John Mattessich 2/5/15 Paper #1 Are we moral because we believe in a religion, or do we have to believe in a religion to have morality? Louis Paul Pojman was a pronounced American philosopher and professor who believed that if there is no God to believe in, then there is no morality or purpose to life. Pojman believes that it is religion that gives every individual’s life a meaning to it. Pojman wrote a very interesting essay called “Religion Gives Meaning to Life.” In this essay Pojman discusses
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population gain their sense of morality from their religion. The tendency for religious leaders to be perceived as speakers for morality is something that is seen worldwide. Anywhere there is religion, there are religious leaders; and although there isn't a biological difference between the leaders and followers of any religion that would make the leaders superior, they are still often "regarded as having special moral insight" (Rachels, 2003). In chapter 4 of The Elements of Morality (4th ed), James Rachels
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The morality of abortion is a long debated dispute. The concept of taking a persons life has been an exhausting and relentless debate. Typically abortion is debated amongst politics and the law. It answers serious philosophical questions such as; is it right to take a human life or when does a human life begin? In this paper I am going to analyze when life begins and the legal parameters associated with this claim. According to Judith Jarvis Thomson's “A defense of abortion” she argues that the
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Morality The thought of morality is mainly the key reasons societies today act as they do. Throughout the history of mankind, there has been the long lasting argument “Is morality just a product of the evolution of our brains, with no inherent reality?”( –Alfred Rosa, Paul Escholz, Pg 362, Models for Writers-) I personally think, that it is, and throughout this research paper, I will research why or why not it may be true. First of all, I think that morality is not just a product of our brains
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Paper 3 5/4/2014 Morality Existing Morality is a word that has multiple definitions. It is seen as principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior. Morality can also be seen as a particular system of values and how to act towards others. It becomes in that sense a way of reality. It is the extent to which an action is right or wrong. That exact extent has been debated on for centuries because of the grey area. True objective morality has been contested
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Choose one of the following topics and write an argument in answering the questions from the topic you have chosen. This essay is due on 10/14/14 by 11:59 pm on turnitin.com. Your research should be documented by citing at least three credible sources such as the textbook, a newspaper, a biographic article, book, or website. Wikipedia and any similar online reference sites where the content may be authored by anyone are not considered credible sources for scholarly writing. Your essay should be
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1) Socrates believes that morality is independent of religion. He says that things cannot be holy only for the reason that the gods love them. Not necessarily everything that gods love has to be holy. And there is a conflict between the idea that gods love things because they are holy and things are holy because gods love them. Socrates’ opinion is that things cannot be considered holy because one believes that gods love holy things and the holiness of all things need to be judged on that. He even
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Relativism and Morality (Some Moral Minama) Erin Collier Soc 120/Ashford University June 10, 2013 In this writers opinion Lenn Goodman is right, there are certain things that are simply wrong. Seeking to control others through violence and or force is not right. Four areas Goodman touched on in his article, Some Moral Minima were (1) genocide, politically induced famine, and germ warfare; (2) terrorism, hostage taking, and child warriors; (3) slavery, polygamy, and incest; and (4) rape and
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Black 1 Alanis Black Mrs. Baumgardt AP English 15 August 2014 The Truth about Morality Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, is apparently follows good and evil. Who is to know that kind of question? What deems good or evil in the end? This popular novel is written by a nineteen year old, known among most, has always been given that main question. The characters are usually described as evil, while some argue that they are just misunderstood or purely innocent of such an idea. In the end, the concept of good and evil
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MORALITY AND THE EUCHARIST Rev. Fr. Anthony Stratis February 18, 2013 Misperceptions exist regarding Holy Communion and one’s ‘worthiness’ to partake. Of course, without divine grace, nobody can be worthy. Thus, in the Communion Prayers, we ask Christ: “make me worthy to partake without condemnation of Your immaculate Mysteries, unto remission of my sins and unto life everlasting.” Clearly, the Lord’s mercy is needed for us to approach the Holy Chalice. However, for some, there is a
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“Substance abuse can be plainly defined as the repetitive harmful use of any substance for mood-altering purposes. Medline’s medical encyclopedia defines drug abuse as “the use of illicit drugs or the abuse of prescription or over-the-counter drugs for purposes other than those for which they are indicated or in a manner or in quantities other than directed.” In today’s society, substance abuse is not referring to merely drugs. There are plenty of substances which are not drugs that are used in
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Mariana Garcia Mr. Mullen English 1310 3 April 2014 Morality vs. Reality Our values and morals are two of the major things that define us as human beings, but we shouldn’t let these two blind us from reality. All my life I’ve been taught to help my neighbor and treat others how I want to be treated, but after reading professor Garrett Hardin’s argument about Lifeboat Ethics I realized that sometimes we may be ignorant to some situations because of our morals. He disapproves the idea of wealthy
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Mark Balto November 17, 2014 Greed versus Morality Singer’s article, famine, affluence, and morality uncover the reality of a person’s choice of greed or morals. The premise is a child in a shallow pond in distress with no parent or guardian in sight. An adult witnesses this distress and has to decide between ruining his/her expensive shoes and saving the child. This dilemma for most is simple, rescue the child. However, the test of morality intensifies when faced with the reality that the
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contribute to. He was trying to explain the morality of the world. For example he stated, “The decisions and actions of human beings can prevent this kind of suffering. Unfortunately, human beings have not made the necessary decisions. At the individual level, people have, with very few exceptions, not responded to the situation in any significant way.” This is saying that we as humans need to make better situations when it comes to affluence and morality. If something tragic was to happen to us we
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Derek Lee September 25, 2012 Morality Period 7 I use my freedoms for the benefit of my friends and family all the time and I think I can make the best of them. I have to take my sister to school every now and then and sometimes she wants to go to the gas station or pick up her friend who has to walk to school. I think by doing this me and my sister is getting closer as siblings and a family. I think by picking up her friends is helping her and her friends becoming and I am part
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individual, as well as society. The allegory of a sacrifice portrays the relinquishment of something at less than its presumed value. An individual executing sacrifice over compromise would recieve more positive benefits which include; praise in morality, benefits towards a relationship, and a positive affect of propriety towards the individual. The execution of a sacrifice over a compromise, in any given event, withstands a plethora of positive effects, in which the act of a compromise can't achieve
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Hello everyone, today I would like to take about “The Morality of Family”. To me the conduct of my family is very important, it is the very ground of how we live, how we treat each other, and the respect that we have for one another and our fellow man. For me it all started on how I was raised, being from a one parent home I’m sure was very hard for my mother. She had to be the father and the mother; my mother had a very strict stick on bringing up me and my siblings. What I mean by that is, in laymen’s
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Carlise Richmond World View Assignment #2 American History March 10, 2015 Cultural Relativism and Morality Cultural relativism was coined by Franz Boas, a anthropological researcher, who was fascinated by other cultures and languages of indigenous cultures of the Baffin Isle Inuit. Franz said that a "...civilization is not something absolute, but ... is relative, and ... our ideas and conceptions are true only so far as our civilization goes
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Gene Volchenko Hum.127 Mr. Leck 2/27/15 Morality & Judgment in War on Civilians When discussing morality, one has to define morality. Morality –“principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior”(Oxford dictionary). So basically morality discusses good or bad. When people discuss war they don’t think about good or right” War does not determine who is right - only who is left “(Bertnard Russel). People usually think of bad and wrong when it comes to war. However
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Relativism and Morality Tricia Kilburn SOC 120 Introduction to Ethics & Social Responsibility Instructor John Meeks August 4, 2013 RELATIVISM AND MORALITY Lenn Goodman makes a good argument about his idea of things that are wrong. Some of the things he discusses are genocide, politically induced famine, and germ warfare; terrorism, hostage taking, and child warriors; slavery, polygamy, and incest; and rape and female genital cutting. He makes some really good arguments. His
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Violence and Morality The world is full of people with a lot of differences. Some of the differences are based on cultures, preferences, appearances, or religious beliefs just to name a few. People have different perspectives, and they think differently about what is right and what is wrong. Some people may say that the right to do is what is in one’s own interest as long it is within the law (Bowie 576). There are also people who believe
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Morally Transformed When one is asked to evaluate their own morals and to reflect upon those certain standards they live by, most assume the highest of themselves. Morals differ for every person and can be somewhat inherited but are mostly shaped by the specific person their selves. The morals I have chosen to live by have truly defined my life in so many amazing ways. After taking the Moral Questionnaire, the categories of morals that I mainly live by were confirmed. I scored high in the categories
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“Famine, Affluence, and Morality” name PHI208 Ethics and Moral Reasoning instructor date Peter Singer’s goal in “Famine, Affluence, and Morality was to convince people that the people as well as the governments should help with famine relief, primarily in East Bengal. Peter Singer wanted to let everyone know that the way that they deal with disasters is "morally unjustified". Mr. Singer’s three counter-arguments I think are that people from Bengali are far removed
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Robert Dorman Ebert English 2208_87 November 28, 2012 Morality for an Atheist Is it possible for an atheist to have good morals? This is a tough question for anyone to answer. Basically individuality is where this question ends, or not. It is also believed that having a capacity for love brings about all divine decisions. As an infant most humans have no concept of right and wrong. Most children are raised with some sort of religion, and with what their parents consider to be morally sound
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Is there a contradiction between our demand that our children be honest and moral persons and our demand that they be successful? Present the argument that there is a contradiction, and see if you can answer it. Morality has taken a backseat to success. Today’s parents preach the same line of virtues to their children as did their parents and many parents before them; be honest and work hard and good things will come to you. But today’s children are pressured to obtain their success, by their
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Power, Virtù, and Fortune Machiavelli presents to his readers a vision of political rule purged of extraneous moralizing influences and fully aware of the foundations of politics in the effective exercise of power. The term that best captures Machiavelli's vision of the requirements of power politics is virtù. While the Italian word would normally be translated into English as “virtue,” and would ordinarily convey the conventional connotation of moral goodness, Machiavelli obviously means something
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Shoe Morality Scale Fitzgerald creates Daisy’s character to be flashy and expensive, but careless about others, much like a brand new pair of Louboutin: nice to look at but hard on the feet. In the beginning of the story, when Daisy speaks about her daughter pammy to Nick, she wants her daughter to be “ ‘a beautiful little fool’ ”(21). This shows Daisy’s morals because just like Louboutin, she wants her daughter to look good on the outside without being sagacious on the inside. Throughout the
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is moral. No matter how much goodness is installed in you, you have to actually want to be good. If you do not practice the ways of the moral how will you ever expect to be moral? This is the important question that arises to help one detect their morality. When putting your mind to do something all it takes is for you to take action. No one can make you be a moral person it is a choice that only you can make. For
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Andrew Coe September 18, 2011 Ethics v. Morality The terms “ethics” and “morality” have been topics of great debate for many centuries. Both terms are becoming ever more commonplace in casual conversation, and both are used interchangeably without much hesitation. Many scholars, however, would argue that the two terms have distinct differences – that they do not mean the same thing – and that they should be used more prudently. Authors William H. Shaw (San Jose State University) and William K. Frankena
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Explain and Illustrate the idea that morality is a conventional agreement for our own advantage and one problem with this. Do you often ask yourself, ‘why am I behaving in this civil way, when I could be gaining a lot more by behaving in a different way?’ Some claim that we are born with morals, and that it is a priori knowledge, however other philosophers argue that morality is in fact an agreement between humans. The idea that morality is a convential agreement for our own advantage is
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