not just a place, it is the landscape of my feeling, the photo of my memory, the motivation to moving forward for the sake of my future. It is me. All of us needs a place like that for themselves to fall back to after facing a tough day, where they can be their true selves and show the most of their abilities. That place I feel like being a part of would be my room. My personal space may not be as interesting as it should but it has become a part of my life that I can never go on without. At first
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All of my rooms will have walls made of African Black wood. The floors will be almost as soft as clouds because they will be laced with wool from Merino sheep of the Castille region of Spain. Each room has 48” by 48” windows that has a good view of Palm beach . One of my rooms will be dedicated to my favorite literature. The shelves will be in the middle of the room and filled with novels of subgenres of fiction such youngadult fantasy, magic, sciencefiction, and supernatural thriller, hence the shelves being made of Purple
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McKenna Moede NHS Essay 9/9/13 Throughout my high school career, I have been involved in multiple leadership roles, a plethora of community service opportunities and remained a role model character for my peers, faculty and family. I demonstrate pride through my school on a daily basis and lead by example for our future student body. I have strong morals and live up to the expectations put on me by my respected authority. Becoming a part of NHS would be an honor that I would uphold with respect
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Essay Even though my bedroom and my living room are both under one roof, both are rooms that can be versatile, cozy, and inviting because they are spaces in my home where I have the freedom to create whatever atmosphere that I desire. For example, in my living area, I chose a light beige paint that is soothing and soft on the eyes to cover the walls. In my bedroom, the walls are dressed with an iced-gray blue color that represents calm, serenity, and peacefulness. Both rooms have a versatile arrangement
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Diagnostic Essay I have been to many places that I like. One of my favorite places to be is in my own bedroom. My bedroom has qualities that almost no other place has, which is why I really like it After a long day I always look forward to finally getting to my room and settling down. The three main reasons why my bedroom is my favorite place is because it provides privacy, entertainment, and relaxation. One reason I like my bedroom over other places is that it is the only guaranteed privacy I
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Redecorating my Room Essay For various reasons, I believe we should redecorate my room. Some people may disagree with me because its expensive, but I can help pay for the supplies and tools. However my interests have changed over the years, and it would be nice too see stuff I like around me. Also, the paint is chipped and my dresser is broken. Finally, the most important reason is that I will help redecorate. Consequently, I will argue that redecorating my room benefits in good ways, and will pay
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My Flat (1) We have a nice flat in a new block of flats. Our flat is on the fourth floor.It has all modern conveniences: central heating, gas, electricity, cold and hot water, a lift and a chute to carry rubbish down. There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall in our flat. The living-room is the largest and most comfortable room in the flat. In the middle of the room we have a square-table with six chairs round it. To the right of the dinner-table there is a wall-unit which has several
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up a good portion of my time. And it’s amazing to watch them grow, learn and explore and it’s even better when I can do those things with them. So with that being said I realized my life is my kids. May 4th, 2009 will be a day that I will never forget. It was the day that I gave birth to my beautiful twins, even though they looked like little foreign creatures that you would see on the sci-fi channel show. My first water broke at 8 am and then the contractions started. My mother ran frantically
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Woman" One weekend I went to my grandmamma house, my Grandma lived in a two story house in the small town of Coryville, Missouri. The house was very beautiful, it was white, with a red door, and blue shudders. I think my grandma moved into the house in the late 90's. I loved visiting her but something always put a shiver down my spine. I was staying in the room down the hall, and this room was a special room because not many people stayed in it, it was mainly a guest room. During the first night I
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empty; the room was still and lifeless. The light shone through the window the room was dark. Unable to move, my heart was heavy and my eyes were tired as I tried to grasp the realization of what happened. The room was so quiet it hurt my ears; it felt as if the weight of the world was upon my shoulders. Flashbacks to an old lady lying in bed, calling me “Nurse” ran through my mind over and over until I could not bear to think anymore. I was drain, emotionally and physically exhausted. My body was
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November, 2012 Dream House I’ve always wanted to visit Colorado. My mom went to a women’s conference out there when I was about eight. She brought back these beautiful pictures of mountains and land. She talked about how nice the weather was out there. It seemed so beautiful. Ever since then, I’ve always said “When I grow up I’m going to live in Colorado.” “I want to build my dream house in Colorado”. There are something’s I must have in my future house like: an enormous backyard, it needs a gorgeous
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today that my own independence must occur. Whether it’s me doing my own schoolwork, cooking, or relaxing. No issues will be caused by this. I, Becca need my own time. I need to be able to voice my own opinion and not be told I’m wrong. My own freedom of speech. I demand everyone to follow this declaration. When I am doing my schoolwork, there is to be no interrupting me. Unless it is a true emergency. Most importantly, I am to not be disturbed when I am just trying to relax. I need my own space
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Room 666 The Suicide Room. That's what they called room 666 - as if I didn't have enough to worry about on my first day as a freshman. We had assigned to dorm room 667 which, it turns out, wasn’t one of the nice add-on rooms in the south hall. No, we found ourselves in the older wing of the building on the 6th floor. I wasn’t too bummed out, though; at least they’d honored my request to room with my best friend. Lydia and I spent most of the morning moving ourselves in. By the time our Resident Advisor
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my birth, my parents got a phone call. It started with “I have some good news, and some bad news.” The realtor had called to tell them, that the house was theirs; sadly my parents also had to deal with a car that had smashed into the front porch during the previous night’s liquor store robbery. However, it was soon taken care of, and my parents had their first house. It was a nice sturdy brick house, with three bedrooms. My parents shared a first floor bedroom, with me in one down the hall, and my
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“My number One” Personally, everyone I know has experienced that “Aha!” moment in their life that has changed the way they look at the world. There are so many things that can give a person that feeling of change. Some of the most dramatic I have come across are a soldier’s first moment at war, the harsh reality for a mother that has lost her child, and the experience of falling in love for the first time. I can remember the exact place and time that my view on the world changed. I was a 13 year
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was blaring in the living room as the sounds of war from my husband’s video game echoed through the house. My oldest daughter was peacefully asleep in her room, and I was lying in bed enjoying HGTV when the pain began. It was a sharp, tightening pain in my lower stomach, and it was coming and going in waves. I soon realized I was experiencing contractions. I tried desperately to ignore the pain, thinking maybe it would stop. How could this be? It was two days before my scheduled cesarean section
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Being a nature lover I want my house to build in the middle of plain area surrounded by many trees, garden in front and back yard decorated with fountain, bird feeder and garden sculpture. The architecture I like to prefer wooden walls as exterior and glass interior, shimmering mirrors inside bring the feel of glasshouse. My dream house would include living room, three bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, and swimming pool. The living room will be used for spending time with my family. I like to have a
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I felt like I was in a different world. Moving into a new room knowing you would be living there for most of your time, playing a sport with not having a clue who anyone on the team is, or having new teachers in a classroom, that is a whole new world that I had to conquer. When I first moved into my room I thought it was rather ugly. I didn't even have a nice view. I get to spy on people playing wiffle ball. How is that any fun? My room has white walls with I guess you could call them bricks. The
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and I had to have back surgery to correct my scoliosis. I didn’t want to admit to anyone how terrified I was going into it because I was supposed to be brave. When we got to the hospital at 5 a.m. and I was changing into the white and blue floral hospital gown, the fear hit me like a car crash. It only intensified from there when the nurse started to prep me for the operation. She rolled her hospital cart in and put the IV on the hanger then swabbed my arm with an ice-cold iodine solution. There
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stretching helped me improve my muscular strength by making me more flexible. Every Tuesday was our special stretching we would go out in the football field and start on the 20 yard line and end on the 40 yard line and we would do a series of stretches before we ran our mile. And this helped with my flexibility because I could reach my toes a bit more and now I could do a full backbend without complaining it hurting. Our daily runs helped me with my self esteem because all my mile runs were under ten
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all over the world today. Obviously my AniAnimal Rights Many people would like to think animal cruelty no longer exist, what people fail to realize is that sadly it is still happening all over the world today. Obviously my topic is animal rights..I would like to know what animals in many other countries are being tortured the way that they are. Animals are being skinned alive and having their fur ripped off of their skin then shoved in tiny boxes with no room to move so that their fur re-grows then
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Details: After getting to the airport I suddenly realized I lost my ipad which I just brought at the room. and I was about to aboard in one hour and a half. I went back and ask the receptionist whether he had find a ipad left in my room. Finally I found it. Comments: I am grateful for his help. First of all, He asked me where I might left my ipad and help me to check the room. Then without hesitation, he went with me to check the room. At last we find it enclosed by plastic bag in the maid’s cleaning
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My experience is about how my cousin and I decided to play with black magic; in an attempt summon my father’s soul .Using black magic turns a twisted consequence. It was a typical Saturday night; my mother was baking her delicious cookies. I could smell the melting chocolate in the air. My cousin and I were watching house haunting, we watched an episode were two men and a young lady tried using magic to cure a cancer patient.
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down my hall to see if my mom was still sleeping as she always would be since I woke up before seven almost every day. Instead of seeing my mom peacefully sleeping I saw my step dad and grandma panicking around her. My first thoughts were “what’s wrong with my mom, is she going to be okay?!” My mom was 9 months pregnant. She was due in two weeks from today. My mom was crying I just wanted to help her. I was standing in the doorway frightened by everything that was happening around me. My grandma
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Teliza Henderson Mrs. Hall Interior Design I 14 February 2013 My First Home My first home will be the start of my american dream because it will be the place where I cherish many of my memories with a family. My home will satisfy my physical and psychological needs such as safety, privacy, love and acceptance. My house will be spacious so I can show my creativity and self expression through furniture, decorations, and color. The theme will be like beach vintage theme but with plants and less
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pitched black room I look around to see nothing but something that looks like an outline of a bordered window. I sigh as I try to sit up I groan in pain. It’s coming from my leg I think it’s broken I reach down and feel around my leg to cut myself on something sharp going straight through my leg. I try to cover my screams not knowing where I was. I try and pull the object out of my leg slowly as blood splatters on my face. I scream as I pull the object and begin to cry. I quite my cries as I hear
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month during my back-to-school trip to Ikea. There is a natural order to all that lies in the cart in descending importance from top to bottom. Importance meaning frequency of use. The top trays holds all of my pens and writing utensils, a square metal mesh canister of paperclips, chapstick, my To Do list, gum, keys, hand cream, Advil, scissors, an iPhone charger and a eucalyptus scented candle. All of the things that I am constantly scanning the room for because honestly, I am scattery. My thoughts
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possible. In today’s world, it seems everybody owns a mobile phone, and when people are in public areas, particularly a library, it is a social norm to either put it off or put it in a silent mode. But for my breaching experiment I wanted to break this social norm by going to the library and put my phone on, on full volume and see how people around me would react. Some of the reactions were surprising, but
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at my home; this is a chance for me to escape the stress of my parents and siblings, and enter into a world of peace and quiet. For me, the move was a total success, an enjoyment, and a new place to call home. Living in a dorm has its pros and cons; although the ultimate freedom is finally upon me to a certain extent, I still depend on my parents to supply me with the everyday necessities and the occasional baked goodies, too. The best thing about living in the dorm is that my parents
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Tranquility Do you have a special room in your house where you go to relax? After coming home from a long day of work and school my bathroom is where I lose my thoughts and rejuvenate for the next day. I view my bathroom as my personal spa. Even if it is only for a moment, I enjoy my time in this room. What relax me are the aromas of lavender scented candles that I have around the Jacuzzi and both vanities. The flower smell of bath salts that I poor in to the water makes my nostril dance. I get an alluring
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