Log 5 Essay

Submitted By JcayLin
Words: 1373
Pages: 6

CSM 104
Jiarong Lin

☐Analyze and answer in essay format (1 page). Push for depth 1 2 3
☐Use your vocabulary by chapter sheet: use at least 5-10 terms from ch 1-4 in Suderman. Highlight in yellow
☐Use your academic word bank: try using more scholarly vocabulary (5-10 words) Highlight in green
☐Define your key term circle
☐Include all three levels of critical thinking: what, so what, now what. Write each in the margin…show me where they are in your paper. Now what: do you have enough depth…this should be your STRONGEST paragraph. Also consider Bloom and De Bono…have you considered all points of view and demonstrated all levels of critical thinking?
☐SQ4R: plan your writing before you start: scan the chapters for topics, examples, key names, quotes, and examples to use in your writing! This really sets you apart from other students!! (attach with your log).
☐Mindmap: BEFORE you write. Take all items from your SQ4R list and make a mind map. Organize your ideas. Find connections, links, patterns. Consider your strongest points and the areas of weakness in your argument.. (attach with your log)
☐Spell check!!!
☐Have a native English speaker proofread before you hand in!!!


Besides Canada and the US; choose 1 other country you feel represents a mosaic country and one country you feel represents a melting pot country. Using all of the terms and concepts from chapters 1,2,3 and 4 com-are the similarities and differences between the two countries.

As we all known, Canada is a mosaic country where different races and ethnic groups come together with their own characters, whereas America is a melting pot country where many ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups live together and are assimilated into the dominant culture, and I have discussed their different cultural identities. However, there are not only these two pluralistic societies in the world. Countries like Israel, Argentina, Brazil, Australia and others are also pluralistic societies. Then, I would like to discuss the different cultural models, which are constructions of reality that is created, shared and transmitted by members of groups and become a background and guidance for behaviour, between another mosaic country and another melting pot country, Australia and Argentina.
Australia and Argentina are also known as two big immigrant countries, the similarities between these two countries can be found from some objective facts. For example, Australia and Argentina are both in south hemisphere, and the development of both countries being derived from European immigration, a mainly urban population and form of development. In twentieth century, the population of European origin are similar in both countries, with 3.7 million in Australia and 4.7 million in Argentina. In addition, both countries played in the international model of an open economy since the late nineteenth century until the crisis of '30s. Another significant aspect is that they both play equivalent roles in the international context: providing raw materials (commodities) to the world, with very low local participation and strong foreign control, meanwhile importing developed technologies. Nevertheless, the different cultural models between Australia and Argentina contribute to their different attitude towards cultural diversity. Australia adopted a constitutional monarchy with the head of the British Crown as Head of State, with the title of King or Queen of Australia. This allowed Australia to maintain strong ties with England and through it to the Western world, which and its democratic exercise help Australian administrative political stability. Moreover, In Australia many policies support differing cultures and encourage multiculturalism which means the rights of immigrants within mainstream Australia to express their cultural identity. Conversely, Argentina has only recently begun to recognize itself as a multicultural, multiracial society, and the measures of eliminating