As tears continued to drop down my face I quietly said a quick prayer. This could ruin my career. My life. Me. But I’m doing this, I’m really doing this. There is definitely no turning back now.
Since the 3rd grade I’ve had knee problems. My diagnosis? An unstable kneecap. Nothing fancy like Tibia Shifting or Meniscal Lateral Movement, I simply had an unstable kneecap. This meant that my knee cap could pop out of its socket whenever it felt like it, and it did. It all started in the 3rd grade when I was on the dance team. I was rehearsing at my coach’s house with two other dance-mates of mine. I went to go for a spin and BOOM! There it went. Everything fell silent and I of course fell to the ground. Next all I heard, outside of me screaming, was “Alexis, are you ok?” “Alexis, what happened?” It was said so much that it sounded as if it was on a record player. That pain was excruciating and my scream was unbearable. After that day though, it became normal for my kneecap to dislocate. Sometimes partially, most of the time fully. In 5th grade I fell in love with the game of basketball and it got worse. It followed me all the way into high school.
You would think someone that has had multiple, painful occurrences like me would eventually go to a doctor, well I did. But not one doctor wanted to operate on me because I was “too young”. I’m not going to name any names (Dr. Ellis, Dr. Bauscher, and Dr. Jacks) but to me that was bullshit. They basically told me you’re just going to have to go through this until you’re 18. I needed someone new, someone that could tell me what I wanted to hear. That’s when I met Dr. Carter.
He worked at Norton Orthopedic Specialists and told everything I wanted to hear in one sentence. “We’re going to have to do surgery, when do you want to do it?” So I said, “Tomorrow?” Of course that didn’t happen, but it at least I knew it would be soon. So he told me what he was going to do, which was a Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy with a MPFL Reconstruction. This was to be done at 6 in the morning. That part got me a little bit. I had about 5 seconds of paralysis, but I eventually came to. I was right about it being soon. As soon as February 15, 2012.
The night before. There were so many emotions flowing through my body and so many thoughts dancing in my head. Anxiety, denial, excitement, impatience just to name a few out of like five thousand. I had this huge packet that had instructions for me to follow on it. It said things like I couldn’t eat after 12 and I had to take a shower the night before with this yellowish soap that acted as colored water because it didn’t create bubbles or anything, it was just there. All I could think about in that shower was what kind of soap doesn’t fizz up? After my shower the instruction said to go lay clean sheets on the bed, put clean pajamas on, and then without actually saying it, it said take my ass to bed. So, I didn’t. I’m such a rebel. I also ate until 11:59 just to be a smartass. I’m such a rebel. When I finally layed down I unexpectedly slept like a baby, after 5 hours of just sitting there thinking. Thinking about what life would be like if something goes wrong? You really thought it was going to be that easy to go to sleep?
After getting about 1 hour of sleep, my mom awoke me at 4 to continue on with the instructions from the 10 page instruction packet. I had to take a second shower with that awful soap and then get dressed to go to the hospital. I barely blinked on our way there. My mom didn’t say a word either, we just rode in silence. No radio, no phone calls, nothing. Just complete and utter silence.
When we got there I had to check in with a lady at the front desk. She asked for so much information you would have thought I had never scheduled for a surgery ahead of time. She asked for my age, my name, my SSN, my blood type, if I peed that morning, if I had any pets, if my pets were sleep, if I loved goats. Well maybe not the goat part, or the pet part but it
Lesson One Objectives After completing Lesson 1, you should be able to: 1. What is a business? A profit seeking activity that provides goods and services that satisfy customer needs. 2. Identify four key social and economic roles that businesses serve 1. Provide Society with necessities 2. Provide people with jobs and a means to prosper 3. Pay taxes that are used by government to provide services for its citizens 4. Reinvest their profits in the economy;…
of more then one attributes. Natural Keys - A key that naturally occurs in the attributes of an entity, such as a student ID or a course name. Surrogate Key - A key that naturally occurs in the attributes of an entity, such as a student ID or a course name. Composite Key - A key that naturally occurs in the attributes of an entity, such as a student ID or a course name. A Report - Output of summary material from data. Work Shadowing - The act of following someone, as he or she performs the…
Ch9 laminitis * Laminae- attachment hoof wall and p3 * Laminitis- inflamatory process within laminae * Opposite pg 142 normal anatomy * 3 stages development: developmental, acute, acute chronic * laminitis- carbobhydrate overload, depending on type of carb quicker onset etc grain corn especially * get a change in bacteria of the gut, gram negatives are ecoli, they stain red, gram positive stains blue * past small intestine, in colon * bacteria normally there to help…
Answer the Following Questions: 1. The transfer of tissue or an organ between two people who are not related is called? ANSWER: Allotransplantation 2. How would aspiration of urine from the bladder be accomplished? ANSWER: By means of needle, trocar, or ultracatheter 3. A collection of structures that suspends the testes in the scrotum is called? ANSWER: Spermatic Cord 4. What is it called when an egg from the female is withdrawn and fertilized with sperm in a laboratory for 2 to 3 days…
mutual dependency.” (pg. 7 of ‘Being Sociological’) According to Peter Berger, the fascination of sociology “lies in the fact that its perspective makes us see in a new light the very world in which we have lived all our lives.” Lecture 1: Course Introduction • SHiP - • CAGES - Structure (Structure of society) History (Historical events that influence individuals) i Power (Ability to control one’s own life or the lives of others’. Class Age Gender Ethnicity Sexuality…
Anatomy & Physiology Notes: 1/25/13 Endocrine System: - Several levels of regulation - Local control: local groups of cells will be affected - Neural control: nervous system, large change, precise target - Hormonal control: longer term, less pin point, endocrine system. Hormones may: Stimulate the synthesis of new enzymes or other protein’s, by activating gene transcription Increase or decrease rate of protein synthesis already taking place. Alter function of an enzyme by turning it…
Business Strategy Study Guide Chapter 1 A. 3 central questions in strategy a. Where are we now? i. What is the company current situation 1. Current financial performance 2. Market standing 3. Competitive resources & capabilities 4. Competitive weakness 5. Changing industry conditions b. Where do we want to go from here i. What are you satisfying now and what should you do in the future? 1. What buyer need to try to satisfy 2. Which growth opportunities to emphasize 3. How to change…
IXgw7HYjOat2FZn O d y T j 9Qi C u @ Z t .Id Az Ca1OmEdCcIj4VxIlAe@e EkQwcRGp@ji A l HuU 8fM 8hWIz( ((q(())8)k))5h6i,,9,n,,- -A-v--..L...//Z///050l0011J11122c223 1_Sa._._AAMC. VEWmyV Uu.shoUZK_OSoYkOgVcFm5ulsgMV2Y UmvqRmZiV9g IXgw7HYjOat2FZn O d y T j 9Qi C u @ Z t .Id Az Ca1OmEdCcIj4VxIlAe@e EkQwcRGp@ji A l HuU 8fM 8hWIz( ((q(())8)k))5h6i,,9,n,,- -A-v--..L...//Z///050l0011J11122c223 1_Sa._._AAMC. VEWmyV…
College of The Desert Course Syllabus Semester: Spring 2014 Course: Emergency Medical Technician EMT 084 Section 6171 Prerequisites: Eng 50 Advisory: Human Anatomy and Physiology; Basic Arrhythmias; Medical Terminology; Computer Keyboarding Course Description: This course prepares the student to successfully complete the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technician test as required for certification by the State of California…
• Charge Q (C); Current I (A); Voltage V (V) • Power P (W) • Reference directions • Basic concepts (1) Form of Energy ‘ • lnterco lJfl of electrical elements using conducting wires • Used i ‘erous electrical systems (often with other non electrIc& systems), to accomplish different tasks • Circuit A ayss understand circuit behaviour, interactv between elements, system response, etc. Electric& ircuits Laws eri rIations that govern fundamentals, uses, and convers’ n…