Communication and Cultural Differences Essay examples

Submitted By mahfuz11
Words: 661
Pages: 3

Legislation designed to protect the rights of individuals in end of life care applies to own job role

When an individual is at the end of life, usually I am aware due to the documentation that is present.(which is a legal requirement) In my job role I would read and acknowledge the rights and wishes of the individual, including any religious beliefs to ensure they are cared for according to their wishes.

Key points of theories about the emotional and psychological process
Communication is a particularly individual activity which can be affected by a number of different influences.
Cultural differences
Acknowledging and responding to the cultural aspects of a person’s identity and care needs are strategies that are likely to enhance communication. Avoid general assumptions that beliefs about issues such as diet, personal care practices, sleeping arrangements and ‘health’ are shared by all service users.
Language differences
Language is a central feature of any communication process. There is often an assumption in care settings that the language of the dominant culture should be used, which in most cases is English (Hirsch, 2009). Where care professionals are involved, this may also include use of technical health or social care jargon. Avoid using jargon where possible as it can confuse service users who are unfamiliar with the specialist terms

Factors to consider when promoting effective communication

Disabilities: Disabilities such as hearing loss, impaired vision, mobility problems or speech impairment can affect the effective communication. Proper communication method should be known and pre-aware of before communicating the people with disability or different health issues (Lister, 2010).

Cultural Differences: Communication differences can result from differences in culture. In some cultures, children are not allowed to speak in front of adult and some kind of body gesture, eye contact, facial expression and touch are inappropriate (Waneless, 2006).
Environment: Environment is one of the most important factors to consider as well. Ensure the lights, air, temperature, noise, crowd, safe and comfort ability in correct measure before establishing effective communication.

Factors to consider when promoting communication


Location Proximity

Physical Distance Orientation

Body positioning Posture

Behaviour Touch

Type and appropriateness
Are noise and activity levels too high?

Do you need

The better you know a person the closer you are likely to be physically.
Closeness can
Encourage sharing. Leaning forward can communicate that you are interested, but too close might invade ‘body space’ Folded arms can look defensive and discourage communication. Friends and family without realising, often mirror the other person’s posture during conversation, A light touch on a person’s arm or hand can communicate caring and