Ofsted (2009a) observes that “...the outstanding schools manage
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Firstly it is important that everything is relevant to a child’s level of ability and understanding as you need to consider what the child understands when applying rules. Every child no matter of what their age or circumstances needs structure and guidelines to follow. This helps a child realise what is consistently expected of them in the surroundings of the school and what is deemed as bad or unacceptable behaviour. Rules and structure give a child a sense of security. It also goes towards creating
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it may make them feel worthless. So it is important that the teacher treats all the children equally and lets them do the same activities in class, whilst recognising that they are all different individuals and some need more support than others. The teachers have to be very careful to treat all children equally. This includes the way they use their communication skills when talking to them. For example, the tone of the teacher is important to promote equality and diversity. If the teacher spoke to
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Behaviour of a teacher is a very important factor in the classroom, as it effects a students learning seeing how their teacher deals with different situations. If the teacher is confident in the lesson they are teaching and the execution of the lesson it can build a student’s confidence to help them try harder or just feel more relaxed in the classroom. It is important a teacher can be flexible as lessons can often come across unplanned changes. For example maybe an activity the teacher thought would
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that means dealing with a wide variety of teachers on a daily basis. Some are nice, some are mean, and some we believe to be just plain crazy. Teachers should always take into consideration the choices that they make, as students are constantly looking up to them. A teacher has to be a role model at all times. This includes, exhibiting the right behavior in class, poised body language and also in terms of the content being taught. As a role model, a teacher must respect others and correct student's
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Supporting the teacher - Supporting the pupils - Supporting the curriculum - Supporting the school They can be practical and administrate tasks. Supporting the teachers, the teaching assistant will work under the teacher’s direction, this could be by helping, supervising and supporting the pupils in their learning, help to prepare and organise the classroom ready for the learning tasks ahead, and this could include equipment, materials and resources. Overall, key aspect in supporting a teacher is to assist
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- 1 in 17 chance of achieving 5A*-C including En/Ma What does % attendance mean? Approximate days absent since September Attendance By end of the By end of the By end of the rate autumn spring school term term year 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 0 4 7 11 14 0 7 13 20 27 0 10 20 30 40 My Promise to be Outstanding I promise to be a good human being and an outstanding student by being: on time to school and aiming for 100% attendance I Promise Good Learning Habits (Mantra) • In order to REACH my full
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DIPLOMA COURSE STUDENT NUMBER: NAME: TUTOR: ASSIGNMENT ONE – SUPPORTING THE TEACHER Question one: Describe how you might contribute to a lesson given to a group of seven year old children learning to play percussion instruments: Firstly I would have a discussion with the teacher about what the learning objectives are for the lesson and follow any instructions I have been given. Before the lesson began I would make sure there is enough space available for the pupils to work safely and comfortably
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Observation may also be used by teachers to observe students on their behaviour in class and learning outcomes. However some teachers may find this unreasonable because they do not want to be watched and judged by the way they teach by their fellow colleagues. Also using observation at the Manchester College may be too expensive and time consuming for Paul Slater and other teachers as the teachers will have to make time to watch how other teachers teach when they could be marking papers or
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Account 2.2 The most important task for teacher is to educate the learner. ‘The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one.’ To do so the better learning environment has to be created in the classroom. Positive behaviour or good behaviour of students motivates the teacher to do a better delivery or better teaching for his students. Students also get motivated because of better learning, which is as a result of better delivery by the teachers. Good behaviour is an important aspect
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Striking Affects More than Just the Teachers Parents scramble for day care and hope the strike won’t last long. Going to school helps kids get prepared to go into the world on their own and be able to get a good job and make it somewhere. Many Chicago public school teachers have been striking since the beginning of the school year. The striking causes many problems for many people. Parents can’t go to work and children are missing out on learning and having to stay home. The striking cancelled
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first year teacher applying for a job there are multiple things that I would be interested in. First off the fact that I am a professional teacher would be satisfying to me and secondly being involved with children throughout the day. I want to make sure as a teacher that I will be doing my job but at the same time be a great influence in my students’ life. My philosophy as a teacher is developing relationships with the students and my colleagues will allow all of us to excel and it will make a positive
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reasons is bettering the community. The No Child Left Behind Program may have been a good idea in theory but it is forcing teachers to pass students who are not understanding what they are being taught. Children are being passed to the next grade even when they should have to repeat it. There are many people who graduate high school with the bare minimum learned and to me that is not what being a good teacher is about. There are many things in high school that I had to complete in order to pass
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lesson for seven year olds, as a teaching assistant i would make sure that the working environment was safe and tidy and that any equipment being used was safe, clean and in a good working condition. Prior to the lesson beginning I would also make sure that I had a good knowledge of the instruments being used so as I could assist the children in playing them and show them how they are used correctly and safely. When the teacher is ready to start the lesson I would assist him/her by ensuring
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Secondary Education I am planning to major in Secondary Education. As I grew up I always wanted to be a teacher, I forced my siblings and cousins to play school all the time. I always looked forward to the day that I could teach my own class of students and give someone the opportunity to learn from me. I have always fanaticized about decorating my classroom and being a very creative teacher to where my students actually liked coming to my class. Majority of people have that one class that they
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UNIT 1 Supporting the Teacher TASK 1 Describe the key aspects of the role of a teaching assistant. Answer There are 4 key aspects to the role of a teaching assistant, these are to: 1. Support the teacher 2. Support the pupil 3. Support the school 4. Support the curriculum. By doing this they are helping to raise educational standards in the classroom by making more time available for the teacher to teach. Teaching assistants carry out a variety of tasks and work in partnership with
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If teachers would stop making up ridiculous stories people would believe them more often. However even the teachers that don’t make up stories spend all their time trying to persuade reckless people, instead of those who take study seriously. These teachers claim to be talking about truth but they stray away from it immediately; no one knows the future not even Homer. These teachers claim that if people will follow them these teachers will show them exactly what will happen in their futures. They
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being a teacher needs different qualifications. There are many theories that explain how to be a good teacher. As a business student who may teach in the future, I would like to keep up with the times and try to be understanding to the students. If we want to face to the truth, we need to accept that most of the students never enjoy the class. Unfortunately, counting the minutes might be more interesting than listening the teacher. At that time, we need to get their attention. If I was a teacher, I
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the higher education system for long, but I have already experienced a few issues within system myself. Some of these issues do not matter to most people. People do not understand these issues greatly affect a good majority of students taking part in the higher education system today. Teachers do not have the proper incentive from the universities they teach at to maintain a high motivation to teach their students. I have many college friends who have experienced problems like this within the system
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