The potential for violence is inherent Essay example

Submitted By Chandra-McIntyre
Words: 532
Pages: 3

The potential for violence is inherent in every human being. Nature instills this potential for the mere sake of survival. Without it, the human race would likely not exist. By my definition, the killing and slaughtering of other living creatures are violent acts even if only committed for the sake of survival, for food or even as self-defense against a predator. When discussing violent acts of crime, other questions are brought to light and there may be differences of opinion on what constitutes violence in addition to what justifies violence. These are questions of nurture or, more appropriately, culture. Most in our society would consider the slaying of one’s own daughter a criminal act of violence and that the parents responsible are violent people. Would such an act best be attributed to nature or nurture? I believe such an act is violent and both nature and nurture could be contributing factors. In this particular example, the premeditated slaying of one’s daughter may be viewed as justifiable in some cultures and may not even be illegal. Some cultures and religions actually condone such an act and refer to it as an honor killing, where the daughter’s behavior may have shamed her family. I would conclude then, that this act demonstrates the violent behavior inherent in all of us due to nature but also demonstrates the effect cultural influences and one’s upbringing, nurture. I believe that nature has instilled and passes on genetic influences from generation to generation. These genetic tendencies vary among different species and sub-sections of species. If we look at canines, for example. Wolves clearly have different dispositions and tendencies toward violence than does a friendly household pet, a Labrador. These basic tendencies, nature, are a result of breeding and genetic inheritance. However, your friendly Labrador can be made into a violent, aggressive animal if mistreated from a very young age. This clearly demonstrates, to me, the effect of nurture on an animal’s disposition and tendency toward violence despite its natural tendency to be docile. I believe the exact same truth applies to