Essay on Identity: Education and Students

Submitted By xoxox0402
Words: 770
Pages: 4

Yu Jin An

People have not only one but also multiple identities. People change their identity, depending on who they are with. In some cases, people behave ceremoniously. In other cases, they act easily. These explain two occasions, which are when students are with teachers and friends.
Students are one identity, and teachers see them every day in a classroom. The role of teachers is teaching to students. Teachers not only teach subjects such as mathematics and English, but also they teach morality and how to clean up a room to students. People imagine that teachers wear glasses are always earnest. Also, teachers are respected people. As students’ behaviors, they always have heavy textbooks and a pencil case. They are artifacts. Moreover, when students talk to their teachers, they show respect to teachers by the way to talk and have more space than with friends. They are paralinguistic and proxemics. In Japan, the Japanese have honorific expressions use to show respect to the person addressed. Then the Japanese students have to use the honorific expressions to teachers. Moreover, the students may speak modestly. When people talk to friends, they are close and sometimes touch each other. However, they may keep a 2 foot distance and not touch to teachers. The reason why I chose heavy textbooks, a pencil, and an eraser as a behavior is that students are people who study every day. They bring their textbooks, pencils, and an eraser to school every day. As next behaviors, respect to someone is important. In Japan, students learn respect in elementary school. If students have textbooks or stuff to study, others encourage them to study hard. If a student is an elementary student, teachers praise him or her for using honorific expressions. However, when a high school students talk to teachers with the honorific expressions, it is regarded as natural. Keeping more distance with teachers than with friends makes students and teachers comfortable. When students are with different audiences from teachers, they become friendly. For example, students stay close to their parents, and behave like a baby. However, if they have younger siblings, they take care of their siblings as the older. They enjoy playing sports, and sometimes teach their siblings. They may behave affectionately toward their siblings. Students behave very differently to their friends than others. Friends talk to each other easily, and play together. Students talk about many things such as study and life, so they use a lot of gestures and facial expressions. When they are happy, they use gestures exaggeratedly. Moreover, when they are very sad, they show their sad facial expressions to their friends. Students show much movement to their friends although they do not to teachers. Students do their homework with their friends. As they do not understand homework or the things they have already learned, they ask their friends to help. Furthermore, if students become very close friends, they talk about love. For