External factors can again effect a child’s development. Assessment for Learning:! - Checking for understandaing of L.O! - Through observation! - Q&A (key questions)! - Peer Assessment (what did they do well/what could they have done better?)! - Tactics board (show movement/positioning)! ! SessionStructure:! - Teacher Led; Intro, warm up activity, explanation of session, technical practise! - Student Led; Learning to participate through skill practise & game! - Teacher Led; Adaptations, modelling, challenges! ! Plenary:! - Session recap, Key questions, AFL, Show what you've learned, Buzz words, PRF! External factors can again effect a child’s development.External factors can again effect a child’s development.Learning Objective:! - Key components when defending 1v1/2v2 situations! Engagement:! - Ball Each, Individual/Small group tasks, FUN, Interactive! ! Success Criteria:! - Win the ball, Delay attack, Stopped shot/cross/pass, Interceptions, Scored a goal.! ! Key Coaching points:! - Decision making (when to press/win it how, who)! - Angle of approach/Distances, weaker/stronger side, where is the threat! - Body position, Balance, Patience! Ddkkdldkdkddkd a.Explain how a learning support practitioner may contribute to the planning, delivery and review of learning activities As a teaching assistant it is important that I am actively involved in the planning stages. I need to know what the focus will be on for the term, this is done by having a discussion with the class teacher and also with other teachers and assistants that are also doing the same topic with the same aged children. By doing this we can share ideas and suggestions. During this meeting we would discuss the curriculum and the department’s goals for the future, the desired outcomes and the range of activities and styles that could be used to promote the learning outcomes. In an informal discussion between myself and the class teacher we would determine our roles throughout the activities, what teaching styles will be used to match the needs of the individual children or groups. Discussing the individual children and preparing to provide additional support ensuring all needs are met, any barriers that may become apparent during the lesson can be overcome without fuss. Having discussed the activities beforehand gives me the opportunity to explore the activity ensuring that I am confident in using the materials, to familiarise myself with new equipment, making sure that it is age appropriate and that it can be adapted and made simpler for the pupils that may need extra support and help. Having discussed what activities we would be doing in the class room it is then my responsibility to prepare the class room ready, this would be done either before the children arrive or when the class teacher gathers the children on the carpet area where she will discuss the activity with them, what it involves and what is expected of them. An example of this would be the children painting a St David’s Picture for a competition. I would need to prepare enough paint, brushes... a.Explain how a learning support practitioner may contribute to the planning, delivery and review of learning activities As a teaching assistant it is important that I am actively involved in the planning stages. I need to know what the focus will be on for the term, this is done by having a discussion with the class teacher and also with other teachers and assistants that are also doing the same topic with the same aged children. By doing this we can share ideas and suggestions. During this meeting we would discuss the curriculum and the department’s goals for the future, the desired outcomes and the range of activities and styles that could be used to promote the learning outcomes. In an informal discussion between myself and the class teacher we would determine our roles throughout the activities, what teaching styles will be used to match the needs of the individual children or groups. Discussing the
Assessment Criteria 2.4 Explain how positive changes to the communication environment can support communication development for children and young people with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties. There are many positive changes to the communication environment which can be made to support the communication development of children with BSED, and some have already been outlined in Assessment 2.2 and 2.3. Other positive changes may include using visual support in the form of picture…
Emotional Intelligence vs. I.Q Emotional Intelligence is Important to Managing your own behavior and self control. It is also important into the way you handle yourself in social situations and making very important decisions in your life. Emotional Intelligence explains a fundamental element of your behavior. Emotional intelligence is a skill that can change throughout your life. It is a skill that you can either get better at or never make any progress. In life emotional intelligence…
Expalin The 5 Broad Social And Emotional Aspects Of Learning Question 1: Explain the five broad social and emotional aspects of learning: self-awareness: this enables to children understand themselves, how they learn best and when and how they communicate and relate to other children or adults, they can understand what they are feeling and why they are feeling these things and what they are thinking. When a child has self-awareness they know: when to see when they maybe cannot achieve something…
professional life. The word “Emotional intelligence” had become popular since last two decades when Daniel Goleman’s book on Emotional Intelligence became bestselling book around the world. Emotional intelligence is person’s ability to perceive, understand, use and manage emotions of oneself and others. Emotional Quotient determines one’s level of Emotional Intelligence by a taking test. Leadership is…
understanding the cause of a pupil’s Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties essential to establishing a successful intervention within a mainstream school? The last sixty years have seen considerable changes in the education of pupils with special learning needs. An estimated 1.7 million pupils in the United Kingdom have special educational needs (SEN) (Russell, 2003), however vast improvements for children with special needs, including those with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties…
Technology Leading to Social Isolation Technology Leading to Social Isolation Imagine walking down the street, listening to your iPod, texting on your cellphone or reading books on your tablet. Do you actually look up long enough to notice other people around you? In most situations no, you are oblivious to what other people are doing around you because you are so involved in your social media connections. When you are at home, work or school how often do you get involved with your social media? Take a…
Child Development: Social and Emotional Development Child Development - Social and Emotional Development Introduction: As we grow older we change; these changes are most visible during infancy and childhood. From birth, babies grow larger and show noticeable development in both their social and intellectual competence. The study of age-related changes in human behaviour is referred to as developmental psychology. Child development refers to the psychological and biological changes that…
Infants One Month! Physical Development ● ● ● Lifts head and turns it from one side to the other when placed on stomach Focuses on objects from about 10 inches to up to three feet away Reacts to parents voice Emotional Development ● ● Interest sadness Social Development ● ● Coos and babbles May cry a lot, but quiets down at sight of caregiver face or sound of voice, or when lifted or touched Intellectual Development ● ● ● Makes eye contact Prefers faces to objects…
Health and Social AO1 Definition of health comes from two main sources, the professional definition from nurses, doctors and health care professionals and the lay definitions from the ordinary people in the street. Both definitions are vital as it helps people see health from two different perspectives. Health and Well-being Health comes from two main sources, the specialized definition from nurses, doctors and health care professionals also from just ordinary people. Health and Well- being can…
A child development chart can help me understand the sequence, rate and development milestones children and young people are supposed to follow. It is important to know these when it comes to monitoring children or young people’s needs during their school years. It will also help break down development into sections, these are, physical, intellectual, language, emotional and social (P.I.L.E.S). The sequence of child development is the same for most children, but what often changes is the rate in…