True Love, True Reality
Word Count: 525
“Why do people die?” I thought to myself while sitting in the funeral crying and all “How can someone you love so much just magically be gone.”
“Were all gathered here today to send our respect and in regards to the valuable life ended to soon.” The priest announced to the emotional crowd at the funeral.
As I begin to rest my head down, I hear loud screams from my father. He was hurting mother again, I was kind of use to it. It was kind of like it filled him to impairment her. I hate that about him.
“Were all going to grandma’s for dinner” father said in a very enthusiastic voice.
We arrived to grandma’s house then the grown people begin to talk about such a guy my father is. If only they knew what type of man he really is but I didn’t get involved in their conversation, I knew only trouble would come out of that. We leave and enter the car; the abysmal began again, when it will ever rest.
“Hi darling, how are you all doing?” my grandma said on the phone with my mom, as I pick up the other line and begin to listen.
“Same as any other day, the kids are in the room playing and mister out putting something up for work.” my mother said in a – but – voice.
“Oh well that good. You’re so lucky to have such a man. If only all men were made like him.” grandma said
“I sure am your right. If only all men were made like him…” my mother said in a – voice “He’s back home I’ll call you back later on.” my mother said in a hurry.
“Stop, what are you doing?” my mom said anxious to dad, as Jessica and I peeked over the corner with a fear I’ve never felt.
I hated when dad drunk that nasty drink, we weren’t allowed to drink it they always said it’s only for grown folks. When he drunk that stuff he would have an enormous amount of
Ritual Child Abuse Ritual abuse is as evil as any form of abuse that exists today. Although not as mainstream as it was in the 1980’s to the early 1990’s, ritual abuse is something that should be taught within the schools curriculum. The abusers of innocent children hold no mercy as they psychologically, physically, and emotionally torture their victims to do their bidding. When the victims are finally set free, they are forbidden to talk about what happens to them in fear that they, or their family…
Types of Abuse Physical abuse: Physical abuse is sustained abuse where people are being punched, kicked, beaten, it is anything thing that brings physical harm to others. Signs/symptoms: Where somebody is being physically assaulted either by family, friends, carers or people they live with. The signs could be that they seem to be very withdrawn and scared to talk to people. They could have physical marks on their body, bruises, burns that they can’t or don’t want to explain to others. They…
Elder Abuse February 18, 2014 Elder Abuse Elder abuse is not a new phenomenon. There is evidence of its existence centuries ago. More recent is recognition of elder abuse as a health and social problem. In the United States this first surfaced in the 1950s, but it was not until the 1980s that elder abuse “came of age” as a major concern of older Americans. However, elder abuse is not confined to a single locale. Rather, it is a global problem, found in both developed and developing countries (Antezberger…
Child Abuse: A modern slavery. Abstract: This research paper explores the vast topic of child abuse as a problem solving essay. It first looks at the statistical evidence that prove that child abuse is an important issue in America. Then, after defining and describing each of the four main types of child abuse, the paper focuses on it possible causes. Afterwards, the…
involving internet and technological devices a part of it, making it more dangerous and harder to contain. Cell phones, social media sites, chat rooms, and other forms of technology have allowed bullying to expand into cyberspace. This new form of abuse is known as cyberbullying. Many articles have been written concerning the topic of bullying and cyberbullying. One article is entitled, “Younger children falling victim to online bullying,” by Sandy Banks. This article talks about how a 12 year…
Maram Zughbi EN 102 Feminist Essay 11/11/14 Professor Waldeyer Women abuse Historically, women were mistreated, and identified as maids. Women couldn’t vote, work, go to school, etc. Basically women had no life, they depended mostly on men. To men, women were just like any piece of furniture in the house. Part of the traditions they had was that the man is…
74, No. 5, 920 –929 Copyright 2006 by the American Psychological Association 0022-006X/06/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/0022-006X.74.5.920 The Effects of Forgiveness Therapy on Depression, Anxiety, and Posttraumatic Stress for Women After Spousal Emotional Abuse Gayle L. Reed and Robert D. Enright University of Wisconsin—Madison Emotionally abused women experience negative psychological outcomes long after the abusive spousal relationship has ended. This study compares forgiveness therapy (FT) with an alternative…
Jorge Trevino PSY 301 Pennebaker and Gosling 6 December 2013 Child Abuse One of the most highly debated, controversial, and talked about issues not just in the United States, but in the entire world is that of child abuse. Child abuse is described as “the behavior that causes significant harm to a child” (Stalker, 35). This harm that is done to the child can be sexual, physical, psychological, or emotional. Child abuse is also described as “the series of acts of omission by a parent or caregiver…
Interviewing for Child Sexual Abuse 1. Interview- Meeting with another person to converse, question or consult. Interrogation- The questioning of a person, that may have information about a certain subject. 2. Forensic means the steps of a scientific method and techniques to the investigation of crime that has been taken place. 3. Documentation is important because it helps answer questions. Pertinent information is documented in order to go back to use in a court case if needed. 4. “Setting…
Child abuse 1. Child abuse is more than bruises or broken bones. Not all child abuse is as obvious. Ignoring children’s needs, putting them in unsupervised, dangerous situations, or making a child feel worthless or stupid are also forms of child abuse. Regardless of the type of child abuse, the result is serious emotional harm. 2. Children are suffering from a hidden epidemic of child abuse and neglect. Every year 3.3 million reports of child abuse are made in the United States involving nearly…