Bernice Jean Louis Mrs. Gorman English 4 H 7 October 2014 As I look around the world today, I view a world that was once filled with love has quickly turned to hate. I read about the history of our vast world and sad to say none of it is the same. I remember growing up and reading my story books about great leaders of the world who were fearless and without shame, willing to fight for their right to be heard, to be known, and to matter. Now all I see is are people hiding behind shadows, scared
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A Hero Emerges A Hero Emerges Help! Help! …. as people in a burning building, cry out in horror……. a hero emerges from the thick smoke of the burning building. I think a hero is someone who doesn’t hesitate when someone cries out for help, they don’t think about the things that will affect his self if he helps this person. A hero always has 3 characteristics that describe them. I think that a hero is brave, strong, and the most important unselfish. A hero is brave, because if there wasn’t
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Qualities of Hero Every human being has an innate nature to help others. Thus, each one of us has a capacity to become a hero. A hero is someone that acts bravely in a situation, despite being frightened themselves. Like what I saw on the internet, there was a guy that saved the old lady away from the fire. Even though it was too dangerous to save the old lady, but he chose to risked his life. A hero does not need to have any kind of super powers in order to save people, if they did something that
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Autobiography, Stone described a hero and what it is not. “Heroes are every day, common people, most of what they do goes unheralded, unappreciated and that ironically is heroism not to be recognized.”(Stone) What do you consider a hero? Someone who is made-up and fights bad guys for revenge and only comes out on television? Or someone who would rather stay home and take care of their grandma because she’s sick than to go to the party of the year? Being a hero can bring many sacrifices but one
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destination, The West. Because of all these details the film, Into the West, ultimately turns into an epic with a hero who achieves a lot and stands out in the collection of characters. Into the West satisfies the definition of an epic because there is a detailed central character hero, the landscape and settings are vast, and the central hero embodies the values of his civilization. The central hero is Ossie, a 6 year old boy. He is one of the reasons why this story is a perfect example of an epic. Ossie
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What a true hero is all about Everyone has a different opinion on what a hero is, but the real question is how do you become a hero. In my opinion a person who becomes a hero is someone that believes in themselves, helps others, learns from their mistakes and appreciates life. Sometimes that just makes me wonder if there really is such a thing called a “hero.” One of the articles we read in class was Flight 93; it’s about some passengers that overtook the highjackers that intended to use the plane
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Not a Hero Everyone might be familiar with heroes, no matter the imaginary or the real heroes, such as Batman and Martin Luther King. At the end of most stories, heroes would achieve their missions and become successful. I think that is what most people will remember about the stories or myths. However, people would barely mention or pay attention to the sidekicks in the stories. I guess the title “sidekicks” already sounds less important. On the other hand, sidekicks mostly just assist heroes
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Combine compassion with everyday citizens who are demonstrating strong will against danger and inspiring values in others and a modern day hero is born. The main difference between a hero and a villain is often the hero’s concerns for others. A wise man (Ted Tollefson) once said, “ Heroes serve powers or principles larger than themselves,” in his article, “Is a Hero Really Nothing but a Sandwich?” Abdul Sattar Edhi began caring for his ailing mother, then others in his hometown. Now he takes care of millions of men
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title? A “hero” should be someone with a good set of morals, someone who stands up for what is right despite the consequences of the “hero’s” actions, and last of all someone who does nice, genuine, acts of kindness just “because”. A hero like Superman but a hero doesn’t have to have superpowers to be a hero. That of which could be argued about Cooper Folkerts, he has helped a kid up when he tripped, a little act of kindness can always go a long way. However, for other reasons, Superman is the hero that is easier to describe
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Derek Zhang Ms. Hanus ELLDP3C 10 April 2015 My Personal Hero Christopher Reeve once said, “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” Notably, this quote has been considered to be the “heart” of heroism for many others including myself. For example, soldiers, firefighters, policemen, and many others are the ones we consider as heroes because they all made a difference in other’s lives, and always put others before themselves
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personal life. You can be hero without knowing it. Just making someone smile can brighten up their day. Heroes are there to make a stand and spread word to make people understand the thing they are striving for. They’re there to save lives and support others but most of all to make people smile. Heroes are a big part of everyone’s childhood whether you had action figures or you read them in comics. A lot of superheroes went through tough times to become the super hero they now are. For example Batman
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There are so many things one has to accomplish to be titled a hero. For instance, the stereotypical hero that’s envisaged in us is strong and saves someone from death. Also, others do have heroes that are leaders and athletes, whom which are highly regarded when it comes to social media and politics. Because of this, it is extremely difficult to be a hero and live up to modern society’s expectations. These severe expectations make becoming a hero impossible... or does it? In the article "My New Hero? She's a 4year old", The Newsweek Staff give an example
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Beowulf: Epic Hero Final Essay Gillespie British Lit The legendary hero Beowulf had great -- sometimes superhuman -- physical strength, incredible bravery and confidence, and he was protected by special armor and weapons. He was also accompanied by a loyal friend, Wiglaf, who assisted him when he needed help defeating the dragon. A hero had to have courage, strength, and the will to overcome obstacles. He had to be a good leader and a father figure to his followers. He would be merciless to enemies
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Audrey Stevens of National City. He has two brothers named Russell and James and one sister named Ruth. He lived in Chula Vista, California. He graduated in Sweetwater High School in 1957 where he enjoyed track n’ field, specifically the shot put. (An American Hero) . Larry is married to Sharon Lynne Kammerman of 848 Magarian road. “ Larry was very devoted to his family. He wanted his children to grow up to be strong and valiant individuals” (Himmer) . He would always write to his two sons, Richard Paul Himmer and Dale
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My Hero My hero is one that is very close to me. My hero is the person that gave birth to me. My hero is my mother. I chose my mom as my hero because to me that is what she is and more. My mom is literally the backbone in the family. She takes care of everything in the family and around the house. Before I began to drive my mom would take me everywhere. My mother like many others has been to the moon and back just to help me. She is such a kind person, she gives me advice about anything, she is
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The Ultimate Hero An explosion occurs in Boston and everyone is distraught but one. Could it perhaps be a hero, or the fool himself whom set the trap? The common question asked in the modern world today, “What is a hero?” One that has superhuman powers and saves the world or one who is camouflaged with the people of society? Norman Schwarzkopf rightly said, “It doesn’t take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into the battle.” This quote means that anyone
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Hero Lives “Forever” “You can die a hero or live long enough to become the villain” this quote is agreeable because it is the core message throughout the movie “Dark Knight”. The key theme in the movie is about Good vs. Eviland it tells a greater conflict that we each must face within our life. We should always believe in ourselves and feel confident about the choices and decisions we make. In addition, Batmans willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to save his city. This action showed us the true
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My Hero Kaleb cook Doctor Hailey English 101 9/16/13 Bruce Alton Evans, my grandfather, was the most important person in my life. He inspired me to do many things in my life. He made me realize many things about how one should make it through life happy. Bruce Alton Evans is my hero. When I was young my dream was to play Major League Baseball, everyone always told me that I would never make it that far. However my grandfather always told me that I have what it takes to play at that level
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Prasad September 17, 2012 8th hour Hero Definition Essay “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something greater than oneself” (Joseph Campbell). The meaning of a true hero is someone who sacrifices their life for the good and needs of others. A real hero is willing to take risks, never gives up, and is not selfish. A hero is someone who is willing to take risks. That means that they understand what could happen, but
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Whether someone’s hero is a living person or a fabled character from a movie, everyone has a hero. I think a lot when I hear the word of someone being a hero. Being a hero is anyone or someone who, through personal effort, makes a positive action in loves of others without compromising his or her own personal values. In my view, there are different kinds of heroes, Ancient heroes, Shakespearean heroes, and even Modern day heroes. In other words, ancient heroes are from the past that have a special
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Almost in all of Shakespeare's plays a tragic hero is always identified; a heroic figure that demonstrates a character flaw that leads to their death. In William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, there have been many disputes about who was the real tragic hero. Over half the people agree that Marcus Brutus was the true tragic hero. However, others have argued and identified Julius Caesar as the real tragic hero. After analyzing these two great characters, a conclusion is drawn, Brutus is the real tragic hero of this play
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My Hero Dictionary.com stated that, a hero is a person who is of distinguished courage or ability, admired for their brave deeds and noble qualities or a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal. The little things you do could make a huge difference for somebody else. When someone is being bullied but is too scared to tell an adult, instead of being a bystander you can tell an adult and help that person in way
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Keith Lyons Jr. Civilization I Discussion 6 In many earlier civilizations the hero has been seen to change and develop across cultures and as time has passed. Beowulf is the center of attention as a hero as he is an Anglo-Saxon warrior. In Anglo-Saxon culture a hero has to have all three strength, wisdom, and courage. Death for an Anglo-Saxon warrior is honorable and the courage they need to possess to be thought of as a warrior needs to be shown even if it means death. They must be willing to
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ereTragic hero English 11 Period :5 After reading The Crucible and understanding the meaning of a tragic hero, I believe the role of John Proctor fits perfectly in the definition. In the readings of “the tragic hero” the classic tragic hero is defined as one who fights against overwhelming odds even though he may sense that he is going to lose. Basically stating that no matter what, this hero will stick to his or her beliefs or what they know to be correct. By doing so the character expresses
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Achilles is the main character in Homer’s book Iliad and Beowulf is the main character in Anglo-Saxon’s story Beowulf. In this essay I’m going to compare the heroes Achilles and Beowulf to show who’s the bigger hero. I personally think Beowulf was a bigger hero. Three characteristics to an epic hero is: courage, fate of nations, and supernatural being. Both Achilles and Beowulf have courage, which all epic heroes have. They both affect fate of nations because if they didn’t, they would not have any significance
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when it came to deciding when to go to war, “Sundiata was immovable, so the orders were given and the war drums began to beat, (p.49).” Sundiata’s determination is initiative with words of conviction that then are manifested in actions. Sundiata’s hero qualities were most evident in the courage that he displayed. Part of Sundiata courage laid in the fact that he was fearless, and “fear enters the heart of him who does not know his destiny, whereas Sundiata knew that he was striding towards a great
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Recognizing a Hero How is the long suffering Odysseus and the clown fish Nemo alike? They are both considered archetypal heroes. All archetypal heroes have certain characteristics. The great Odysseus and the fish Nemo are both considered archetypal heroes because they experience an unusual birth, leave family to live with others and have atonement with their father. In the begging of The Odyssey, the royal son of Laertes Odysseus goes to fight at the Trojan War, at the end of the poem he finally
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Larry March Professor R.M Stambaugh English 1102 24 February 2012 The embodiment of the absurd hero: “Existence precedes essence” The only thing we can’t not do is not choose. The story of The Guest is about Daru, a lonely schoolteacher in Camus’ boyhood home of Algeria. Daru likes living in solitude, but he must learn to recognize that choices are unavoidable and that his choices matter. The story takes place in the middle of the nineteenth century when Algeria is still a land full of conflict
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Poetic Hero America has been filled with golden dark obstacles. From racial discrimination to the Great Depression, from Civil War to World War, there are heroes who tried to make changes. “I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself”. These lines are from Walt Whitman’s “Song to Myself’ embodied the complications of this remarkable American Poet. In this quote, Whitman was discussing the concept of celebrating who he is as a human being, even if it’s flawed, contradictory, or imperfect
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Essay#4 My Hero Everyone has someone who has had some sort of impact on their life, whether it is a positive or negative. This person may have the ability to influence someone’s character and significantly affect one’s life. Everyone has someone they look up to, learn things from, and may even consider their hero. My mother has had a very large, positive impact on my life and has helped mold me into the
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