ICT In Curriculum

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Pages: 6

New Directions of ICT in the Curriculum
“Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.” Bill Gates. To some extent it is quite true that students learn better with teachers, subject areas lie mathematics, biology, physics, and chemistry require teachers to demonstrate experiments and guide the students through the exercises. I.C.T (information Communication Technology) consisting of various things that deals with current technology, some of these include; radio, television, computers, internet, smart phones, projectors, network hardware and software, applications associated with it, somewhat like videoconferencing and distance learning. These facilities in today’s

This is because children today are influenced mostly by new technological devices and are still discovering new things, though these gadgets and devices would never be able to replace traditional teaching, introducing these devices and gadgets in the curriculum would be a fantastic idea. Considering the technological changes, having Information and Communication Technology (I.C.T) in the curriculum from the primary would do great to the students and the society as well. Even though we are in the twenty-first century, majority of the people in Fiji are still illiterate and not very much aware of the outside world. For example, considering a person around 60’s, would have internet at home but would still buy newspapers daily rather than reading it online for free. This is basically due to lack of knowledge on Information and Communication Technology (I.C.T). If these facilities and the curriculum during their time had Information and Communication Technology (I.C.T) as part of the syllabi, the person would not waste money in buying newspapers daily. The reason why most of the elderly people choose to get information in hard copy could be due to various reasons, but lack of knowledge on Information and Communication Technology (I.C.T) is one of them. Accessing the same information over the radio or the television
Everyone and everything have something to do with the current technology and communication. The future generation is already showing signs of totally being dependant on information and communication technology. Hence having these facilities in schools and introducing it in the curriculum form a beginner’s level would produce a whole new generation of technological advanced people with greater broader understanding. As the saying goes that for children, they retain twenty percent of what they hear, forty percent of what they see and hear, and seventy five percent of what they see and do. This could be one of the main reasons why the latest technology has become the vital means for success I terms of education. For any educational institute it is crucial to create an environment that is technologically advanced which provides an interesting, interactive and experimental mode of teaching that would make learning easy and enjoyable. Information and Communication Technology based education is definitely towards the way the world is