Lars. Bianca is a big, big girl! None of this is easy—for any of us—but we do it... Oh! We do it for you! So don't you dare tell me how we don't care. Dagmar Sometimes I get so lonely I forget what day it is, and how to spell my name. Dialogue Lars: I was talking to Bianca, and she was saying that in her culture they have these rites of passages and rituals and ceremonies, and just all kinds of things that, when you do them, go through them, let you know that you're an adult. Doesn't
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Bhagyashree Sood Professor Givant Philosophy 101 25th February 2014 EDUCATION- CAREER OR HAPPINESS The following is a dialogue between Shree and Dolly. One being a practical conscious mind of my personality, whereas the other one my personality of which no one is aware of. These two conscious minds of mine always fight for one question that is what the purpose of education in my life and my family’s life ; is there any importance of my decision for my education and whether I should listen
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I was not able to arrange to be in the chat room in time with a partner. I have completed this assignment on my own. _____________________________________________________________________ Dialogue 1- Myself (As Socrates)- Meno! There you are. I am glad to have found you. I have been itching to have a conversation with you about a subject that has been running through my mind the entire day. Myself (As Meno)- Hello there Socrates. What have you to talk to me about? Socrates- I have been pondering
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Dialogue between Plato and Aristotle Jamie Erwin PHI/105 October 5, 2014 Donald Musacchio Dialogue between Plato and Aristotle In the early morning hours student begin to enter into the auditorium of Plato’s Academy, the first thing they see is the two professors’ down in the front of the room. One of the professors begins to speak to the class. Plato: Good Morning Students! Students: Good Morning Professor! Plato: Many of you may know who I am and then there are those of you that do not. For
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Animism Animism refers to a belief system that focuses on the belief that a living soul is in plants and inanimate objects; essentially everything on the world has a sprit. Typically animistic views are held in traditional and native cultures established well before the creation of structured and organized religion. As these religions become more promenade and powerful eventually animistic religions have been over ruled and are now struggling to continue and to sustain traditional beliefs and
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Amidst an interlude in the fierce struggle for power between the two dominant Greek poleis, Athens and Sparta, the Peloponnesian war, there was unrest. Despite the Peace of Nicias, belligerence between the two states did not cease, but rather took on a new face. While careful to remain within the parameters set several years before in the peace treaty, Athens moved cautiously, but aggressively in establishing alliances, albeit coerced, and strengthening its empire. It was at this juncture that it
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Interfaith dialogue is the Uniting Church values relationships with people of other faiths and cultures and insists the place of interfaith dialogue in creating and sustaining a culture of peace and harmony. Interfaith dialogue occurs across a range of different levels. In 1996 Pope John Paul II held an interfaith prayer service in the Domain in Sydney. In 2001 churches, synagogues and mosques in Sydney held reciprocal visits to pray for peace and express unity. Islam, Judaism and Christianity all
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Trieu Dang BIS 322 Journal Theater for community, conflict and dialogue: Tilt: There are two lines of same number of people standing opposite each other. Count off from 1 to the end. Put the bottle in the middle. Explain they are standing on the edge on the plate. If one person gets called, one person from another line also has to get in. Two people have to balance the bottle in the middle of the plate. Everyone keeps going inside. Zip Zap Zop Everyone makes a circle. One person starts with
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FRIAR LAWRENCE On Thursday, sir? That’s very soon. PARIS That’s how my future father-in-law Capulet wants it, and I’m not dragging my feet. FRIAR LAWRENCE You say you don’t know what the girl thinks. That’s a rocky road to be riding. I don’t like it. PARIS She’s grieving too much over the death of Tybalt. So I haven’t had the chance to talk to her about love. Romantic love doesn’t happen when people are in mourning. Now, sir, her father thinks it’s dangerous that she allows herself
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11th United States History SUMMER READING ASSIGNMENT: DIALOGUE JOURNAL (Project Grade) A good reader summarizes what s/he has read, asks questions of the text, supports what s/he thinks about the text by citing passages from the text, and links what the reader has read to personal experiences and other things the reader has read. A Dialogue Journal helps facilitate this conversation/interaction with the text. 1. Setting up the Dialogue Journal is simple. Divide a page in your journal in two
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21878 Organizational Dialogue University of Technology Sydney Autumn 2014 Assignment Question 2: A range of authors (e.g. Gerard and Ellinor 2001; Isaacs 1993, 1999; Schein 1993; Senge 1995) suggest that dialogue can positively transform organizational cultures. Do you agree with this assessment? Why? Why not? Engage with relevant academic literature in developing your argument. Student Name: Nguyen Vu Hoang Dung Student Number: 11477445 In organization
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also debate what order his major works were written, and if Plato was writing before the execution of Socrates 399 B.C.E. () On the other hand, most agree that Plato’s major works can be divided into three distinct groups, Socratic Dialogues, Middle Period and Later Dialogues. A large majority of scholars also agree that Plato’s earliest works are the most reliable and accurate recordings of Socrates teachings. It is widely accepted amongst scholars that Plato was born between 428-427 B.C.E, to an aristocratic
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Name Professor Class Date Christian and Muslim Relations The relationship between Christians and Muslims is to say the least, longstanding and unfavorable. Furthermore, there have been more bad times than good times. Nevertheless, these two groups of people do share multiple common beliefs. As Christians follow Christianity, Muslims follow Islam. Conflict aside, Christians and Muslims both believe in these core aspects: One God, Jesus Christ, a second coming, and a heaven and hell. The tension
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theatrical form. The Family Instructor’s first seven dialogues are all written in theatrical form: their action takes place entirely in characters’ spoken words, and the characters’ movements and motivations are explained by bracketed statements that look like stage directions. Defoe worked to make the dialogues theatrical, consciously maintaining a distinction between their action and his notes’ analysis. Indeed, in his notes on the First Dialogue, Defoe explains that, “These Notes are not design’d
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symbolic, written, audio and technical codes. In the film Shrek (2001), Audio codes such as dialogue, music and sound effects help us understand and decipher the text as well as setting the mood and atmosphere. Examples of these audio codes are shown throughout the text. Dialogue Dialogue helps us understand the characters and plot as well as give us background information that helps to move the plot along. Dialogue is useful for explaining complex ideas or plot points that aren’t easily shown visually
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found the explanation he spoke of in the Dialogue section of my book. See, I’ve always had the most trouble with dialogue while writing narratives in my past. This assignment allowed me to learn why: one is not supposed to use real talk while writing as it weakens the story. By using dialogue the correct way, I will become able to recall a real conversation without having to give a word for word playback. Narratives are brought to life by way of dialogue, however, over-repetition of words and phrases
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1. The first part of Meno starts off with the initial question of virtue. This section shows that not even Socrates knows about virtue so the dialogue quickly switches to what is virtue. This fits into the next stage because Socrates begins to question Meno on what exactly is virtue. Meno continues to give incorrect answers to Socrates which leads into the next stage. In this stage Meno starts to get frustrated with Socrates continued questioning, so he begins to claim that Socrates is playing
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important comic elements of the play. This can be observed through the varying representations of characters, the film’s lack of contextual jokes, the more prominent sub-plot between Dr Chasuble and Miss Prism, the addition of music and the way in which dialogue, while remaining true to the play, has lost meaning in the film. In the play, Wilde achieves most of his humour through the wonderfully satiric characters, however in the film Parker represents them as being far more
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were once POWs in Mantuk and Belelau are brought together after an interim of fifty years by the making of a documentary on the experiences of POWs. Misto masterfully utilises various threatrical and dramatic techniques of stage directions and dialogue, lighting, sound, symbolism predominantly the reoccurring symbol of the shoe horn and the tobacco tin to portray the tension and discord, and impending resolution between the elderly Bridie and Sheila. Act/Scene | Page number | Technique | Quote
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television show watched 24 hours a day. Truman realises the truth about his world and discovers that he is the main star of a worldwide reality television show viewed by millions every day. The director uses techniques such as sound, camera angles and dialogue in order to express the importance of the event. Sound is a technique that Peter Weir uses in order to make the viewers feel emotion during the film. When Truman hits the wall of the dome the director introduces the ‘Father Kolbe’s Preaching’
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Dialogue is one of the most important factors in driving a narrative, with dialogue the characters can say exactly what their thoughts and feelings are and the audience doesn’t have to try and figure it out. A recent example of a film which uses sound to support why I believe sound is important
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life and embody my greatest attributes in my career. Fr. Rick Malloy touched on several areas during his lecture including reaching out of your own comfort zone, preparing ourselves to be the healers of the world and enabling the use of dialogue. Coming to college for me seemed like one big culture shock. I was now showering with shoes on, sharing a room, and trying to get a complete stranger to eat a meal with me and maybe be my friend. Of course at the time coming out of my comfort
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could be about how hip hop music is a negative social movement or how easy it to get influenced by the message. I give a different viewing angel with the social movements. What We Hear is Meaning Too: Deconstruction, Dialogue, and Music Summary: Schmidt is speaking upon how dialogue changes from culture to culture in the music. They constantly
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Psycho, featuring Janet Leigh and Anthony Perkins, was created in 1960. Hitchcock uses dialogue, costumes and lighting, as well as many other film techniques to thrill the audience and keep them on the edge of their seats from the beginning of the film to the end. Hitchcock had a great ability to tell a story in a terrifying way and haunt the viewers for a long time after their experience with the film. Dialogue plays a very important part in characterisation; in the way the characters are perceived
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Conventions of Drama Most dramas follow similar conventions, or rules, in how they are presented. An understanding of basic dramatic conventions can help you imagine the staging of the performance as you read. You may recognize that drama and fiction share a common set of elements: plot, setting, character, and theme. Acts and Scenes Dramatic plots are divided into acts and scenes, with each scene establishing a different time or place. As in fiction, the plot in a drama introduces interactions
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Politics of the Left). However, it has been said that if the novel did not make readers uncomfortable, then the message Twain wanted to convey about the cruel attitude of society in the 1800s would otherwise be defeated. An example of a piece of dialogue in the novel that could make students or teachers feel this way could include when Huckleberry say “why, he was my nigger, and that was my money. Where is he-I want my nigger” (193). Not only can the presence of the word “nigger” cause discomfort
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and I enjoyed it so much that I would see it again! Describe the way the story was presented. What was the dialogue like? The show’s story was presented through singing, actions, dialogue, and the emotions of the actors. The dialogue was lively; each actor seemed to truly put themselves into post French Revolution France. I felt like I was actually there, in France, because the dialogue was so realistic. A great amount of effort and emotion was put into the dialogue of the show. What was the structure of the story? Was there a simple story or multiple stories
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Spielberg is a must see film about World War profitierOskar Schindler who ended up saving 1100 Jews. Oskar Schindler has made decisions influenced by money, shown by lighting,by a change of personality with camera shota and by the Nazi regime shown with dialogue. Oskar Schindler is influenced by money to make money in the beginning. Steven Spielberg shows the influencing with lighting techniques on the money. The scene at the restaurant near the beginning shows Oskar handing over money to the waiter,
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enthusiastic about studying abroad then before with the incensement of the options. Basically International Study Department in Northeastern offers two kinds of study abroad programs: one is the traditional study abroad program. The other one is Dialogue of Civilizations, which is also the most unique characteristic of the study abroad department in Northeastern. 3: Assessment and Analysis 3.1: Organizational Structure The structure of the Northeastern University International Study Department
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reaction shots, but more through what he says and how he says it. Dialogue is pivotal for this character. It is also shown through lack of expression, costume, accompanying sound and body language. The combination of these cinematic techniques is used to establish and develop this character, examine key ideas and create audience antipathy. Norton’s expressions are minimalist and he conveys meaning through nuance and effective dialogue as opposed to overt, theatrical expression. He is cold, merciless
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