Overview of EAP 3
Expectations 4
Good attendance 4
Learning Outcomes 6
Skills 10
How your final EAP grade is calculated 11
Learning Journal 12
Final examinations 15
Academic Honesty 16
Collusion & fabrication 17
Turnitin 18
Writing Assessment 20 Analysing the question 20 Introductions & Conclusions 20 Example paragraph 21 Linking words and phrases 22 Example essay with citing and referencing 24
Reading Assessment 26 Annotated text 26 Vocabulary & Summary 29
Self-Study resources & Final comments 30
Overview of EAP
The aim of the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) module is to support you with your academic studies at INTO Manchester and to prepare you for the rigours of university study.
EAP classes will concentrate on developing the four main language skills - reading, listening, writing and speaking - as well as vocabulary and structures.
They will also focus on study skills and critical thinking, which will help you to become a more independent and reflective learner. To help you do this, you will be asked to analyse your strengths and weaknesses and to identify where improvements can be made.
The focus of topics and materials in EAP classes will cover popular and current issues in your subject areas, which your subject teachers have agreed will be useful. They will also help you to review and extend ideas you may have come across in your subject classes.
One area of study skills that will be emphasised is Academic Honesty including researching, quoting, paraphrasing, citing and referencing. You will need to be able to do this in the coursework you produce for your subjects and for your final assessments. This will be reviewed in IT classes and they will also provide you with practical experience of some of the skills taught in EAP which will transfer to your other subjects.
The teaching style will be interactive, as we will often ask you to present information to small groups or the whole class, to work in pairs and in groups to discuss questions, exercises, or correct errors, and to collaborate on pieces of writing.
Asking your teacher questions during class is encouraged as there may not be time after the class, depending on the timetable.
You will have to organise your time effectively to complete all of the work by the deadlines set – at times there will be a lot of work to submit in a short period of time – this is the reality at university.
Your teachers are here to support you in starting to take responsibility for your own learning, but you will be expected to become a more independent, critical and reflective learner as the course progresses.
What will your teachers expect from you?
attend all of your classes.
be on time for all of your classes.
hand in homework and coursework by the date your teacher sets.
be polite to and respect teachers and your classmates.
be prepared for classes, bringing your notebook, text books and writing materials.
take full part in the activities your teacher sets in class.
speak in English wherever you are in the centre and ALWAYS in classrooms
What should you expect?
your teacher to be on time for classes.
your teacher to be well prepared and professional.
your teacher to be available to talk to you outside class time when their timetable permits it.
your homework and coursework to be marked fairly and handed back when scheduled.
your class to be covered by a suitable teacher if your usual teacher is away.
Why are good attendance and punctuality so important?
INTO Manchester expect 100% attendance. We understand, however, that there are times when you are genuinely ill; you are allowed 5 DAYS IN TOTAL FOR THE WHOLE YEAR off classes for such short illnesses.