October 7, 1939
My name is Isabella Suffolk, but my family calls me “Izzy”. I am 15 years old, and I will be turning 16 on September 25.I have three brothers. My oldest brother’s name was John, but he past away two years ago, he was 20 years old. My other brother is Tim, and he is 18, and my younger brother is Lawrence, who is 10 years old. My mum’s (mother) name is Sarah and my father’s name is Robert. My family and I are British and we live in Bristol, England. I love England so much. England is such a beautiful country and there are so many things to see here! Lawrence and I got up at 7:00am like we always do on weekdays. When we get up we watch the telly (television) while mum cook us breakfast. For breakfast, mum makes bacon, fried eggs, fried mushrooms, fried tomatoes, fried sausage, black pudding, beans, and sometimes fries and ketchup. Mum and Dad usually drink coffee or tea, but Lawrence and I drink warm white milk. After breakfast we get ready for school and finally leave at 8: Lawrence and I walk to school since we live down the street from the school. Next year will be my last year of school since I am only required to go to school until I am 16 years old, so Lawrence will walk to school by himself. At 4:00p.m, when school ends, we do our daily chores. Our daily chores include taking out the trash and making sure are rooms are nice and tidy. After we did our chores we would walk to the tesco (super market) to pick up supper. We bring supper home and mum makes it. After supper we do our homework and go to bed. My dream is to travel to Italy when I grow up and follow John and Tim’s footsteps by becoming a teacher.
March 12, 1940
oday something terrible happened to our