Behavior: Education and Behaviour Management Essay

Submitted By martinez301
Words: 529
Pages: 3

Independent Project # 3 Behaviour Management of Students
For the purpose of this essay, I will be focusing on the behaviour management of students in classrooms as teachers spend most of their time in the classrooms with students. Teachers face several challenges while teaching young children. One of the major challenges teachers need to adjust to while teaching in the early years of schooling is to be able to effectively manage the behaviour of students in a classroom setting. Teachers need to have realistic expectations of the appropriate behaviours that students can display in the classroom to ensure that effective and conducive learning takes place.
Day 1: Mrs. Smith was always present before the class and that the students waited outside until invited in by the teacher. Also, the teacher did not start the lesson until all the students were quiet.
Day 2: I observed that Mrs. Smith reminded individuals and the class daily to do their own work and to not seek help from their peers. Mrs. Smith would praise children for doing this, making a comment such as, “Thank you, Kathy, for putting up your folder. I don’t want people to take your answers. I want to know only what they know on their work, not what you know.”
Day 3: Mrs. Smith also frequently reminded children about work habits. She seemed to focus especially on habits she thought were not compatible with hard work.The teacher commented to one child, “Carson, don’t put your head in your hands while you are working. It makes you look lazy.” Following this comment, Carson put his fingers in his mouth.
Day 4: Mrs. Smith would comment, “If you listened the first time when I gave directions, you wouldn’t have to waste time by asking me now, and you could get your work done.” When Mrs. Smith noticed children talking to each other or looking to peers for help, she reminded them, in a matter-of-fact tone, to not talk and to do their own work. She consistently praised the child who completed the work