Essay on Unit 1 Qcf Level 3

Words: 9579
Pages: 39

Unit 1: Understand Child and Young
Person Development
Unit code: CYP Core 3.1
Unit reference number: L/601/1693
QCF level: 3
Credit value: 4

1.1 Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth – 19 years
The sequence of development of a child and young person is divided into five different aspects. They include: Physical, social, communication, intellectual and cognitive, emotional and behavioural and moral development.
Since every child develops at a different rate compared to one another, this is a rough guide to a child’s development and gives general information mainly about the sequence of development.
Physical development:
The physical aspect mainly consists of the development of the motor

Health visitors are more in child development in this age.
3-7 year: Language development is crucial in this stage. From 3 – 5 years of age children learn mostly about basic concepts through play, imaginative and role play. They experiment with colours, shapes and texture. They will be able to name most shapes and colours. Drawn pictures will get more details and increase in sophistication. They can recall simple sequence of events and follow simple instructions. Between the ages of 5 and 7 they become more curious and want to learn about the world around them. The focus however is still quite self-centred, is unable to see the world from a different perspective. They develop interest in reading for themselves and will start writing letters, which develops into being able to read simple books. Their concentration becomes much longer. They start to work with ordering things in sequence from smallest to biggest, count up to a 100 and know half and hole.
7-12 years: In these years the child will be able to think more logically and start being able to see other people’s point of view. The memory has developed and they are able to remember more things. They enjoy number work in maths, supported by real objects. More complex construction activities can be interesting for them e.g. complex Lego or they enjoy board games and other games with rules.
12-16 years: At this stage the adolescents/ young persons are starting to think more abstract and are therefore