Should Marijuana Be Legalized? William Moyer EN1420 ITT Technical Institute Mr. Horne Should Marijuana Be Legalized? Marijuana legalization offers an advantage to the United States. Taxation would create much needed revenue just like alcohol and tobacco does for the United States. This taxation would create a quality control over the product. For the first time 52 percent of Americans support legalization of marijuana. (Majority Now Supports Legalizing Marijuana, 2014) Since 1996 over 12
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Tiffany Price GE 252 Should Marijuana Be Legalized For Both Medical and Recreational Use? Marijuana should not be legalized for medical or recreational use. There are about 4.5 million people addicted to marijuana in the United States alone. There are medical reasons why people should not smoke marijuana, also. Smoking marijuana impairs attention, judgment, cognitive functions, coordination, balance, and increases heart rate. Marijuana can be addictive and can impair learning skills and cause
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27/03/2013 Marijuana SHOULD be legalized Did you know according to CBC news, in 2001 Ottawa came up with a solution to end the problems about marijuana? It’s true, “Canada became the first country to adopt a formal system to regulate the medical use of marijuana” [1] According to National Institute on Drug Abuse say that marijuana is a dry mix of green and brown shreds of leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the hemp plant “cannabis sativa”.[2] This drug is used in health purposes. That is
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Should Marijuana Be Legalized? Marsha Gephart Professor Eldridge ENG 111-04 Dec. 2, 2012 Should Marijuana Be Legalized? Originally from Central Asia, cannabis (marijuana) is one of the oldest psychotropic drugs known to humanity (Ben Amar, 2006). According to Ben Amar, in 1839, William O’Shaughnessy, a British physician discovered the analgesic, appetite stimulant, anti-emetic, muscle relaxant, and anti-convulsant properties of cannabis (2006). The question that is raised, though, is whether
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Some people think marijuana should be legalized, and others don’t. Marijuana is the most illegal drug used around the world. It used for patients that have cancer, nausea, poor appetite, and other diseases. In the United States, people believe it would improve their economy, but haven’t you always been fascinated that something our government restricts and makes illegal could in fact save and help many people who suffer and are in need of help for medical reasons such as cancer patients, aids patients
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Marijuana Should Be Legalized. Drugs are a major influential force in our country today. The problem has gotten so out of hand that many options are being considered to control it or solve it. One of the most controversial issues facing our generation is if we should legalize marijuana. Usually, people do not know a great deal about marijuana they just considered it as any other drug. There is one thing people should know is that marijuana is not like the others drugs such as heroine or cocaine
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controversial issues facing our generation is “Should the US legalize marijuana?" Individuals deserve the right to make choices for themselves, the first reason that marijuana should be legal is that there’s no proven reason for it not to be illegal. Marijuana is proven to be a lot less dangerous than some other legal drugs, which are alcohol and tobacco also many doctors agree on the fact that it can reduce the pain of many sicknesses .in addition, if marijuana was legal, and the U.S sold it and placed
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Why marijuana should be legalized Have you ever had a day where everything kept going wrong? A day where you felt like somebody wrote; get on my nerves, on your forehead? Of course you have, everybody has. At times like this wouldn’t you like to go home and unwind, without the fear of breaking the law? According to www.howmarijuanahelps.com proximally, 100 million Americans use marijuana. Seeing as so many people use it and it’s not harmful it will make more sense to legalize it. Marijuana should
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telling him that their boss confronted and fired her after finding marijuana in her desk office. Eric was shocked and extremely disappointed. He refused to comfort his new ex best friend. Sheila had lost a great friend was now unemployed. Was it fair that something harmless that aided an overworked woman in her career was the reason she lost her job and friend? Not only did cannabis (marijuana) calm Sheila, the legalization of marijuana can also solve government issues, and can be used for other important
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Marijuana legalization in the U.S One of the most popular topics in our national news is about the legalization of marijuana in the United States. Some states have already legalized the sell and purchase of this substance not only for medical use but also for recreational use. Many believe that with this doing so, it is a test trial amongst those states to see if the legalization of pot would be a good thing for our country, but what if it does us no good and worsens the nation? Marijuana should
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Should marijuana be legalized in the United States? There has always been a problem with the usage of marijuana and if it should be legalization. People for years have tried to get around the law and sell this drug for money and other things of that kind. Over the last few years the issues of legalization has come up more often. California and New Jersey have both legalized marijuana for medicinal purposes. They are the first of the States to take the stand and legalize marijuana. Other people
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Period 3 Medical Marijuana Since marijuana was discovered, it was smoked to get high and to cope with suffering medical conditions. Scientists are now realizing that marijuana could help in some medical cases. It should be available as a controlled substance. It has been proven by many doctors and health institution that marijuana can be used as a medicine to treat pain and other medical cases. Marijuana has its pros and cons, and to determine whether it should be legal or not, one has to outweigh the other
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DWRI0093-43009 25 February 2014 Marijuana Many people believe that marijuana should be legalized in Texas. According to the NIDA, Marijuana is a substance that has become very much a part of American culture. Its use has been increasing among young people since 2007. The federal government considers marijuana to have no medicinal uses and a high risk for abuse. However, legalizing marijuana in Texas may cause more good than harm. Two states have legalized marijuana for adult recreational use, and
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Marijuana: A Controversial Argument I think marijuana is and will always be a controversial argument. In my opinion marijuana should only be legalized for medical purposes, not for recreational use. As a civilized society we should be thinking about preventing and staying away from drugs that can harm us as individuals and society. It is proven that medical marijuana can be an option to treating tumors and cancers. Also, it is scientifically confirmed that marijuana has anti-cancer properties that
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The Legalization of Marijuana One of the top major controversial issues today is whether or not marijuana should be legalized. Marijuana is one of the top drugs that are used around the world. It may be a drug, but it isn’t the worst out there. Everyone sees marijuana as a real bad drug. Some even see it next to the level of cocaine or crack. There are drugs that are legalized, for example, alcohol and tobacco that have lead people to worst drugs or to death. Marijuana on
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Running head: Legalization in the U.S. 1 Marijuana Issue Mac Evans Friends University Running head: Legalization in the U.S. 2 In most countries, possession and use of cannabis that is also commonly known as marijuana is considered illegal. In fact, it can be noted that for many years, cannabis has been considered to an illegal drug in most countries. Nevertheless, mainly today, some countries have legalized cannabis while other countries have not. Small quantities of cannabis have been
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Many different people have many different views on whether marijuana should be legalized or not. Some say yes and others say no, but some are also confused about the effects that would be created if marijuana was legalized. Here in Corning, New York, the government wants marijuana to be legalized. Let’s discuss why marijuana should be legalized. One thing that most of you would like would be that if weed was legal, less people would be in jail for those types of crimes. Less people means less tax
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Benefits Of Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana is illegal in many parts of the United States, yet there are some states in which it has become legalized. As of 2011, Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington, have made marijuana legal (Walkley, Alison, 199-2012), while on the other hand, there are twelve more states that are pending the legalization of marijuana. One reason marijuana should be legalized is for anyone who
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Legalizing Marijuana Morals and politics are what make up the structure of this country, so when an issue receives mixed responses coming from two different points of views it becomes controversial. The legalization of marijuana is a controversial subject; however, there are many positive arguments to support the idea. For many years people of all ages have been using marijuana mainly for recreational purposes, not knowing that it increases their senses and perhaps even helps cure or prevent disease
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Why Marijuana should be legalized? Cannabis, better known as marijuana, has been in The United States before The United States was an actual country. Since then, many lawmakers have opposed the plant contrary to scientific as well as statistical findings that point to legalization. Current laws and statutes that criminalize marijuana do not dissuade the general public from using it or adequately punish those who do use it. Marijuana should become decriminalized, regulated, and legalized for recreational
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December 2013 Marijuana Legalization In today’s time a big discussion around the United States is if there should be a law legalizing the recreational use of Marijuana. A lot of different people think it is a good idea, and then you have the crowd that does not think it is a good idea. Although in some states it is legal for medical use, it is frowned upon for a nonmedical use. The real question is, should it be legalized in the United States? In this report I describe why it should be legal, but
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Marijuana should be legalized because it would save the government money, it’s medically beneficial, and it’s the right of a citizen to use it. Legalizing marijuana would save the government billions of dollars. “Jeffery Miron suggests that if the government legalized marijuana it would save 7.7 billion dollars annually by not having to enforce the current prohibition on the drug.” “The government could also save 6 billion dollars per year if it taxed marijuana at the same taxed
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Essay Marijuana is a highly used drug that is not good. Many people use the drug thinking it is a positive thing to do when it is far from that. Marijuana causes many problems in someone’s life that could involve school, their family, and more. It is used as a stepping-stone drug and a gateway drug. Marijuana should never be legalized in our country. To start off, marijuana is the most commonly abused illegal drug in the United States and around the world. Many people use marijuana for useless
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Marijuana Legalization Will Benefit the Nation Greatly As soon as the word “drugs” is used, people tend to immediately react negatively. Marijuana has a negative connotation; it is associated with unsubstantiated facts and is even used as a scapegoat for other drug problems. Because of this, many people have an aversion to marijuana, and they are against legalizing it. However, there are good reasons for the sale and use of marijuana. For one, Cannabis has medicinal properties that can help
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They say marijuana is a helpful medicine. They say it makes you calm down and feel good. They also say that it isn’t as dangerous or harmful as alcohol and other drugs. Those are some reasons why they want to legalize marijuana. But are they right? No they are not. Marijuana should stay illegal in the United States because 1if it is legalized, more people will smoke it, causing negative effects on health and families. If marijuana is legalized, people will think smoking marijuana is something
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Alfred Thomas Why Marijuana Should Not Be Legalized Throughout the world a lot of people think marijuana should be legalized. I personally think marijuana shouldn’t be legalized. If they legalize marijuana in New York they’re going to put tax on it. A lot of drug dealers will be upset. Under the controlled substances act of 1970, marijuana is classified as a schedule drug on the basis that it has a high potential for abuse. This means that people who start to use marijuana become hooked and it
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Medical Marijuana In 1972, the United States put marijuana in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act. They believed it had no probable medical use. Since that time 23 states as well as Washington DC have legalizes the use of medical marijuana. The legalization of Marijuana has been an ongoing topic for the past couple of years in the United States. Several different opinions have been made but ultimately it comes down to people who are pro marijuana and those who oppose it. Some argue that
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LEGALIZING MARIJUANA IN THE UNITED STATES Legalizing Marijuana in the United States Breylon Taylor Virginia College, Charleston Abstract The debate of legalizing medicinal marijuana in all fifty United States is very crucial for the lives of Americans suffering with life-threatening illnesses and diseases. Representatives in government are at odds on this matter. Representatives that are for legalizing marijuana recognize that the pros outweigh
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Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized Marijuana should be legalized in every state, why you may ask? It is time to give the right of the people back with their own and personal freedom! Marijuana has never been proven to kill anyone by usage or overdose. Actually, recent studies show that smoking marijuana once or twice a week, or even on a daily basis, may help your lungs in certain breathing conditions. Apparently, it is less addictive than coffees, and the THC toxins in the substance, are less
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Marijuana The Question Up in Smoke The issue of legalizing marijuana is a heated topic of debate. With more citizens using the drug and more money being invested to enforce the laws on marijuana this argument is exploding. Marijuana use has traditionally been frowned upon but with new scientific studies the benefits of the drug can hardly be ignored anymore. Should the U.S. government take the initiative and legalize cannabis or should it still be a denounced part of society unrecognized and
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