Migraines: Migraine and Wake Sleep Patterns Essay

Submitted By culturelisita
Words: 753
Pages: 4

CAUSES: Unknown, Hormonal Changes, Foods,
Stress, Sensory Stimuli, Changes in Wake Sleep
Patterns, Physical Factors, Changes in
Environment and Medications.
+Medication taken during migraine headache attack.
+Medications taken daily to prevent migraine headaches. Migraines:
 Much about the cause of migraines is not understood, genetics and environmental factors seem to both play a role.
 May be caused by changes in the brainstem and its interactions with the trigeminal nerve, a major pain pathway.  [The trigeminal nerve CNV 5: is a paired cranial nerve that has three major branches: the ophthalmic nerve
(V1), the maxillary nerve (V2), and the mandibular nerve (V3)].

 Imbalances in brain chemicals, including serotonin — which helps regulate pain in your nervous system — also may be involved

 Serotonin levels drop during migraine attacks. This may trigger the trigeminal nerve to release substances called neuropeptides, which travel to your brain's outer covering (meninges). The result is headache pain. Due to inflammation.

Migraines (cont.)
 Whatever the exact mechanism of the headaches is unknown, a number of things may trigger them.

 Hormonal Changes, Foods, Stress, Sensory Stimuli,
Changes in Sleep Patterns, Physical factors, Changes in
Environment and medications. H Hormonal

Migraines: Hormonal Changes.
 Fluctuations in estrogen seem to trigger headaches in many women with known migraines.
 Women with a history of migraines often report headaches immediately before or during their periods, when they have a major drop in estrogen.
 Increased tendency to develop migraines during pregnancy or menopause also occurs.

Migraines: Food Triggers.
 Alcohol, Beer and red wine; aged cheeses; chocolate; aspartame; overuse of caffeine; (monosodium glutamate — a key ingredient in some Asian foods); salty foods; and processed foods.

 Skipping meals or fasting also can trigger migraine attacks.  It is important to keep a healthy food regiment and avoid foods that contain sulfites such as red wine.

Migraines: Stress.
 Stress at work, home and school can instigate migraines.

 Bad personal or work related relationships that include

verbal and physical abuse.
 Work related stress: Job instability, frequent travel,

inability to cope, job performance.
 School Related Stress: Work load, Exams, Studying

patterns and High Self Expectations.

Migraines: Sensory Stimuli.
 Bright lights.

 Intermittent lights used in: concerts, clubs.
 Sun glare.
 Loud sounds.
 Unusual smells — including: perfume, paint thinner, gasoline, and secondhand smoke.

Migraines: Changes in Wake –
Sleep Patterns.
 Too much sleep.

 Short sleep: Insomnia, going to bed late and waking up early.
 disrupted sleep: noise, preoccupations.
 Jet Lag.

Migraines: Physical Factors.
 Intense physical exertion.
 Heavy Weight Lifting.
 Yoga: Certain positions increase blood circulation to head thus increasing pressure.
 Sexual activity:
 Nonconsensual sex: Rape.
 Increase in physical demand.

Migraines: Changes in Environment.
 Weather changes may cause imbalances in brain chemicals, including serotonin, which can prompt a migraine.  Change of Weather: Cloudy days, Sunny days (light reflection and brightness.). Hot or cold days.
 Barometric Pressure: High Altitudes
 High humidity and dry air.

Migraines: Medications.
 Oral contraceptives.
 Hormone replacement therapy.

 Vasodilators, such as nitroglycerin.

Migraines: Treatment drugs to relieve pain onset of Migraines.