Essay about Unit 3 Psychology Emotional Intelligence
Submitted By skyjasmin
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Pages: 5
Unit 3 Individual Project
American InterContinental University
Unit 3 Individual Project Emotional intelligence is being able to relate and identify emotions, this includes our understanding and knowledge of others emotions as well as our own. Emotional intelligence is also used daily to evaluate and understand feelings of co-workers, friends, and family. These abilities are the basic stepping stones to relate to emotions of yourself as well as emotions of everyone which you are surrounded by in everyday situations. (Goleman, 2014)
Emotional intelligence is divided into four branches of skills. The first branch is known as perceiving emotion. This is when emotions are sensed and identified. These are non-verbal, which can include facial expressions and body language. The second branch of emotional intelligence is using emotions to facilitate thought. This is where emotions guide the cognitive system to promote the emotions used for thinking, judgment, as well as problem solving. The third branch of emotional intelligence understanding emotions. This is being able to understand all aspects of feelings. The fourth branch of emotional intelligence is managing emotions. An important branch, this is when regulation of emotions is put into place.
For this assignment, I was provided with the task of taking an emotional intelligence test. They provided two emotional intelligence tests to choose from. Before this assignment, I wasn’t even aware of emotional intelligence, needless to say an emotional intelligence test. I did not know these test existed, nor what to expect. I was excited to see how I would score, and to find out how my skills were. The first test was long; it had well over 125 questions. The questions caught me off guard. They were more self-focused, rather than about my interactions with others. I actually thought the test would have been opposite, with questions about my interactions with others. The questions on the test touched on several topics. One question asked if I liked new things. Some questions even tested on my capability of recognizing facial expressions, which from the pictures they provided weren’t very clear; however, in my day to day life I can easily read and understand facial expressions. Another question asked if I was stubborn, that’s a good one. If you ask me, I would say that I am not stubborn; however, you ask my family, they may beg to differ. I tend to think as myself as independent and determined, not stubborn. One question pertained to if I was capable of motivating myself. Luckily, I am a very motivated person, so this has never been a problem for me. There was one question which I thought was particularly odd and misplaced. The question that was asked, have you ever thought of ending your life? That is the only question which I didn’t see actually fitting into the test. All the other questions seamed to evaluate strengths and weaknesses. 146 questions later, I received my results, basically they stated that I am moderately skilled in my abilities to identify, perceive, and express emotions, this includes in myself, as well as others. (Queendom, 2014) The test results also stated that I have room to grow, with areas of ability to relate to the emotions of myself. (Queendom, 2014) I feel the test was accurate on rating me, I feel there is always room for growth in everything we do, and so I will take what I learned and apply it. I was so intrigued by the first test; I also decided to take the second optional test as well. This was a much shorter test. I received almost the same results. I must say one of the most amazing things this test was able to describe me, how I always put others first, in front of my needs. I thought it was truly interesting that a test can get to those results and be spot on.
Emotional Intelligence is important for several different reasons. These are the basis
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