Homework 2 – Weeks 3 / 4
Unit 02 – Schools as Organisations
1. Summarise what type of schooling early years children entitled to (1.1)?
From a Childs 3rd birthday they are entitled to 15 free hours of early years education for 38 weeks of the year, the government will fund the local authorises to ensure that every child receives up to 2 years of free education until the child starts school.
You can use the Childs early year’s education entitlement at a school nursery, private day nursery or with a registered child minder. Parents or carers don’t have to pay for this but any additional hours that a child has will need to be paid by the parent or carer.
2. Explain what the following types of schools provide (1.2)
a. Community schools - Are run by the local authority, which employs school staff, owns the land and buildings, and sets the entrance criteria (such as catchment area) that decide which children are eligible for a place).
b. Foundation and trust schools - Are run by a governing body which employs the staff and sets the entrance criteria. Land and buildings are owned either by the governing body or by a charitable foundation. Trust schools are similar, but are run together with an outside body – usually a business or charity – which has formed an educational trust.
c. Voluntary schools- Are religious or faith schools. Just like foundation schools, the governing body employs the staff and sets the entrance criteria. School buildings and land are usually owned by a charity, often a church.
Voluntary-controlled schools are a cross between community and voluntary-aided schools. The local authority employs the staff and sets the entrance criteria, like a community school, but the school land and buildings are
Owned by a charity, often a church, which also appoints some members of the governing body.
d. Specialist schools - often specialise, which means they have an extra emphasis in one or two subjects. Schools can specialise in: the arts, maths and computing, business and enterprise, music, engineering, science, humanities, sports, languages, and technology.
e. Independent schools- Are set apart from the local education authority since they are funded by fees paid by parents and income from investments, gifts and charitable endowments. They do not need to follow the national curriculum and the head teacher and governors will decide on the admissions policy.
f. Academies- Are independently managed schools set up by sponsors from business, faith or voluntary groups in partnership with the local authority and the government Department for Children, Schools and Families.
Information taken from http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/parents/types_of_schools/
Explain the post 16 options for young people and adults (1.3)
The government introduced the September guarantee in 2007 to reduce the number of people not in education, employment or training (NEET).
The options available for people who are leaving school or who are in employment are places in further learning; which could be either full or part time education in school, sixth form, college or independent learning through a provider. Other options would be an apprenticeship or a programme - led apprenticeship, where you would do the training and be in a work placement. You may also be in employment and have training to a NVQ level 2.
Explain what is meant by the following terms and how a school would reflect these in its practice (3.1)
a. Ethos –Is the schools values and beliefs and the atmosphere of the school. The schools ethos should be reflected upon entering the school, you can usually get a feel of the schools environment in way of phrases or mottos hung up on the wall or there may
Be pictures of the school children that have been rewarded for good behaviour or an outstanding achievement.
b. Mission – Is a summary of what a school has to offer you might see things a school does or doesn’t do in their mission statement and this can help a parent or carer make the