a fractured hip. Miss A was discharged from hospital back home with the care of District Nurse visiting her once per week. I am at Miss A for her morning visit, she has a key-code, so I take the key and afer entering in house I put my gloves and apron, I open the curtains then proceed to the bedroom to wake Miss A up becouse she still asleep at my arrival. Before to assist out of bed, I ask her how she feel in this morning and if she sleep well last night, after a bit chat, I help
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Planning Calendar January 2013 * Monday (January 28) * Dishes (Must be rinsed, washed in dishwasher, put away) * Garbage (does the bag need replacing? if so, replace and take trash to barrel) * Bed (bed must be made before leaving for school) * Clean Bathroom's (Both bathrooms, toilets, floors, sink, etc.) * Tuesday (January 29) * Bed (bed must be made before leaving for school) * Clean Bedroom (100% clean) * Kitty Litter (Remove clumps, replace
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Notes on Dementia: Tips on how to prevent and respond to behaviour problems continued,,,,,,,,, Always ensure that you adhere to your companies dress code and ensure that you wear nothing that may be visible and easy to grab Speak gently and in a matter of fact manner. If the person is attacking someone else you must talk to them through the separation, telling them why you are doing this and where you are taking them. A raised voice or forceful tone may only add to the situation. Alternatively
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allowed to take on the plane. I have ever travel with Ryanair but I traveled a lot with Wizzair (another European low-cost carrier) and I happened to pay as much for the carry-on luggage as for the ticket; so the fares are extremely high and one has to pay both ways fot the luggage. b) Charging for toilets on board – I am not sure exactly how they want to apply this idea (does one need to pay extra for the ticket in airplane with more toilets or does one have to pay on-board when using the toilet?). Taking
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Out come Ass Crit Date of activity and title: Supporting Children Experiencing Transitions and Significant Events in The Early Years Sector. AG A child's life today is so much more hectic than ever before, it is our job to provide support and care to each and every child, understanding that all children are unique. Transitions are milestone events and have a definite effect on their development, some positive and others negative. Children with positive relationships during periods of transition
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has been shown that they lack mental capacity. This is to promote person centred care empowerment and active participation. It should never have to fit in with the carer or the manager’s decision. It should suit to the individual. Individuals should be allowed and supported to make their own choices and decisions. This shows respect by preserving the individual’s dignity and individuality. 3.6 Describe how and why the ability of an individual with dementia to make decisions fluctuate.
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individuals in accordance with their plan of care Regina has been delegated the job of caring for Albert. Albert has Alzheimer’s disease, a type of dementia that makes him forgetful. Albert also has painful arthritis, which means he has to be supported in moving from his bed to a chair, and from the chair to the toilet or bathroom. Before Regina works with Albert, she looks at his risk assessment, which is in his care fi le along with all the records of his care. There is also a moving and handling risk
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interest and attitudes towards toilet paper. They often have a high living standard, and want to apply this to every form of product, and thus commodity products as well. A higher quality is wanted, and a price for this quality is willingly paid. Elderly people (65+) These people have probably downscaled their home to an apartment but still want to have a high quality living style. Their body is getting older, and is starting to ask for a more personal and higher “taking-care” perspective than it used
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key worker Ensure doors/gates are secure and kept shut. EYFS2012: Staff: child ratios 3.27 Staffing arrangements must meet the needs of all children and ensure their safety. Providers must ensure that children are adequately supervised and decide how to deploy staff to ensure children’s needs are met. Providers must inform parents and/or carers about staff deployment, and, when relevant and practical, aim to involve them in these decisions. Children must usually be within sight and hearing of staff
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child care setting have to follow the law under the UN convention on the right of the Child. Statutory guidance is a legal requirement stating the provider must take necessary steps for Safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare. This is all about child protection and the provider must have policies in place and have a named Child protection officer who attends meetings. Must also promote the good health of the children, take necessary steps to prevent the spread of infection and take appropriate
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certain rules to make sure everyone in that place of work is safe. It also means they have to be careful that there are no risks of injury to anyone. As an early years practitioner you have a key responsibility for the safety of the children in your care. Parents and carers trust you to look after their children. As practitioners, everyone in the childcare setting must know what their health and safety policies in their settings are. The Health and Safety at Work Act states “buildings should be in
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within the setting by perform a risk assessment. The environment and procedures necessary to keep child safe Accident, emergencies and illness often occur in a childcare setting. Practitioners must be able to recognise signs of illness and know how to deal with accidents and emergencies. In this section I shall discuss several different situations which practitioners may need to deal with. Starting with a bump to the head, this is quite a well known accident within a childcare setting as children
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strategies are required to ensure that people who use a variety of health and social care services obtain safe and effective care. Effective prevention and control of infection is necessary, and appliance to everyday practice by everyone is essential. The protocols and procedures taken in hospitals to protect staff, patients and visitors from infection represent a major contribution to increased quality of care. Certain infections have the ability to spread to an environment where people susceptible
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Unit 224 Outcome 1 1) Explain how difficulties with continence can affect an individual’s self-esteem, health and their day to day activities. Difficulties with continence can affect an individual’s self-esteem, health and their day to day activities. Incontinence sufferers have been known to lose self-esteem and confidence and even withdraw from their usual circle of friends and family. The fear of being found out can make an individual feel ashamed of their condition. These feelings as a whole
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for care standards. 3 3 Pause Menu Prev Next Question? CQ What is a hoist used for and why? 4 4 Pause Menu Prev Next Hoists Hoists can transfer non-weight-bearing service-user on and off a chairs, beds, baths, toilets or the floor. There are handling aids for a wide range of needs (many are listed in the Disabled Living Foundation guide 1994). 5 5 Pause Menu Prev Next CQ What if a patient refuses to be moved with equipment? Write down the steps that you should take. 6
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2013 Due date: 10th January 2013 Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Health and Social Care Unit 1: Development effective communication in health and social care P4- Explain strategies used in health and social care environment to overcome barriers to effective communication and interpersonal interactions. In this assignment I will be explaining the strategies used in health and social care environments to overcome barriers to effective communication and interpersonal interaction. A barrier
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have well prepared lesson plans prior to the course starting in order to better understand the needs of my learners. I would be mindful of how my room is set up prior to commencement of the course. I would also always keep in mind that everyone learns differently and keep in mind the three types of learners, auditory, visual and kinaesthetic. I would be aware of how well learners are taking on information by their actions and interactions and would make sure my teaching styles were varied enough to incorporate
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Getting Safe Water and Sanitation to the Botttom of the Pyramid through Bold and Game-changing Innovations Accelerating Water.org’s vision by IXL Center As one coconut after another broke open next to shiny new water taps, afternoon air with great festivity. this as representing just a tiny sliver of the one billion people lacking access to safe water and 2.5 billion individuals without basic sanitation. “We need to keep pushing the envelope and look at bigger and bolder solutions that will further
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Julie Bradbury Knowles Court ICO 1 1.1 It is our responsibility as employees to take precautionary measures to help prevent and Control the spread of infection. We must attend all training provided by our employers regarding infection control and prevention. Control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH), Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations (RIDDOR) and Personal protective equipment (PPE). Effective hand washing and wearing the correct PPE when assisting clients
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Before i came here i was living with my uncle Moses and his family in Ajumani Refugee Camp in Uganda. And now i have immigrated to Australia. Today I’m glad to be invited here and give you a speech. I gonna talk about what problem I had faced and how I how I over came the conflict and reaccepted the new life with my mom. Argument 1: When I came to Australia I refused to close to my new family members even the woman who said she was my mom. At that moment, I thought my mum was an enemy. My uncle Moses
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QCF – LEVEL 3 HEALTH & SAFETY Task 1 CYP 3.4 – 1.1 Describe the factors to take into account when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments for children and young people. There are many factors to take into account when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments for children and young people, such as; Indoor Environment * The floors should be even and easily cleaned i.e. no carpets, but a vinyl or lino floor which can be washed and sterilised daily. Reducing
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introduction to working with children E1- Describe three different types of settings which provide care and education for children in your area. This must include one example of the Statutory sector Voluntary sector Private sector Throughout childcare and education there are three sectors, the statutory sector, voluntary sector, and the private sector. The childcare and education market includes all different care settings that are all available to children in England. These include primary schools, nurseries
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by nearby privies and unpenned animals, causing many illnesses. Colonial homes had no bathroom, septic system, or running water. Chamber pots, hidden under beds and inside chests, performed the function of today’s toilets. Slaves would dump the contents of the pots daily. Outdoor toilets of wood or brick, called privies, sometimes had four or more holes for larger families. The waste pits below the privies were normally cleaned by chickens; sometimes slaves would have to shovel out the pits. People
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its hilarious communication via all marketing efforts including social media. Consumers around the globe have the ability to connect with the bear’s personality built through the Twitter account, FaceBook page, YouTube channel and Vine account. As toilet paper can be quite the elastic product, brands have to provide further value. This is where Charmin benefits from the use of social media. Charmin’s Social Media Overview Charmin has created a bond with their thousands of followers by providing
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children taking risks; * Explain risk assessment and how it contributes to a safe environment; * Identify and explain the relevant legal context; and * Offer a framework for managing the above, which includes reflective practice and policies and procedures. What is a safe environment? A safe environment will start with the child and have the following components: 1. The Physical Environment This is the setting where the care is taken place whilst maintain levels of security that
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protection in health and social care The numbers in the bracket after each question relate to the assessment criteria in the standards 1. Define the following types of abuse: (1.1.1) a. physical abuse This doesn’t mean that you have any physical marks on you if you’re the victim, but it is usually a physical act resulting in abuse here are some examples; being pushed or shoved, being slapped, bitten, kicked punched ETC, being denied access to places like the toilet or the ability to wash, and in
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they will face death in matter of days. They also need food and somewhere to sleep. At the same time we have to face how we will be able to help these poor homeless people around san diego county. But if we don’t do anything to help them, “the cost of doing nothing $1,500,00 for 15 chronic homeless (over the next 1.5 years).”(home again), and this is something we need take action soon before it’s too late. We can’t always judge someone by what you hear and assume. Homeless people are
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for four years. I am eternally grateful for the care she has and still is receiving from the nurses and ancillary staff. Mother’s psychosocial behaviors of agitation, memory loss, depression, and psychosis as well as her decreased ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs) such as dressing, eating and toileting without assistance became very frustrating for me. Help was needed from nurses and doctors who were specifically trained to care for her. Upon researching two articles for this
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WHY VIETNAM EDUCATION NEED REFORMING? In today modern’s world, no one can deny the important role of education to young generation who is brimful of energy and take a considerable responsibility of the world’s future. Although Vietnam is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, the quality of student is decreasing in alarming level. The education system has to face with many challenges and serious problems such as: ineffective structure, pragmatic education system, backward equipment and
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from bed into wheelchair. Mrs X is paralised so to transfer her a full body hoist is needed. I had to call for help, it wouldn’t be safe to do this by myself. So while I was waiting for the other carer to arrive I have explained to Mrs X what and how we are going to do it. I have also cheked the hoist and battery if its fully charged and operational. I put right size sling on Mrs X with her cooperation. I carefully manovered hoist close to bed, then I hooked sling onto the hoist with short hooks
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