Adhd Research Paper - 1

Words: 3078
Pages: 13

ADHD Research Paper
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) seems to be the affliction of this generation of children. It seems more prevalent every year. However, diagnosis criteria for ADHD is so subjective, what qualifies, who qualifies? There is no specific clinical cause for ADHD but it obviously exists. So many questions remain to be answered about ADHD. Are more children really being diagnosed with ADHD annually and is it really on the rise as it appears? Are too many children being wrongly diagnosed with ADHD as an easy way out because of other behavioral problems? And when ADHD is properly diagnosed are we overmedicating our children to make it easier for parents and teachers to cope? How often are other afflictions

Therefore over-treatment is supported by this study (Rushton and Whitmire 2001). However they admit that inadequate information about the simultaneous combination of both medications exists and further studies are needed. This supports the underlying problem. Advocates of over treatment and under treatment can simply point to the study that supports their individual opinions and the debate will rage on.

In conclusion, I think we have merely scratched the surface in the treatment of ADHD. There will continue to be doctors who over prescribe, under prescribe or ones who are truly leaders in their field and will gradually break new ground or find new treatments like Dr. Bradstreet. We will always have people with psychological disorders. Like any number of medical problems, we can only use our God given intelligence to seek out cures and treatments and ultimately causes in the hopes of a better tomorrow for all. Considering the complexity of the human brain and our understanding of it, I feel tremendous progress has been made in the treatment of ADHD. For my son's sake, I hope the future is indeed bright with promise.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It seems more prevalent every year. However, diagnosis criteria for ADHD is so subjective, what qualifies, who qualifies? There is no specific clinical cause for ADHD