Culture and Child Rearing Essay

Words: 1753
Pages: 8

Culture and Child Rearing Practices The purpose of this paper is to express the different ways culture affects child-rearing practices. Culture and child rearing are both essential in child development. Culture and ethnicity can have a deciding effect on the child-rearing techniques that families implement throughout the world. Differences such as methods of discipline, expectations regarding acceptance of responsibilities and transmission of religious instruction will vary among families. The paper includes interviews from three families from different backgrounds about child-rearing practices. Culture is the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group(Robbins,1997). Child rearing
Muslims believe that children are born with a natural predisposition toward God that exists at birth in all human beings. As their children grew, parents molded and shaped the boys into their dominant beliefs and culture. The father explains that the religion requires them not to consume pork meat or products. The mother states she only purchases fish, turkey and chicken products. The seven-year-old boy states he has never eaten pork and does not plan on it. The mother and father are the primary caregivers for the children. The parents state the children are to conduct themselves in a respectable manner and respect adults and peers. The children are expected to wear clothes that fit and that are not loose and hanging off them. The family also sets a specific time aside every evening before bed to pray together as a family. The family admits this is a very special worship time for them. The Third family consists of single Caucasian women who is pregnant with a child whose half-Caucasian and half African American and she has a four year old daughter. The single mom states she is not with the father of the child but both parents will have an equal say in the rearing of the child. The mother feeds her daughter breakfast every morning before driving her to school. The daughter started wearing uniforms this year to school. The mother states the daughter misses wearing regular clothes