Similarities Between Native Americans And Puritans

Submitted By clsywilkinson
Words: 288
Pages: 2

Literature of the U.S. (21006) Professor Clare Colquitt First journal By Mesut Sirin 08/31/2012 What are the differences and similarities between the Native American tales? How can they be compared to Judaeo-Christian stories of creation? Cultures and peoples all have their own creation myths. Due...
Premium555 Words3 Pages
Native Americans vs Puritans
Native Americans and Puritans Religion was very important to both Native Americans and Puritans even though both were significantly different from one another . Native Americans believed every one was the same no individual was better than the other. Puritans believed that God had chosen a numbered...
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Children in Native American Oral Tradition
Native Americans have long been interested in maintaining cultural traditions they inherited from their ancestors. For Native American tribes with strong oral traditions, the primary sense of history comes from the narratives, stories, and accounts told by tribal elders. Indigenous peoples' stories are...
Premium1835 Words8 PagesLiterature of the U.S. (21006) Professor Clare Colquitt First journal By Mesut Sirin 08/31/2012 What are the differences and similarities between the Native American tales? How can they be compared to Judaeo-Christian stories of creation? Cultures and peoples all have their own creation myths. Due...
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Native Americans vs Puritans
Native Americans and Puritans Religion was very important to both Native