Role Of Teaching In Teaching

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Pages: 8

Teachers’ Role
In direct method, teachers introduce a new target language word or phrase to the students and there is no instinctive language. Therefore, the role of the teacher is as demonstrator because the teacher demonstrates the meaning of words through the use of realia, pictures, or pantomime; they never translate it into the students’ native language. The teacher is also a facilitator because he facilitates the students with target language. The teacher is the source for the students to know the words in target language. The teacher provides information of the target language including the culture consisting of the history of the people who speaks the target language. The teacher is the partner of the students.
Students’ Role

It seeks to immerse the learner in the same way as when a first language is learnt. All teaching is done in target language, grammar is taught inductively, and there is focus on speaking and listening. The weakness in the Direct Method is its assumption that a second language can be learnt in exactly the same way as a first but when in fact the conditions under which a second language is learnt are very different. The teacher and the students are more like partners in the teaching and learning process. The teacher is as the facilitator of the language and the students is the active learners who are active in exploring the target
By referring these processes, Gattegno says that the procedures which are involved in the learning of second language are very different from those of the procedures which are included in the learning of first language. A learner of the second language is different from the learner of the first language. Gattegno says that the learner of the second language “cannot learn another language in the same way because of what he now knows” (Gattegno 1972: 11).
Thus the reasonable and the collateral advances of gaining the second language are that is why misled. Thus an appropriate approach to the second language is replaced by an approach that is artificial as said by Gattegno. This artificial approach is focused on the rules that a fruitful learning includes consignment of one’s self to acquiring a language by the using of silent consciousness and then a dormant tryout.
There are several objectives of the silent method as for example: Its main objective is that it helps starting level learners in gaining aural and oral skills of the other language that is to be