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The Practice of Clinical Psychology Worksheet
Answer the following questions. Your response to each question must be at least 150 words in length.
1. What are at least two legal issues associated with clinical psychology? Provide an example of a situation that could be legal but unethical. Explain your response.
There are many legal issues that exist in clinical psychology. Two of these legal issues are maintaining confidentiality and getting written consent to treat. A clinical psychologist is required by law to obtain the patients written consent before treating them or before any Both boundary crossing and violation may come from the therapist or the client (Aravind, Krishnaram, & Thasneem, 2012). When boundaries are observed therapeutic relationships can be effective and positive. When boundaries are crossed or violated the therapeutic relationship can become ineffective and may have an adverse effect on the client. Psychologists can come in danger of violating the code of ethics and can also violate legal standards, especially when boundaries are violated.
4. What are at least two cultural limitations associated with assessment and treatment? In your response, discuss the use or misuse of assessment instruments, therapy techniques, research results, or any other facet of clinical practice that could have potentially harmful, culture-specific implications.
There are many different expectations that may come from a client and their needs can also be different than others in similar situations, this depends on one’s culture. Different cultural needs may limit a client’s treatment and some of the assessments that are used. Clinical psychologists must use understanding and respect when they encounter these limitations and differences. People carry many different cultural values and beliefs, these values and beliefs are referred to as cultural limitations and are associated with the assessments that are