Teacher and School Essay

Submitted By Wishuponasrar
Words: 1873
Pages: 8

Anyone who works in a school has a duty of care to ensure that all Health and Safety of the children in the setting, and that all workers and visitors do to.
Everyone needs to be exposed to certain environments to gain knowledge and learn for themselves but everything in the setting must be safe and a healthy place for all to learn and play in.

The Health and Safety at work act 1974 regulations ensure that the relevant Health and Safety of all workers, visitors and children in the school. This act sets out policies and procedure to ensure that regular checks are carried out to prevent accidents and hazards are minimal. Posters are displayed in the school. AN example of a hazard would be coats left on the floor; this could be a trip hazard and can be rectified by picking the coats up when you see them, and encouraging the children to hang their coats up after being used. The reporting of unsafe equipment, the use of protective equipment and awareness of fire drills.
COSHH legislation is the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health. This is a regulation that covers the storage of any hazardous equipment or substances, including chemicals, cleaning materials and dispose of these including bodily fluids. Yellow bins are provided around the school for medical waste. The school subcontracts there cleaning out to an outside company, they have their own cupboard in the school and this is locked, within this cupboard is the cleaning materials and they remove any unused or empty containers themselves. The cupboard displays the COSHH notice inside.
RIDDOR legislation is the Reporting of Injuries and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations. This cover serious accident and injuries needing hospitalization and deaths. These are reported by the Head Teacher to the Health and Safety Officer, who then in turns report to RIDDOR. They may then want to investigate further. This information must be kept for potential use if claims are made against the school.
Toys and equipment in the school must be safe for the use of the children. Toys that have a Lion Mark show that the toy has met the British Safety Standard.
A CE Mark is not a safety mark but shows that the manufacture has met the requirements of the EU legal requirements for toys.
An Age Warning suggest that they toy is for certain age range, some toys are not suitable for 0-3 due to chocking hazard.
British Kite Mark shows that a product has been tested and met the standards set out by the British Standards Institute. Any toys or equipment that the school purchase are from known suppliers who have this mark on their goods.
The Health and Safety Policy in the school is to ensure the school has the correct guidelines for a safe working environment. The Head Teacher and the Governors set out and review the policy. The teachers have the responsibility for the children in school and to ensure that they are safe, the children are supervised from the time of entering the school to the end of the school day. They are watched when playing in the playground to ensure that no child can leave the school premises without an adult. The Head then ensures that the teachers, teaching assistants and other helpers in school are safe in school to. Any issues that may arise within the health and safety of the school are given to the Health and safety officer and who then deals with these.
The school has a Fire Procedure and an Evacuation Procedure in place to ensure that all children, members of staff and visitors are counted for in case of an emergency. Fire exists are marked around the school and they school has weekly fire drills with all in the school to ensure that everyone is made aware of the procedure should a real emergency happen.
First Aid Policy is set out in the school has a number of members of staff that are fully trained to deal with any emergency. Medicines that children need to take either regularly or otherwise are kept in a locked cupboard that a fully trained member of staff can