The Importance Of Culture

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Pages: 4

Human brings composed of composed of diverse races, languages and cultures. These aspects of life give distinctive features to particular group of people. When people holding different cultural and linguistic come into contact with each other, then, some interesting things take place and some difficulties also arise especially at work place. The world of today is greatly changed when it is compared to times decades ago. The technological, economical, political and social changes have completely thrown off lifestyle and way of interaction with world (Moran et al, 2014).
Today, the world has become more interactive by technological inventions such as transportation and motivated by the conceptions of globalization, world trade, international

These factors leave their deep impact upon the people and they mold their lives in accordance with cultural designing. People of any particular culture think, behave, communicate, act and almost do everything which reflects the cultural influence upon them (Garrick et al, 2016).
Successful management of these diverse cultures is a key of success and development to ant organization. The term cultural competence is often used to denote the capability and capacity of any individual with multicultural scenarios effectively. Cultural competence calls for wide cultural knowledge and most importantly tolerance and cross cultural skills and strong communication skills. The cultures are of many types and they are different form each other to smaller and to extreme extent. On the larger scale, if it is viewed, there are two cultures the first one is human culture which is shared by every human living on the planet and other culture are local cultures which are shared by particular social group who may have different geographical areas. This is really important to cultural differences and for that basic understanding id essential, it must be noted that the people we are working with may be different and they may interpret differently your words and actions (Bird et al,

As the workplace is the area of working together in a collaborative environment which is all done through communication and interaction with one another. So, in the case when communication barriers arise then, work line and collaborative processes are impacted to large extent. Communication is the first practical difficulty that is to arise in the face of cultural differences. Work line is also affected by cultural differences because when an individual from different culture does not understand or else misunderstand your message then, off course, work schedule is affected to a certain level. It is, again, important, to note that other forms of communication are also affected such as non-verbal communication such as body language, facial expressions, eye movement and so. Body language largely depends upon the cultural background (Bianchi et al,