Study Module Learning Contract 97181835 QUEEN MARGARET UNIVERSITY – INDEPENDENT STUDY MODULE LEARNING CONTRACT________________________________________________________ NAME: Julie Young PROGRAMME: MSc Palliative Care AREAS OF INTEREST: Stress in Palliative Care RATIONALE FOR CHOICE: Over the past two years, the student’s organisation (a Hospice Unit) has undergone many changes, particularly at ward level: a change in environment (a temporary change of building and location in a non-purpose
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Stress We as human beings experience stress every single day, whether its good stress or bad stress. No one’s life is free of stress. No matter how sensible, intelligent, or privileged you are. Throughout our lives we will be challenged by frustration, losses, changes and conflicts. Dealing with my own battles with stress, I am a granddaughter of a victim of stress. My grandmother died from symptoms of stress, her Heart exploded. My grandma was a very nice and humble lady. As a housewife, her
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Stress Many may ask, "what exactly is stress?” well stress is a physical response to events that make you feel threatened or by an event that can disrupt your balance in some way. For example, When someone sense danger, whether it is real or not the body's defenses kick into high gear in a rapid, automatic process known as the “fight-or-flight” reaction, or the stress response. Fight or flight refers to how your body response in a stressful situation. When your adrenaline is pumping, you think you
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Stress and Coping 1. Website: http://www.uhc.com/source4women/health_topics/stress/managing_stress_tools_and_resources/quiz:_how_stressed_are_you.htm 2. The results of my stress said that I have a good balance with my ability to manage my stress. The stress test basically told me that I need to focus more on the positive things in life rather than the negative because I do tend to focus too much on the bad things in my life instant of the good ones. The stress test told me that I don’t spend enough
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Modern World and Human Relationship: Sources of Stress Feeling of stress becomes integrated with an individual's ordinary life nowadays. People face a lot of threats in one day and anything that poses a challenge or a threat to their well-being is a source of stress. Many different things can cause stress, which range from physical to emotional circumstances. People feel stressed due to the problems they face in their vocational and/or educational life and due to the social pressure that they
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The Joy of Stress A little stress is not always a bad thing, in fact sometimes we thrive on a little anxiety. Anxiety can be addictive. People can become accustomed and comfortable with a little stress. The author points out that without stress life is somewhat boring and dull. When someone is not worried about something they are not motivated to do anything. It has been proven by Harvard scientists that moderate stress levels can improve one’s performance at a given task. Anxiety causes you become
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Jones Final Paper: Stress in the workplace June 18, 2012 BUS 318: Organizational Business Instructor: Gary Priest Final Paper: Stress in the workplace Organizational behavior is the study of individuals and their behavior within an organized work environment. Many different facets of the business world make up organizational behavior including: motivation, personality, leadership, communication, and so much more. However, I plan to focus on the topic of stress within organizational
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Madison Suttles Mrs. Halstead College Writing 110 12 November 2014 Stress and the Effects it has on our Lives Stress is a problem for everyone. Going to school, playing sports, and holding down a job are just some of the ways that stress can show up in one’s life. Stress is defined as “a situation in which environmental demands, internal demands, or both, tax or exceed the adaptive resources of an individual, social system, or tissue system” (Keller, Abiola, et al. 677). With the constant pressure
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module 3 Stress- hypothalamus/pituitary kick in fight or flight Medulla secretes catecholamines, which cause damage to cp system after long term exposure Cortisol also damages heart Different types of stressors’ responses General adaptation syndrome 3 phases Alarm- hypersensitive, something’s not right Resistance- I should fight this stress Exhaustion-emotional or physical Serotonin plays role in mood Main neurotransmitter implicated in depression Factors that affect stress response
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There is a level of stress that is good, but when it becomes excess it hampers our productivity and performance resulting in mental and physical changes. “Stress is an expected human response to challenging or dangerous situations” (Mind health connect, 2015). This response can be both positive and negative and can affect the individual both on and off the job. Workplace stress “is the harmful physical and emotional response that can happen when there is a conflict between job demands on the employee
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Impact on Stress What is stress? Stress is the physical and mental strain a person experiences in association with demands to adapt to a challenging situation. Stress is bad for you in many ways. Your own stress can hurt others, and also you in a short term & long term way. When you stress a lot, it can cause anger. You'll be frustrated over all the problems you're facing and going through at the moment. You might be stressing over a big event that happened months ago still too. When you're
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Lesson 2: Stress: What is it? Slide 1: VIDEO: What is Stress? What is Stress? The anxiety of not knowing, like, am I gonna get it all done? Excessive worrying about things that I, I can't control. Stress is just really juggling things, for me. Stress is that overwhelming feeling that you get when…
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Coping With Stress I don’t have a very good mechanism for dealing with stress in my life. I have a bad habit of not taking care of things that will become stressful to me, and when I start getting too stressed out because of them, I just want to go hide from the stress. When I do let myself get too stressed, I try and take a break from whatever is causing the stress and listen to music to relax myself a little bit. Listening to music is normally a good way to relax me enough to be able to handle
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According to statistics, the top three causes of stress in the United States are work pressure, money, and health. Although others would choose three different causes, these are the ones that affect me the most. If they have the same causes, they would have different reasons to why. An example would be the hours involved in different jobs. In my case, I have to deal with very loud music, a lot of people, and customers getting out of hand. I work in the lounge called Hookah Inn. This is a place
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You can tell when stress become too much by paying attention to your body. Some people start having migraines headaches, hair loss, and even skin problems. I know my stress levels become a bit too much when my menstrual cycle act crazy, like being lighter or heavier then normal. There is also some relational signs like, more arguments with your partner for no reason, road rage, and isolation from social activities. The 3 major causes of stress is: 1. Trying to balance Work and Life- Its important
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1.0 Introduction We generally use the word stress when we feel that everything seems to have become too much, we are overloaded and wonder whether we really can cope with the pressures placed upon us. Anything that poses a challenge or a threat to our well-being is a stress. Some stresses get you going and they are good for you, without any stress at all many say our lives would be boring and would probably feel pointless. However, when the stresses undermine both our mental and physical
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Effects of Stress Stress is something that everyone experiences daily and is something that cannot be easily avoided. It can cause many different health problems including affecting your weight. Stress is defined as forces from the outside world that affects a person. Not all stress is negative and some stressors can help you learn and grow. With the accumulation of stress an individual’s body is affected physically and mentally. Stress can cause the body’s automatic defense mechanism to become
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Relationship Dating and Stress It is all around us, I see in the ads in the news paper I see it all over the internet, television, movies every country song ever written and at the school dance; the yearning of romantic relationships. There is pressure and stress that people feel to achieve even if it is just for the night or for a life partner. For some people who are naturally friendly, charming with the opposites sex the stress of attracting these relationships is minimal. However for the
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Dealing with stress Stress is a mentally or emotionally upsetting condition occurring in response to adverse external influences and it is capable of affecting physical health, usually characterized by increased heart rate, a rise in blood pressure, muscular tension, irritability, and depression. The Stress Combat is the ability to maintain the control when situations, people and events make extreme demands. Improving the ability of patience, do not overloading the day, and managing the time.
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possible that many factors mediate the effects of stress, for example personality, social support, age, gender, lifestyle, self-esteem and coping styles. All factors have studies done on them to back it up with evidence. There are three different explanations which proves that men and women cope differently when stressed, they are known as the biological, social and cognitive explanation. It has been proven by researchers that gender can have an impact on stress, Men and women differ in many ways. So, because
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lives teens are best served by building self-esteem. With changes in their physique many teens struggle with weight gain and need assistance losing weight without stress build-up. If you find issues with your teens emotional rollercoaster ride, check Teen Depression Help for resources you can put into practice immediately. Handling stress on teenagers when bad things happen by helping them gain perspective is a great way that parents can be a positive influence during these challenging years. The
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Stress at work is undoubtedly the number one stress in most Americans lives. Since most of us do not get things handed to us for free we must work in order to get paid and pay to live our day to day lives. Work pays for our house to live in, the food we eat, the car we drive, and the clothes we wear. If we do not do well at work then we do not get paid. If we are not paid we cannot afford the day to day essentials. The point of all this is to show that most of our stress relates to how we perform
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Now that we get more homework and more tests in school, we barely get any to study with chores, jobs, and afterschool work. Our parents just put more stress on our shoulders by putting us in these activities and having us do the chores after we come from the activities. Teens do participate in too many activities because “they can develop stress disorders,”
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Stress Stress is a mental, emotional strain brought about by internal pressure by anxiety and worrisome thoughts (Richman, V, K. L. Lerner, B. W. Lerner., 2014, p. 1). Stress a bad and negative way to handle situations that you don’t feel comfortable in. Researchers have found biochemical occurrences that have been weird or unusual when the body undergoes stress. Prolonged or excessive stress can lead to a variety of diseases and disorders. Examples of this would be elevated blood pressure, depression
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of stress is the physical pressure, pull, or other force exerted on one thing by another. In America children of all ages seem to deal with a certain level of stress. Things such as homework, after school activities, and simply not having enough time in the day can cause immense stress that is sometimes very difficult to deal with. However there is a solution to this daunting issue. The Child Stress Organization, or CSO, has been creating an app to deal with this very problem of child stress. The
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Stress and Health Psychology Andrew Arnold March 25, 2010 Ever wonder about how stress affects our bodies and our health? This word stress is thrown around by the media so much it’s losing its meaning but have you ever wondered how they define stress? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines stress as a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation. Our text book defines stress as the term used to describe the physical
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the psychological aspects of Stress and wellbeing Abstract The purpose of this report is to identify what stress is and how affects body and mind. This has been achieved by examining biological and psychological responses in detail and simplified models of both, created by Selye (1956) and Lazarus and Folkman (1984). The report includes various methods of measuring stress including the Social Readjustment Rating Scale, physiological feedback and the levels of stress hormones. Finally, the work
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Stress is part of our lives. We live with it, deal with it, and worry about it on daily basis. Our way of life, the area in which we live or economy can cause a great deal of stress. But not everyone deals with the same amount of stress and there are several factors that can impact people’s lives and cause us to have lower or higher stress levels. We can become stressed because of catastrophic life events, personal stressors and simple daily hassles. Stressors can have positive effects, arousing
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see how your newest proposal is going. To say the least, you’re stressed. But fortunately for you, these are all examples of acute stress. They are short term, won’t last longer than your work day, and may actually benefit your health. However, if your life feels like that every day of the week, you may be experiencing long-term or chronic stress. This type of stress can be dangerous to your health if you do not work to overcome it or don’t figure out healthier ways to cope with the effects it has
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Netherlands A BALANCE THEORY OF JOB DESIGN FOR STRESS REDUCTION Michael J. Smith and Pascale C. Sainfort Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wl 53706 (U.S.A.) (Received October 17, 1988; accepted January 5, 1989) ABSTRACT This paper proposes a new way of conceptualizing job design and job stress based on the balance among job elements. It integrates social psychological theories of job design with job stress concepts to develop a model of job balance that
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