Considering the Present
Cheryl Taylor
Fabienne-Sophie Chauderlot
Considering the Present I have had some great experiences in my adulthood.. There are two that significantly had a positive impact on my life. Becoming a pre-kindergarten teacher and receiving my Associate of Science in Education. As a young child and thru high school, my goal was to become a teacher. After completing high school, I went to GA Military College and received my Associate of Science in Education degree. In the state of Georgia you can teach pre-kindergarten with an Associate degree. A few years later, I applied for and got the position as a teacher for pre-kindergarten. Both of these experiences are accomplishments for me. They have helped me with my educational goals in Early Childhood Education. I’m getting experience from being a pre-kindergarten teacher. .I spends the day with young children, complete lesson plans, assessments and communicates with parent’s .daily. I started a journey toward my educational goal in early child hood by receiving an Associate of Science Degree in Education. I am half way there. My experiences from getting my degree and being a teacher have influenced my online learning and can be described in Brofenbrenner’s mesosystem , ecosystem and microsystem (Mossler,2013)..
Mesosystem/Pre-kindergarten teacher Mesosystem describes the interaction between groups within the microsystem (Mossler, 2013, p. 61). It explains how stressful situations have impacts on adult development. I love my job as a pre-kindergarten teacher, however, it can be very stressful at times. Children at the ages of three and four can be very difficult to deal with, they are screaming and fighting most of the day, lesson planning is time consuming and other paperwork, such as assessments and parent/teacher conferences must be completed. I’m stressed by the time I get home. This caused me to have a negative attitude at home toward my husband and children. Now that I have started my online learning, I have more responsibilities. Assignments must be completed on time, plus my housework. My family and online learning is important to me. I had to figure out how I can do my job at work, have a positive relationship at home and complete my online learning assignments. I had to start using my time wisely. No work is coming home with me to be done. I use my planning time to complete my lesson plans and etc. My work does not come home with me anymore. I set weekly goals for myself to complete my online learning assignments and. I also, schedule time to relax and be with the family. I think I was stressed because of my job duties, however, when I learned to manage my time wisely, it isn’t as stressful. My family relationship is better because I don’t bring work home and I schedule a time for us to have together. This is just week 2 and the schedule seems to be working. My first week of school was very frustrating; I was stressed, not knowing what the assignments would require. I was nervous about the quiz and I barely got the assignments done on time. I just didn’t think I would be able to continue. But I told myself that I would not give up. I will not be a failure. I want my degree. I will reach my career goal. This week I am not as stressful. My assignments are getting done on time. Again, my online learning and family are important to me. Stress is not healthy. If I continue being stressed, I may lose my good family relationship , fail my online learning and lose my job that’s also, important to me, because it gives me some experience in my field of Early Childhood Education.
Ecosystem/My Associate of Science in Education Bronfrenbrenner’s exosystem refers to the larger system of social programs and the direction of government and the economy (Mossler, 2013.p.61). When I made the decision to go to college, I was married and working a fulltime job, 7 AM to 3PM, five days a week. I