Cultural Differences When communicating in the business world one may encounter a hurdle that must be jumped in order to succeed. Any small differences, especially cultural, can affect business communications. In order to succeed, in the world of business, one must be willing to modify our communication style, customs, values and norms, according to whom we are engaging in business with. Whenever doing business with someone from a different culture, or country, it is crucial to learn about them,
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Tolerance: Key to accept Cultural differences Throughout my short life I have been taught by my parents and by society, to respect the differences I can have with other people such as: age, sex, race, beliefs, language, values, etc. But back in my home country, Honduras, I didn’t differ very much from other people. The reality is that I never got to experience big differences with other people until I had the amazing opportunity to live and study in the United States. I had been in the U.S. a couple
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There are many cultural differences between the new south and the old south. Clyde Egderton shows this perfectly in his novel Raney. In the novel the two main characters Charles Shepard, who is a product of new southern ideals, and Raney Shepard, his wife, a product of old southern ideals, show these differences throughout the novel in problems and arguments they have in their marriage. Charles and Raney are from two culturally different worlds. Charles is a college educated man who grew up in the
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Cultural Similarities and Differences between China and The United States of America Qixin Zheng George Brown College Cultural Similarities and Differences between China and The United States of America The culture of a country is a necessary important part of its society and population whether the country is an Asian developing country or a western developed country. China is the largest country in the Asia; it not only refers Chinese position and strength
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Running head: Managing Cultural Differences Managing Cultural Differences in the Workplace Mary J. Shaw Altenburg, Missouri Abstract Managing diversity means acknowledging people’s differences and seeing these differences as valuable. Supporting and encouraging a diverse business will help recruit the best talent, keep prized employees on board and deliver a better product and service. A work culture that supports diversity will encourage employees to develop their strengths, think outside
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individual activity which can be affected by a number of different influences. Cultural differences Acknowledging and responding to the cultural aspects of a person’s identity and care needs are strategies that are likely to enhance communication. Avoid general assumptions that beliefs about issues such as diet, personal care practices, sleeping arrangements and ‘health’ are shared by all service users. Language differences Language is a central feature of any communication process. There is often
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American & Iranian Cultural Differences Student Name ANT 101: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Instructor Name Date Introductory Why do some cultures treat women with the up most respect and others as if they were lower than life itself? Growing up in earlier years the only examples we as American’s had was just by what we were told. In today’s world we are able to communicate better and see more of how the cultures are in other countries. In America all are treated with equal
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However, Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) not only need to know the political, legal and regulatory environment in host country but also the culture difference which is very important to lessen the cultural problems and know how to solve it wisely. Companies may be abandoned by customers or spend a lot of money
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Introduction This task was set to explore the importance of cultural differences and how they influence how people are valued within organisations operating on a global scale. While there is sufficient text on International Human Resources Management (IHRM), the matter of how organisations and HR are influenced by these cultural differences has not yet been sufficiently discussed. Therefore, the aim of this essay is to discuss how cultural differences have an impact on HRM on a global scale and how the processes
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The rapid growth of globalisation and internationalisation of trade in resources, especially human capital, has made managerial of culture differences ever so important as to understanding the different variables (Hofstede G, 2010). In this paper, the Power Distance Index (PDI) of both Chinese and aboriginal traditional cultural value and belief in family, social life and workplace is going to be examined under the scope of Hofstede’s dimensions. To a truthful stereotype, both culture heavily emphasis
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M2-Compare how cultural differences and foreign business environments affect multinational corporations In this report I will be stating the differences of how Tesco function in South Korea compared to how they function in the United Kingdom. Tesco have to adapt to the local culture, traditions and tastes and have to recreate an environment in which shoppers will feel at home. Tesco’s local adaption strategy in South Korea involves selling products and services based not on the UK experience, but
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Cultural Diversity in the Healthcare Environment Samantha Thomas RN Chamberlain College of Nursing SOCS-350: Cultural Diversity November 2014 Cultural Diversity in the Healthcare Environment It is imperative to understand the importance of cultural diversity in the healthcare work environment and how we all benefit from these differences. Managing cultural, ethnic, and gender differences in the work place Healthcare is a never ending and changing environment. With the new procedures, technology
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Human brings composed of composed of diverse races, languages and cultures. These aspects of life give distinctive features to particular group of people. When people holding different cultural and linguistic come into contact with each other, then, some interesting things take place and some difficulties also arise especially at work place. The world of today is greatly changed when it is compared to times decades ago. The technological, economical, political and social changes have completely
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stereotypes and interpersonal communication patterns (Al-Atiyyat, 2009). The nurses should be attentive and sensitive to the patients’ own cultural background especially when they work in diverse society. Cultural incompetency can result in inadequate or inappropriate care due to miscommunication and the possibility to make inaccurate assessments. Thus, cultural competence is linked to improving the quality of pain management as part of the patient care provided (Al-Atiyyat, 2009). Patients with
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need for cross-cultural communication and sensitivity. After 45 minutes of roleplaying, I think that I managed to experience first-hand complications surrounding the idea of cross-cultural communications. Right off the bat, many cultural differences came into contention. Country folk versus City dweller, Forward thinking versus Protecting traditions and culture, Path of Certainty versus Risk Taking, just to name a few. These various mind-sets spawned from the cultural differences determined the
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Table of Contents Introduction 3 organisational conflict 3 Cultural differences 4 Comparison of Organizational conflict and Cultural differences 4 Contrasting conflicts and Cultural differences 5 Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………….5 Introduction: In this report, I am going to discuss the organizational conflict and cultural differences. First of all, I am going to look at conflicts at work. In other words, do conflicts
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Cultural Values and Business Ethics Gabriel A. Martinez Saint Thomas University – Reaction Paper MAN 711 Abstract The purpose of this paper will be to analyze the influence and importance of cultural values in combination with business ethics. Based on previous discussion of cultural differences an analysis of similar cultures and stark differences will be examined in order to provide an example of how different cultures practice and apply business ethics. CONTENTS Abstract 2 Reaction
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The Allure of Cultural Diversity Culture is seen from many as the characteristics of a certain group of people mostly defined by their language, religion, food, music, art etc.. I see it though as traditions, an environment that creates a safe haven for an individual, connection within a group past a superficial level. Diversity means variety, the differences between one another. When you bring the two together, that is where things really get interesting. It is here where humans become unique
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diversity in work with children and young people. Introduction It is important to support the rights of all children and young people to participate and have equality of access. Therefore, it is essential to outline the benefits of valuing and promoting cultural diversity in work with children and young people. 1.2: In recent years, attitudes towards children’s rights have shifted. Professionals are no longer focused on just a child’s basic welfare, but identifying and supporting their rights is important
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essay will put up some useful methods for improving communication based on the case of Hewlett-Packard Co. Ltd. The company's information delivery chain in different position levels, the company's scale, staff position and title as well as cultural difference may bring in communication barriers for the company.To eliminate the communication barrier in the company management, the organization should utilize effective methods (Rothstein et al, 1958). In below, HP’s case will be applied to analyze how
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Introduction Campbell (2004, 62) states that cultural differences tend to be revealed in language, and misunderstandings between people from different cultures tend to arise from their use of language to communicate with each other. Here, I will ask how linguistic and cultural diversity affects communication between students. This study will investigate and analyse the causes or situations in which conflicts or misunderstandings can happen between students that are related to different cultures
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characteristics of the cultural differences. Cultural issues are key factors of company success and failure. Culture differences can have important effects on companies operating in another country. (Deresky, 2006) from this report will choice China, U.S. and Britain. Hofstede’s culture dimensions are basic framework to analyse the culture differences between China and U.S. and Britain. It the most popular theories and used by many national culture. Hofstede (1980) developed five cultural dimensions: (1)
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ethnicity has referred to people who have shared blood or family or are related through marriage. Race: Refers to superficial physical differences, such as skin color, that cannot be changed. * Concept that is socially constructed * Something that does not occur naturally. * Over time a process has meant that those superficial physical differences have taken on societal meaning. * Built on a system of power relations * Dominant group gets to define and create the standards
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years. With cross border mobility becoming much easier the number of people moving from one country to another has grown significantly. This has also led to more people from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds intermarrying. Their children could be born and grow up in different countries and have hybrid cultural identities. Globalization and the advances in communication and transportation technology have reduced trade barriers and increased interaction among people. Multicultural teams have
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arts. Each country in the Association of South East Asian Nation or ASEAN has its own distinct culture. This difference in culture is what we call cultural diversity. Many people think that this cultural diversity is the reason why
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Quinton Hunt EDU 230 3/15/2015 Katy Sell Cultural Identity Everyone finds out what they’re a lot about themselves during school years and in today’s society cultural identity is like second nature, but it has not always been that way. There’s a vast amount of cultural differences within the school systems and after speaking with my interviewee who is of the same cultural descent as I, but experienced cultural identity in different ways than my own because of time progression. Being of African descent
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important the significance of cultural differences is larger than we might think. Organizations that are diverse have to work together because their functionality impacts the productivity of the workplace. It is vital to have an understanding the different cultures to develop a strong organization. Certain principles will help you acknowledge that different cultures exist within the organization. As a manager, you have to analyze the reasons for the development of the differences and
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Summary: The Clash of Civilization In Hungtington’s article, he argued that the post-cold war would be marked by civilizational conflict. Human beings, Huntington wrote, are divided along cultural lines — Western, Islamic, Hindu and so on. There is no universal civilization. Instead, there are these cultural blocks, each within its own distinct set of values. The Islamic civilization, he wrote, is the most troublesome. People in the Arab world do not share the general suppositions of the Western
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ASSESSMENT OF CULTURAL SYNERGY ISSUES AFFECTING PRE AND POST M&A INTEGRATION PROCESSES By Drew T. Puissegur Florida Institute of Technology November 2014 Table of Contents Table of Contents List of Tables Table I: Qualitative Pre M&A Questionnaire Assessment Table II: Qualitative Post M&A Questionnaire Assessment Table III: Quantitative M&A Performance Questionnaire Assessment Overview of research question and study objective Theoretical Framework Literature Review Topic I: Cultural Benefits
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Staple here Cultural Intelligence TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction: Culture and Intelligence Defined 3 2. The concept of cultural intelligence 7 3. The effect of Globalisation on CQ 8 4. Aspects of Cultural Intelligence 10 5. Developing and Enhancing Cultural Intelligence 12 6. Profiles of Cultural Intelligence 14 7. Business benefits of Cultural Intelligence 16 8. Conclusion 18 9. References 19 1. Introduction: Culture and Intelligence Defined "Managing and leading
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