when I was 18, and after 2 years of helping my parent to take care of my grandmother, she passed away, couple a days after her funeral we decided that it was time to clean her room.
Finally it was time for me to discover what was in the most guarded armoires in that house, I clearly remember that it was a bittersweet moment, sweet because finally, after so many year of wondering what was inside and why they were locked all the time, and bitter because I was about to touch such a precious possessions without her, but she was definitely in every corner of the room, her smell was so impregnated In every item.
While pulling al kind of things out, suddenly I see a clear plastic bag with a picture;
I took the bag and inside was my dads picture and his first pair of shoes; they were little white silk shoes that we believed that he was wearing while getting baptized. Since that day, I made them one of my most precious possessions.
They were the first pair of shoes that my super heroe, the wonderful man that I call “PAPITO”, wore. That day it made me realize there was a time he was a fragile baby, and not what he was now my father, my protector, the one I could come with all my problems.
About 20 years ago I took the pair of little white shoe to JC Penney to be dipped in
Bronze , and now they are display in my living room next to my dad’s picture when he was at his
Reuse-a-Shoe program which grinds down worn out athletic shoes and turns them into new places to play. These places are like turf athletic fields, basketball courts, tracks and playgrounds. A bad example would be Starbucks, back in 2004 an allegation against Starbucks said that they do not support U.S. Marine troops and will not directly donate their product to them. Now when this happened I remember my dad and grandfather being very upset because my family supports the Marines and as a result my family…
111 KC 9-12-13 I like to run and exercise in my free time. Recently I purchased a new pair of running shoes to improve my workouts. My previous shoes became worn out and started to hurt my feet. The sneakers I purchased were the Nike Free Run 5.0’s. They were expensive listed at 89.99$ but in mind well worth the purchase. Nike is a very strong company and their advertising does not slack a bit. They started in Oregon as a little running shoe company out of the back of Bill Bowerman’s Car.…
Possibly 3rd As I walked out of the shoe store were shoes were getting fixed, I was trying to decide if I should go to the baker or the grocery shop where I needed potatoes for my mother. I went on ahead to the baker for some pita bread then for my potatoes. I hated going to the grocery store because the clerk is always grumpy, but I had to go. When I arrived I left my shoes next to some wooden racks outside the store. I came in and said “Hello McLovin I need some potatoes.” He didn’t say a word…
Months My heart was racing, my knees were shaking, and my breathing was deep and heavy. Why was I so concerned? For one thing I have never been in this situation before. I glanced over at my dad, and then smiling thinking everything would be okay. My dad responded with a comforting smile telling me that everything will be okay. I returned my attention to the doctor. “Anton, how did this happen?” asked the doctor. “I was playing with my new Christmas gift, Heely’s, a new shoe/skate and…
nature of her father towards her. In the very first stanza she refers to her father as a black shoe and to herself as Earwood !2 a foot that was in the shoe “For thirty years” (Plath). When a foot is in a shoe it is not in its naturally free state of being naked, and the foot being in the shoe for thirty years is certainly not natural and will cause a great deal of frustration for this person.“…black shoe In which I have lived like a foot, For thirty years, poor and white, Barely daring to breathe…
Jan-22-1935 Hello, my name is Albert Hugo. I am 16 years old. I am in eight grades about to go to high school. I have four members in my family including my self. My four family members is my dad, mom, brother and my self. My dad name is Louis Hugo, my brother name is Franco Hugo and my mom name is Emilie Hugo. I live in Clermont-Ferrand in France. I speak French. I had a hard day at ecole (school). Some enfant (kid) was trying to bully me today at ecole (school). I saw my dad and he was buying fruits…
The most interesting thing for kids is indoor play yard constructed of soft foam material. It consisting of a grand entrance facade, climbers, slides, tunnels, a play wall, shoe keepers and parent seating. Across from where I sat was the carousel. When it would start up a slight breeze would hit me lightly lifting my hair. You can hear the sound of the carousel going around and around, playing the typical amusement park music, making you feel like you're at the fair. The carousel sparkles…
with without having any worries. I asked my parents what their dream for me was and it was a lot similar to the American Dream that I had. They planned for me to be successful and be the best at whatever career I pursue and be the best at it. My American Dream is somewhat similar to the typical American Dream but a lot different. My American Dream is to be very successful, be the best Aerospace Engineer in the world. Being able to provide for ALL of my family and to be able to get anything that…
Violated Social Norm My social norm was a day at work for me. I currently work at Verizon Wireless as sales consultants. We have a dress code which is, dress shoes, either black or dark blue, casual button down shirt with a tie, name badge which you wear on your left said. Today I decided to do things a little different instead of the black or brown dress shoes I decided to wear my new pair of nike Foamposite which wear pink and black, that came out the day before which wear now sold…
because of its depth and seriousness. This poem is a rumination of the narrators experience and a deep examination of the tensions, possibilities, and coats of a difficult situation, meeting his biological father for the first time. Hayes’ biological dad, Butch, was not a father figure in Hayes’ life and he expresses many emotions throughout this poem dealing with their first gathering. The style of this poem is called Pecha Kucha, which is presented in a way where Terrance Hayes sets up twenty different…