Assignment 031
Task A
Social, economic and cultural factors include personal choices the child or young person makes in their life, the personal choices will affect them in their later life and what they accomplish. Another one is being in the care system, this will affect them because they don’t have their parents to guide them and may get into trouble a lot because their confused about why there in the care system. Another factor is poverty this would affect them because they don’t have access to the things they need to develop. Disability is another factor because if a child or young person has a disability their more likely to be bullied which would affect their social development. Religious beliefs would affect a child or young person because they may believe in something and other children or young people believe something else and the child or young person may get bullied because other their beliefs.
Poverty plays a huge part in a child’s or young person’s life because it will have a huge affect on their later life. Poverty is a result from low income, unemployment, parent separation, illness or disability, addictions or criminal activity. Children and young people may develop a poor diet from being in poverty this is because their parents/carers may not be able to afford good food for them. They could also suffer from poor health because of being in poverty and having a poor diet. Children and young people may also be bullied because of their clothes or because they don’t have the latest clothing. Children and young people may also miss out of further education because of the cost of going to college or further education. A result of poverty means that children and young people and their families have to live in unsuitable housing accommodation. Living in unsuitable accommodation may mean that the children have to share which doesn’t give the children or young people the privacy they need. The children may not be able to complete homework because of the lack of space and not having their own space to do it in and concentrate in. The house the child or young person is in could be damaged e.g. damp or repairs needed, which in time with cause the child or young person health problems e.g. asthma or frequent coughs and colds. The house is likely to be in a bad area which gives the parents worry on wither to let their children or young people out to play.
Poverty has a huge impact on the child’s or young person’s development, overall poverty removes choices from their lives, their choices are limited to what their parents can afford rather than what they want or need. Lack of money may mean they cant afford to do after school activities. Poor housing will affect their development because they may be overcrowded so their limited to what they can do in the house. Areas in poverty may not have local play schools or mother and toddler groups which will affect the bond between parents and children. Poor diet has an affect because it can lead to obesity, diabetes and a higher rate of dental problems. Children and young people who live in a bad area have a chance of having lower grades and then leading to them not attending further education. Not attending further education then leads to future job prospects being affected, lower paid jobs, poor working conditions and unsecure jobs.
Task B positive outcome
Be healthy
This also includes how our health is affected by our social, mental, emotional and physical well-being. The Government has a focus on healthy living for children. At my nursery we provide healthy snacks for the children. We also promote healthy choices, talk about healthy hearts and activities that teach them an active lifestyle.
Stay safe
We ensure children in our care are safeguarded. We have a named safeguarding officer who we can take any concerns to. We also have a safeguarding policy. Children know they can talk to any member of staff if they do not feel safe and they know they will be listened