Watson Theory Paper

Words: 1720
Pages: 7

Watson's Theory of Caring
Jane Padilla
January 15, 2013
Julie Ann Hankins

This paper will talk about Dr. Jean Watson, her theory background, and will provide the concepts of her theory. Furthermore, I will connect the theory to person, health, nursing, and environment of the caring moment and apply a transpersonal relationship and relate these issues within my Practice, skills and experience. Dr. Jean Watson was born in a small town in West Virginia in 1940s. She began her career as a diploma nurse, and received her baccalaureate in nursing in the 1960s. Dr. Jean continued her education and earned her master’s degree in psychiatric-mental health, and received her doctorate in education in the 1970s. Dr. Jean

She gave me a weak smile, and said “at this point the only thing that runs through my mind is pain medication, to be honest I just want to lay here and do nothing” I held her hand, and sat next to her in silence. Later that morning I offered to arrange and tide up her room, which she was very excited. I cleaned her room with directions from her on how to place things (CP#8), and helped her with medications. She then requested a shower, and I assisted her (CP#9). We spent about two hours talking about different things she wanted to do in life before she got sick. When it was time for me to leave, she asked me if I would come again, and said “Today I felt so alive and well, that I did not have to think about my pain and things that worries me, Please come back and see me again” (CP#2). She thanked me for my help, and I left.
Caring moment As I left the house millions of thoughts were running through my head. I was asking myself all kind of questions about my patient, and how to help her if I get to see her again. I left the house feeling sad on this situation, but was somehow pleased to know that I have made her happy, and gave her some kind of hope even for one day.
Viewing and applying the person, health, nursing and environment according to Watson’s Caring moment theory. “The person is viewed as “a being-in-the-world” and is